Demonstrating God's Love In BusinessՕրինակ

Demonstrating God's Love In Business

ՕՐ 1 4-ից

You Love Because He First Loved You

God is love and everything that He does is motivated by His love for you. His love is intense and extravagant. It is perfect and boundless -- it is without restrictions or conditions. His love cannot increase or decrease for you. It never runs out. His love cannot be any more fervent, heated, or intense than it is right now. This love we’re talking about extends to every person on the planet, and absolutely nothing can separate you from it. That is the love of God. 

Your capacity to love others and to be a demonstrator of God’s passion in the marketplace is directly tied to your capacity to know the love that God has for you. That revelation in your heart will help you to fully trust God to be everything that He says He is, to do everything that He says He will do (or has already done), and also to purify your love so that you’re able to pour lovingly into the lives of others you encounter in your business -- even the people who would ordinarily be hard to love.

The transformation that happens within you as you understand and embrace how great His love is for you will help you see people the way God sees them. It will help you to see past their faults, their idiosyncrasies, rude behavior, or other irritations.  It will help you respond differently and not always take things personally. 

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, the Apostle Paul gives us a hint on how we can demonstrate the love of God in the marketplace:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Each of these is a choice. It is an expression of your will and intention and it can be applied to prospects, customers/clients, employees, and business partners.

Over these next few days we will look at some of the ways you can express God's love through your work.

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Demonstrating God's Love In Business

Kingdom entrepreneurs have the unique opportunity to represent God’s love in the marketplace and minister into the lives of people who may otherwise not encounter the radical love of Jesus Christ. This 4-day reading plan provides scripture and guidance for demonstrating God’s love through the work you do as a business owner.
