Diaspora: People on the Move, God at WorkEgzanp

Diaspora: People on the Move, God at Work

JOU 12 SOU 12

Lesson 12 - Our Final Home

The Bible vividly depicts believers as sojourners on earth, eagerly anticipating their ultimate destination—eternity with God. Hebrews 11:16 and passages from Revelation provide a powerful lens through which we can explore the concept of Christians embracing the final move to heaven. In this Bible study, we'll delve into these verses to understand how to live with a heavenly perspective.

Hebrews 11:16 - Desiring a Better Country:

"But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city."

How does this desire for a heavenly home shape our perspective on the temporal nature of this world? How can we keep this desire alive in our hearts amid the distractions of daily life?

Revelation 21:1-5 - The New Heaven and Earth:

Reflect on the imagery of the new heaven and earth. How do these verses capture the fulfillment of our longing for a heavenly home? Think about how this passage can provide hope and comfort in times of difficulty or uncertainty.

Revelation 21:22-27 - The Glory of the Heavenly City:

How does the description of the New Jerusalem emphasize God's presence and the city's radiant nature? How can this description shape our anticipation of God's presence for eternity?

Hebrews 13:14 - Our Real Home:

"For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come."

How does this verse reiterate the message of Hebrews 11:16? What does it mean for our present circumstances to be temporary and fleeting compared to our eternal home? How can this truth influence our decisions, ambitions, and pursuits?

Application: Embracing the Final Move:

Reflect about a time when you found comfort or encouragement in the idea of your heavenly home. How can we encourage one another in our journey towards that home? How does embracing the final move to heaven impact our witness to those around us?

Conclusion: A Glorious Future Awaits:

As we study Hebrews 11:16 and Revelation, we're reminded that as sojourners on earth, our hearts are set on a heavenly homeland—a city prepared by God. Let's live with the knowledge that this final move to our eternal home is the culmination of our faith journey. May our lives reflect the hope and joy of this glorious future as we eagerly embrace the ultimate move into the loving arms of our Heavenly Father.

As we reach the end of this 12-lesson study, you have explored God’s heart for the diaspora. If God has moved you to want to continue to learn, pray, and be equipped to disciple the unreached in our midst, you can continue to learn more by visiting UPGNorthAmerica.com and listening to the Let's Talk Diaspora Podcast.

Jou 11

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Diaspora: People on the Move, God at Work

Today, more people are on the move in the global diaspora than ever before. What is God doing in our world today? To better understand, we will look at the word of God through the lens of people on the move and be introduced to unreached people groups in the diaspora and pray for them.
