Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less ThanEgzanp

Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less Than



Quote of the Day: "God’s plan is always about rescuing others." - NW

Studying the life of Joseph has honestly wrecked me. These real-life lessons from his journey have better prepared me to walk in faithfulness through difficult seasons. I don’t want you to miss any part of this incredible story, so I’m challenging you to go back and really study Genesis chapters 39-45. You won’t believe what happens.

To catch us up to speed I’ll cast a brief overview. Because he was owned as a slave by a high ranking official of Pharaoh, Joseph was thrown in the “Kings” prison after being accused of sexual assault. This isn’t by accident. In fact, where it looks like things have gone horribly wrong; it’s actually an important piece of the plan God is putting together.

Days turned into months, months into years and it seemed as if he would be stuck in this unfair prison forever. A few key lessons stand out to me during his time of waiting.

  • He flourished in the prison. Your life circumstances can be a mess and still you have the opportunity to thrive. God’s favor going before us and his blessing on us is all we need.
  • He continued to work hard and distinguish himself. In his most broken place, after losing everything he still kept his testimony. Others are watching what we go through and how we respond. What do they see?
  • In an instant everything changed. From the lowest of lows to the highest of highs. Nearly 17 years dragged on; full of trouble and pain, and then all of a sudden a miracle happens. No situation is beyond hope. No life too far gone. Timing is everything. There is a greater plan at work we can’t see in the midst of our pain.


Take a step back with me for a moment so we can see this story from a new perspective. Even from the beginning of Joseph’s journey, God saw what was coming. He knew that in 24'ish years a worldwide famine would hit. He was not just looking at the pain of what one man would have to walk through, but what the outcome of his path would produce. Sound similar? Remember Jesus’s story? One man suffering so the world could be saved.

At just the right moment, through strategic long-term positioning, God lifted Joseph up and set him exactly in the right place, at exactly the right time to rescue millions from starvation. This included having the chance to save his family. The very ones who betrayed him. The ones who hated him and were going to kill him…if it wasn’t for Reuben stepping in (I told you they would need him later).

Then, like a scene from a movie; the greatest plot twist ever. Joseph was given the position of second-in-command over all of Egypt. All of a sudden, he had the power. He had money; he had authority. And what do you know; the brothers needed his help. Funny-not-funny thing is, they didn’t recognize Joseph when they came before “pharaoh's second-in-command” to ask for food they desperately needed to keep their families alive.

They had ruined his life.

They were cruel, hateful and unjust.

Years and years wasted because of them. They deserve payback. Every sleepless night in that dark prison was their fault. They took everything from him.

Yet, here they were, bowing before him, begging him for help.

Revenge is ‘oh, so sweet’ they say.

False. Bitterness and revenge are a poison you drink, expecting it to hurt the other person; only it kills you inside instead.

When you have the choice to forgive or get even, what would you do?

Joseph’s response made me weep. Literally, I will never forget the moment God convicted me with this humbling picture of what forgiveness should look like.

I was in my office preparing the message and I broke down crying all over my notes.

Genesis 45:3-8, “Joseph said this to his brothers. ‘I am Joseph, is my father still living?’ But his brothers were not able to answer him because they were terrified at his presence. Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so he said, “I am your brother Joseph the one you sold into Egypt. And now do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.”

“For two years now there has been famine in the land and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping but God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.”

So then it was not you who sent me here but God. 

vs 11, "I will provide for you there because five years of famine are still to come otherwise you and your household and all who belong to you will become destitute."

vs 14, "Then he threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept and embraced him weeping and he kissed all his brothers and wept over them."

"Our lives are not just meant for us, but for the redemption of others." - NW


James 1:22 says we should be “Doers” of the Word and not only those that hear it. So, every day we’ll have an “Action Step” that helps us live out our faith in tangible ways.

DAY 5 - ACTION STEP: Who has hurt you that you are not willing to forgive? Take the step today, reach out to them and release them from the wrongs they did to you. If it’s not appropriate to reach out, or if they are passed on, release them in your heart. Let it go. Don’t be held captive by bitterness or unforgiveness anymore.

Discussion Questions for Groups or Personal Reflection:

  • Is there a hurt in your past you are holding onto with bitterness?
  • Has there been a time when you walked through something painful that God used for good?
  • When was a time you messed up and needed forgiveness from someone else?
  • Has there been a time in your life you have asked Jesus to save and forgive you?
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Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less Than

Life doesn't always turn out the way we thought it would. What happens when everything that was supposed to be, isn't? How can we honor God through the midst of trials & disappointments? Join me as we take a deeper look into one of the most powerful redemption stories in the Bible. We'll be inspired by a man name Joseph, who endured incredible loss, betrayal & rejection, yet remained faithful.
