In the beginning כו

1and it is having become a famine in land, aside from the earlier famine, which is having been in the days of Avraham; and Yitzchak is having gone to Avimelech the king of the Philistines, to Gerar. 2and Hashem has self appeared to him, and has said: you(SG) must not go down to Egypt, dwell in the land which I will you(SG) say. 3hold/sojourn self on in the this land, and I will be with you(SG), and will you bless; because to you(SG) and to your seed will I give all the this lands, and I will fulfill be the oath which I have sworn an oath to your father Avraham. 4and I will increase your seed thus as the stars of heaven, and will give to your seed all the this lands; and bless will self with your seed all nations of the earth; 5for the reason which Avraham has heeded to my voice, and has obeyed my safeguards, my mitzvot, my laws, and my torah/learning.
6and Yitzchak has self settled in Gerar. 7have the men of the place asked concerning his wife, and he has said: she is my a sister; because he has fear have had to say: my wife; lest will the men of the place me kill over Rivkah, because she is beautiful of appearance.
8and it is having been, that he is there stay for a time a length of time, has Abimelech the king of the Philistines looked down through window, and saw, look Yitzchak frolic with his wife Rivkah. 9has Abimelech called Yitzchak, and has said: she is obviously really your wife, and as thus have you (sg) said: she is my a sister? has Yitzchak to him said: because I have thought: I will yet perish over her. 10has Abimelech said: what have you (sg) here done to us? almost would one of people lay with your wife, and would brought on us a guilt.
11and Abimelech has commanded the all people, thus to say: the which touches on this man or his wife, will to kill put to death become.
12and Yitzchak has planted/sowed in that land, and has received in that year hundred time as much; and Hashem has him blessed. 13and the man is having become prospered, and is continually richer having become, to he is having become very great/rich. 14and he has have had flocks of sheep, and flocks of cattle, and many servants; and the Philistines have him envy having been. 15and all wells which the servants of his father have dug in the days of his father Avraham, have the Philistines them stopped up, and them filled with earth. 16and Abimelech has said to Yitzchak: go away from us, because are much mightier than us.
17is Yitzchak went (his) way from there, and has made camp in the valley of of Gerar, and has self there settled. 18and Yitzchak has again dug up the water well which they has dug in the days of his father Avraham, and the Philistines have them stopped up after the death of Avraham; and he has them called with names thus as the names which his father has they called. 19and the servants of Yitzchak have dug in the valley of, and have there found a well living water. 20have self contended the shepherds of Gerar with the shepherds of Yitzchak, thus to say: us belongs this water. and he has called the name of the well Esek, because they have self contended with him. 21and they have dug an other well, and have self over him also contended. and he has called his name Sitnah. 22and he has self moved from there, and has dug an other well; and they have self over him not contended. has he called his name Rechovot, because he has said: now has us Hashem given room, and we will sprout up/tzemach in land.
23and he is gone up from there to Be'er-Sheva. 24and Hashem has self appeared to him in that night, and has said: I am the G-d of your father Avraham; you(SG) must not fear have, because I am with you(SG), and I will you bless, and will increase your seed, of my servant Abraham's sake.
25has he there built an altar, and he has called to the name Hashem; and he has there erected his tent. and the servants of Yitzchak have there dug a well.
26and Abimelech is having gone to him from Gerar, with Achuzzat his good friend, and phicol the master of his legion. 27has Yitzchak to them said: why are you (PL) having come to me, that you (PL) are me enemies, and has me sent out from you (PL)? 28have they said: see have me seen that Hashem is with you(SG), and we have said: shall be a oath between us, between us and between you(SG), and let us establish a covenant with you(SG). 29if you (sg) will do with us evil! thus as we have you not touched, and thus as we have with you(SG) only good things done, and me have you let away in peace. now are you O blessed of Hashem.
30has he made for them a feast, and they have ate and drank. 31and they have self rose early in the morning, and they have sworn an oath one the another, and Yitzchak has them seen to the door, and they are went (their) way from him in peace.
32and it is having been in that day, are having come the servants of Yitzchak, and have him told concerning a well which they have dug, and they have to him said: we have found water.
33has he him called Shevah. therefore is the name of the city Be'er-Sheva to on this very day.
34and that Esav is having been forty years old, has he taken for a wife Yehudit the daughter of Be'eri the Chitti, and Basmat the daughter of Elon the Chitti. 35and they are having been a heart bitterness for Yitzchak and for Rivkah.

Pati Souliye




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