Waiting WellՕրինակ

Waiting Well

ՕՐ 1 3-ից

You and I do not like to wait! In fact, recently I found myself waiting behind an irate woman upset because she was asked to wait six minutes for her French fries to cook. The audacity! She determined this injustice was personal and verbally abused the young attendant for her incompetence and bigotry before the entire establishment. Berating the innocent worker did not cause her fries to cook faster. She simply chose to wait poorly.

Unfortunately I have personal examples of making the same choice. I have been annoyed with slow moving lines, irritated in traffic, agitated by my children, and accusatory of those who do not seem to understand the importance of my needs being met before theirs. I, too, have behaved badly toward others when asked to wait.

My patience is often tested toward God and His sovereignty to will and work in my life according to His perfect timing. Unfortunately my record in this area can also be found wanting. I have questioned God’s faithfulness, sulking, crying and losing hope that He cares for me. Does God really love me as much as He loves those around me who are not waiting on Him to move? Maybe He is not going to do what He promised? How long must I call out to Him and there be no answer? This waiting causes me to wonder if God is still speaking, skeptical of whether He is ever going to act.

When our waiting causes us to question like this, we are in good company. Hannah finds herself waiting on God to act in her life; and there is no guarantee He will respond to her waiting with what she desires. Instead, Hannah waits in uncertainty and even disgrace; ridiculed and tormented by her rival. However, we see her refrain from going ballistic and faltering in her faith. Instead, Hannah chooses to wait well.

In the heart of her distress, Hannah does what you and I should learn to do. Hannah clings to the Father. When we are asked to wait, instead of losing our patience or abandoning our reliance on God, we should cling to Him.

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Waiting Well

We don’t like to wait. From standing in line at the grocery store to anticipating God to move in our situation, each of us is familiar with the dreaded experience. The question then is not, “Are we going to wait,” but rather, “HOW are we going to wait?” Discover today how to avoid emotional fits of impatience and doubt, and develop a biblical strategy for waiting well.
