Leadership: God’s Plan of Success for EntrepreneursՕրինակ

Leadership: God’s Plan of Success for Entrepreneurs

ՕՐ 4 4-ից

What’s the Secret?

In the last readings, we saw that both Abraham and Job were blessed by God with tremendous business success. But why these two men, and what does that mean for God’s blessing on your business today?

From the example of Abraham, we saw the following:   

  • He answered God’s call and called on God.    
  • He believed God’s promises.   
  • He gave others first choice.   
  • He trusted God even when it didn’t make sense.

And, from the example of Job:   

  • He did not accept bad advice.    
  • He asked God the hard questions.   
  • He acknowledged God as supreme.   
  • He knew the power of prayer.   
  • He never gave up.

In addition, the book of Job provides a top 10 list of business principles fundamental to his success.

What about for you? Will following the examples of Abraham and Job lead to your business success? Can success be as simple as following principles offered by the Bible?

The Bible never says that Abraham and Job were blessed because of how they ran their businesses, how they prayed, or even how they honored God. However, the Bible does imply that their behaviors were pleasing to God, and so that is somehow related.

But what does this then mean about God giving you success in your role as entrepreneur? Do the examples of Abraham and Job have anything to say about that?

Not really.

The scriptures presenting the story of Abraham and Job give great insight into how these two men remained in God’s favor, but it never says that these are to be a formula for you to gain God-given business success today. 

In fact, compare the development of their businesses to yours and you’ll see that God orchestrated a wider variety of events in their lives than He may have done for you. You most likely didn’t face famine or lose everything – including your health – en route to your success. 

So then, how did you come to your position of entrepreneurship today? Was it God’s hand of blessing, or was it you working hard to create the opportunity?

And, how can you receive God’s blessing of success on your business like Abraham and Job did?

The answer is in the Bible. 

But it lies beyond the stories of Abraham and Job. 

Find out who God chooses to bless and how that all works in this next set of readings: “Leadership: God’s Promises for Your Success .”

Reflection and application   

  1. Did God really bring you to ownership of your current company, or did you push for it and He allowed it? Does it matter?   
  2. How does the operation of your company compare to that of Abraham and Job? Are there any areas where you need to follow their example more closely?   
  3. Can you see God’s plan for you and your company? What is it and how well are you fulfilling it?
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Leadership: God’s Plan of Success for Entrepreneurs

The Bible is loaded with promises for prosperity and success, and even gives specific examples of this for entrepreneurs. Join us to see how (and why) God gave success to a couple of Old Testament entrepreneurs: Abraham and Job. We’ll see what those case studies reveal about God’s plan for success in business and what that means for you and your company today.
