The Rock on Which It Is Built (S1-E4)Օրինակ

The Rock on Which It Is Built (S1-E4)

ՕՐ 1 4-ից

Follow Me!

Imagine for a moment ...

Jesus - carpenter - is walking by the sea. There He meets Peter and Andrew. They are both fishermen. The carpenter says to the fishermen, "Come after Me and I will make you fishers of men."

Their reaction? They leave everything behind and follow this carpenter - Jesus. Jesus calls James and John. They do the same thing.

What would you do?

Would you follow Him?

When I read this section, I always find it extraordinary how radical it is to follow Jesus. Giving up everything, but also the tremendous vision Jesus gives His followers.

First about that radical...

Peter and Andrew hear Jesus say "Follow Me" and they do it. A simple phrase, but one with huge implications. Peter and Andrew, they leave everything behind and follow Jesus. You read nothing here about restraint, "reservations," reflection time. Talk about radicality.

What did they see in Jesus that made them do this? Was it His voice? Was it His eyes? Was it His teaching? Or had they already seen here something of what Peter would later say, "You are the Christ the Son of the living God."

Whatever it was, their choice was radical. They left everything behind and their lives would never be the same.

And then the vision Jesus gives....

Jesus not only makes the invitation to follow Him, but He adds that He will make them "fishers of men."

Quite a statement to experienced fishermen right? Jesus says something like, "You are fishermen? Well, I will show you a very different form of fishing." Fishing 2.0 so to speak.

"Fishers of men.” Learning to see people as Jesus sees them. Loving them unconditionally. Bringing them the good news by showing them the way to Jesus and the Kingdom.

Questions to think about:

  • Jesus gives a command to Peter and Andrew: "Follow Me." Has He called you, too? Are you following Him?
  • Jesus' command is quite radical. How do you deal with Jesus' radicality?
  • Jesus gives His disciples a new vision. What vision has Jesus given you?


Lord Jesus, Your call to follow sounded then and sounds now. I want to respond to Your command and also follow You. Just like Peter and Andrew. Sometimes I find that difficult, Lord. Will You help me to be faithful? And will You fill me with Your vision? I want to focus on You and Your plans. Amen.

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The Rock on Which It Is Built (S1-E4)

This reading plan takes you through some of the themes that came along in the part of The Chosen. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.
