Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less ThanEgzanp

Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less Than




Quote of the Day: "One person standing up for what’s right can change the course of history." - NW

It’s hard to realize while it’s happening, which moments have a greater impact on our future. Often, it’s impossible for us to perceive beyond, into the way our choices are layered upon each other, weaving together a story connected beyond what we imagine.

There are moments that change everything. Decisions we make setting into motion a chain reaction only can God see. The holy tension of His Sovereignty and our free will. Deep right? Ok, let me back up a sec.

In yesterday’s devotional we covered the fact that Joseph’s murderous brothers sold him into slavery. What we didn’t take a deeper look into, is WHY they chose not to kill him.

One brother took a stand. Reuben overheard what the rest of them were planning and decided he couldn’t watch this injustice happen. So, he suggested an alternate plan hoping to go back later and rescue Joseph. 

The amazing thing is….in this one decision, Reuben unknowingly saved his entire family from being wiped out. Wait, what? I know, it’s a crazy story. We don’t see it until later, but if Reuben would have said nothing, done nothing, they would have all condemned themselves to death in this one moment without knowing it. 

(Hint Hint - a little foreshadowing, they will need Joseph later on.)


There are people who get this. They understand the weight of being “the one”. 

The one who will not look away at an injustice.

The one who will not allow children to be abused.

The one who will speak on behalf of the hurting, poor and marginalized. 

The one who will sacrifice to set others free.

The one who will risk for others to be safe.

The one who will stand up for mistreated.

The one who will lead the way in love.

The one who will give so others can have.

I share in my study several people who understood this and set an example for us to follow. Those heroes like Martin Luther King and Christine Caine.

My brother, Micah McElveen, has an incredible story of personal loss turned into victory. Paralyzed with a broken neck after drowning from diving into the ocean at the age of 15, he has overcome so much. Micah now speaks on behalf of the poor and orphaned, having committed his life to be the voice for those who desperately need the hope of Jesus. Although he didn’t know what the plan would be, how he would accomplish it or who would join him on the journey, he knew was he had to do SOMETHING.

Here we are 15 years later; through the mission organization he began (Vapor Ministries) hundreds of thousands of lives are being saved, fed and discipled because of one decision. One moment changed everything.

Who needs you to be “the one” for them? 

One day we will be able to see it. The reasons why. The entire timeline of humanity and how our intersecting paths laid out. Which lives we impacted and why what we went through mattered. We’ll see in truth whether the hardships we endured were the result of a broken and sinful world…and which was part of an intentional plan for others good. 

For now, until we have a better view, all we can do is TRUST. We can trust in the unchanging character of our God. That He loves our families and the entire world more than we ever could. We can trust that our part in the story matters and God wouldn’t waste anything you’ve poured out to Him. Remember, no matter how bad it seems, He has the power to redeem ANY situation.

When I’m going through something difficult. If I’m lonely or struggling, its often in these times God reveals to me how to meet this same need in others.


James 1:22 says we should be “Doers” of the Word and not only those that hear it. So, every day we’ll have an “Action Step” that helps us live out our faith in tangible ways.

DAY 3 - ACTION STEP: Its not about a lack of options. There are so many needs out there. The question is, which one is God asking you to be a part of the solution? Consider starting in your own home, church or city. What decision can you make that might change everything for someone? Where can you be the one?

Discussion Questions for Groups or Personal Reflection:

  • What is one area in your life you could TRUST God a little more? 
  • What injustice, issue or need moves your heart?
  • Is there a ministry you feel led to begin or partner with?
  • What decision do you need to make to take the next step towards impacting your future or those around you?



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Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less Than

Life doesn't always turn out the way we thought it would. What happens when everything that was supposed to be, isn't? How can we honor God through the midst of trials & disappointments? Join me as we take a deeper look into one of the most powerful redemption stories in the Bible. We'll be inspired by a man name Joseph, who endured incredible loss, betrayal & rejection, yet remained faithful.
