Grace to Grow: Release Anxiety and Find PurposeSampel

Grace to Grow: Release Anxiety and Find Purpose



Imposter syndrome. Many people who struggle with this phenomenon are high performers. Successful achievers often feel unworthy in their roles and hide their insecurities under masks of confidence. As I was studying this impostor thought process, I scanned mindlessly through another article. I scrolled until one paragraph halted my cursor. This particular author sealed her research with an unconventional statement of grace:

"At the end of the day, remember this: You are here for a reason. In this job, your business, your life, you are worthy. You are better than you think you are. You are smarter than you think you are. You know more than you give yourself credit for. Remember that. And remind yourself as often as you need to."

—Megan Dalia-Camina, “The Reality of Imposter Syndrome,” Psychology Today, September 3, 2018

Impostor thoughts have invaded my mind at times too. What if they find out I’m not really as close to God as they think? What if I pray and it all falls apart? Sometimes I feel like a fraud as I walk into church with a big smile and a heart full of pain. There are mornings when my fears of failure fill my time with God and push out the encouragement of the Holy Spirit. I have felt like God was ready to hurl a lightning bolt at me for my shortcomings.

Feelings of inferiority are partially correct. You and I are not enough on our own. Jesus, however, exceeds all expectations and qualifications. He is more than enough. Yet in his superiority, Jesus chose to exchange his perfect life for ours. He didn’t come only for the Sunday morning, Instagram-filtered, perfectly dressed version of us. No, he got his hands dirty with our darkest days. Scripture says that while we were still sinners, Jesus died for you and me (Romans 5:8). The messed-up, fed-up, broken-up versions of ourselves were on his mind while on the cross. And he has shown up for us every day since. Jesus redeems what has been damaged and makes it better than brand new.

Friend, you are chosen by God. The creator of the universe treasures you. The Holy Spirit dwells inside you. He has set a path before your feet and provides what you need for the journey. Show up and shine today. Jesus in you is more than enough.

Pause to Reflect

  • Some of the most accomplished people in the world have often felt like a fraud.
  • We are incomplete and insufficient on our own.
  • Jesus demonstrated our value to God by exchanging his life for ours on the cross.

Pause to Pray

Father, sometimes I don’t feel like much. There are days when it seems that people will think I’m an impostor. But God, you are everything. Fill my life with your presence and power. Remind me that you’re near when I feel like I’m failing. Because of you, I am enough. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Firman Tuhan, Alkitab

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Grace to Grow: Release Anxiety and Find Purpose

The Christian life isn’t without challenges. It’s easy to wonder, "What if troubles overwhelm me? What if I can’t find my purpose? What if I fail?" Despite the anxieties, God’s abundant grace is always with you. Accepting this undeserved gift equips you to silence the stresses of the day. Through stories and Scripture over seven days Kristel Ward encourages you to let God give you grace to grow.
