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Union with Jesus

I’ve got 3 children, two daughters and a son. I remember years ago my son was having trouble sleeping, just normal stuff and would sit up calling out and wouldn’t settle.

I went into him, and had to dodge the lego on the floor and all the sharp toys sticking up on the floor as I navigated the dark.

I stood by his bed for a bit helping him get back to sleep, it was pitch black. After about 10 mins I could see the Power Rangers sticking up, the puzzle spread across the floor, the lego, and so on. My eyes adjusted to the dark and then I had this sort of ‘oh dear’ moment.

It is possible for us as Christians to get used to living a life without prayer, and that really is a scary thing to think about. I would struggle to understand the bible, and not feel like God was close, speaking into my life in any way. I struggled to feel part of the church community, and it took time, but I realised I had been living, for a long time without prayer, my life had adjusted to a life without prayer. This bible verse was a real wake-up for me.

“Does a young woman forget her jewellery, a bride her wedding ornaments? Yet my people have forgotten me, days without number.” Jeremiah 2:32

That was me!
The good news is, Jesus is available today, right now. You don’t need to wait in queue, join the back of the line. He’s here, available, now!

Devotional Prayer

Reengage today if you have a prayerless life.

Love & seek Jesus, talk to him.

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To build our faith, grow in our relationship with Jesus, and boldly share the good news, we need to set the building blocks of faith in place. Join us as we look at seeking Jesus as a regular rhythm in our lives.
