Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less ThanEgzanp

Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less Than



Quote of the Day : "Our obedience to God should never be based on our circumstances, feelings or the actions of others." - NW

I’m going to be honest, today might be a tough one to read. If you are feeling like your prayers haven’t been answered; you’re trying to be strong, but the desire to fight for what you thought you believed is beginning to waver…. this one is for you. When life goes from bad to worse; when we can’t see what God is doing or feel His presence, these are the times that test our faith to the very core. It’s in these dark places a sifting begins making it clear those who are truly committed to God, and those on the fringe.

We see a beautifully convicting picture un-fold.  Joseph continues to give God his best in a horribly unfair situation.  He was literally surrounded by betrayal, rejection, injustice and loss. This once favorite son, handsome, strong and full of dreams for the future had everything stripped away from him. Yet, he remained faithful to God.

 You know what happened next? It got worse

He was sold for a second time and now owned by a high ranking official in Egypt, the Captain of the Guard. The captains wife became consumed with desire for Joseph, made it clear she wanted to seduce him, and began planning how to get him in bed. 

Can we be real?  Joseph probably could have used some comfort right now. He could have said, “You know what…. It’s been a long time. I’m tired. I’ve tried it Your way God, and where have You left me? I have been through so much, I deserve a little pleasure instead of pain. Why should I keep honoring You when no one else around me is?

Instead we see in his response, the purity of his heart and the depth of his commitment. 

In Genesis 39:8-10 Joseph answers back to her advances. “How then could I do such a wicked thing against God.”

 He was COMMITTED to God. His faith wasn’t based on what he felt he deserved. It wasn’t based on what he desired. It wasn’t based on unfair circumstances, feelings, or what others might do to him. 

Man, I wish I could say things started looking up from here. Sadly, the story took an even more devastating turn.  The now rejected “cougar” decided to set him up. She accused him of attempted sexual assault.  Joseph, having kept his honor was wrongly thrown into prison anyways. FOR. REAL. Go read it.

I am so challenged by his continued choice to HONOR! What would we do? When life goes from bad to worse, will we still bring Him glory? Will we stay the course? When others fail us, will we continue on?

How did Joseph not loose his faith? He lived with such deep integrity - through it all - because he CLAIMED and LIVED these truths. So can we.

  • THE LORD IS IN THIS PLACE. WITH YOU. Even when you don’t feel Him.  In the prison, in the betrayal, in the rejection. God was WITH him.
  • THE LORD IS WORKING FOR YOU. Even when you can’t see His plan.  It seemed God was silent, uncaring, distant. He was aligning together a master plan of redemption no one would see coming.
  • THE LORD IS WORTHY OF OUR ALL. Even in our pain.  God was still good. Even when people were not. 
  • HE LOVES YOU. HE IS FOR YOU. HE HAS NOT FORGOTTEN YOU. Just because it’s taking a long time, doesn’t mean God isn’t listening to your prayers and setting a plan in motion to answer them. He cares. He sees. 
  • When life is less than you hoped it would be. When your faith is shaken. When others hurt or abandon you. When you can’t see the way. When you want to give into the easier path of temptation all around you. When you feel lost and alone and like it will never get better. HOLD ON TO HOPE. We have this promise to stand on. God is with us, He is for us and will never leave us. He is enough for whatever we are facing. Sometimes we just have to release our fears, expectations and hurts to the One who knows better. The One who sees beyond it all. The same God of the Bible is alive and moving today. I know personally how it feels to question if He will come through for me. It’s ok. His grace is enough for our doubts. He came through for Joseph, as you’ll see...& HE WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU. 


James 1:22 says we should be “Doers” of the Word and not only those that hear it. So, every day we’ll have an “Action Step” that helps us live out our faith in tangible ways.

DAY 4- ACTION STEP: Make a choice today. Don’t sit on the fence of uncertainty anymore. Who is God in your life? Are you committed? Write out a declaration of what you are choosing about your faith in God. Tuck it away until those secret prayers are answered Gods way, in His timing.

Discussion Questions for Groups or Personal Reflection:

  • Has there been a time that things went from bad to worse?
  • Is there something you have prayed about for a long time that still hasn’t been answered?
  • If you are honest, are you struggling to believe God will come through in a specific area of your life?
  • What times in the past can you reflect on where God showed up miraculously for you?
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Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less Than

Life doesn't always turn out the way we thought it would. What happens when everything that was supposed to be, isn't? How can we honor God through the midst of trials & disappointments? Join me as we take a deeper look into one of the most powerful redemption stories in the Bible. We'll be inspired by a man name Joseph, who endured incredible loss, betrayal & rejection, yet remained faithful.
