Diaspora: People on the Move, God at WorkEgzanp

Diaspora: People on the Move, God at Work

JOU 8 SOU 12

Lesson 8 - Jesus left His home

The beauty of the Bible lies in its ability to unveil profound truths through simple yet poignant narratives. Jesus' incarnation is not just a tale of divine birth but a revelation of love's ultimate sacrifice. The Almighty Creator becoming a sojourner on Earth, leaving the glory of heaven, is an unparalleled blessing for all humanity.

Imagine the splendor of heaven, where Jesus dwelled in perfect unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Yet, for the sake of a fallen world, He chose to embark on a journey that would redefine the destiny of humanity. Jesus stepped into our brokenness as a sojourner in His incarnation to experience our struggles and sorrows firsthand. The Apostle Paul beautifully captures this truth in 2 Corinthians 8:9, reminding us that Jesus, though rich beyond measure, chose poverty so that we might be enriched by His sacrifice.

Becoming a sojourner was not an arbitrary decision but an intentional choice rooted in humility. Jesus' birth in a humble stable and His upbringing as a carpenter's son emphasize that His blessing wasn't through worldly power but love and character, a blessing to all.

Jesus walked among us as a sojourner, sharing our joys and sorrows, bearing burdens, and touching lives. His interactions with the marginalized, the broken, and the lost reflect His heart for humanity. He became a sojourner in geography and the deepest recesses of our lives, understanding our human experiences firsthand.

Jesus' incarnation was not a brief dispersion from heaven but a transformative journey that continues to impact nations across generations. He opened the door for eternal life through His sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection, inviting all to join the faith journey.

As we reflect on Jesus' incarnation as a sojourner, we are invited to embrace the essence of His journey. Just as He left His heavenly home to bless us, we are called to extend blessings to those around us. This includes welcoming the sojourner, the marginalized, and the stranger into our lives with open hearts, just as Jesus embraced us with open arms. For some, it may also mean leaving our homes and comfort to go to those who have never heard about Jesus, his life, death, and resurrection.

The story of Jesus' incarnation reminds us that our Savior is not distant or aloof but intimately acquainted with our humanity. His journey to Earth was a blessing for His time and a gift that continues to bless the nations today. Let us embrace His example in a world that yearns for the transformative touch of the Savior who left His heavenly home to bless us all.

The wise men or Magi in Matthew 2 are on the move looking for the King of the Jews. They had supernatural direction by a star. Today, God is the unseen mover working in Iranians inside Iran and moving many into North American cities where they can freely seek out the truth of Christ.

The final questions for us to consider today are: What, How, and When?

  • What did the first people who met Jesus do in response to meeting him?
  • How does the incarnation of Jesus inform our view of God working through unlikely means?
  • When you see something you don’t understand, how do you respond? Many didn’t understand how God was working in the first century, and they rejected the vehicle of God’s mercy.
  • How do many people respond to migration today?

Jou 7Jou 9

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Diaspora: People on the Move, God at Work

Today, more people are on the move in the global diaspora than ever before. What is God doing in our world today? To better understand, we will look at the word of God through the lens of people on the move and be introduced to unreached people groups in the diaspora and pray for them.
