In the beginning כה

1and Avraham has again taken a wife, and her name is having been Keturah. 2and she has him given birth to Zimran, and Yokshan, and Medan, and Midyan, and Yishbak, and Shuach. 3and Yokshan has given birth to Sheva, and Dedan. and the children of Dedan are having been Ashurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. 4and the sons of Midyan are having been: Ephah, and Epher, and Chanokh, and Avida, and Eldaah, the all are having been the children of Keturah.
5and Avraham has given all that which he has have had to Yitzchak. 6and to the sons of the concubines which Avraham has have had, has Avraham given gifts, and has them sent off from his son Yitzchak, when he has yet lived, to east in east-land.
7and this are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he has lived: hundred years and five years and seventy years. 8and Avraham is passed away and is died in a good old age, old and satisfied with years; and he is gathered having become to his people. 9and Yitzchak and Yishmael, his sons, have him buried in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Tzochar the Chitti, which before Mamre; 10this field which Avraham has purchased from the children of Chet, there is buried having become Avraham, and his wife Sarah.
11and it is having been after the death of Avraham, has G-d blessed his son Yitzchak. and Yitzchak is settled by Be'er Lachai Roi.
12and this are the born of Yishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, the female servant of Sarah, has given birth to Avraham. 13and these are the names of Yishmael's sons, after their names, according their birth: the firstborn of Yishmael, Nevayot, and Kedar, and Adbe'el, and Mivsam; 14and Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa; 15Hadad, and Tema, Itur, Naphish and Kedemah. 16this are the sons of Yishmael, and these are their names in their towns, and in their camps; twelve chieftains according their peoples. – 17and these are the years of Yishmael's life: hundred years and seven years and thirty years. and he is passed away and is died; and he is gathered having become to his people. – 18and they have dwelt from Chavilah to Shur which before Egypt, as you (sg) go to Assyria; in face of all his brothers has he self settled.
19and these are the history of Yitzchak, Abraham's son: Avraham has given birth to Yitzchak. 20and Yitzchak is having been forty years old, when he has self taken Rivkah, the daughter of Betuel the Aramean from Paddan-Aram, the sister of Lavan the Aramean, for a wife. 21and Yitzchak has entreated to Hashem of concerning his wife, because she is having been a barren/an akore; and Hashem has self allowed entreated of him, and Rivkah his wife is conceived having become.
22and the children have self butt one another in her, and she has said: if thus, why then live I? and she is having gone to inquire by Hashem. 23and Hashem has to her said:
two peoples are in your body,
and two nations will self from your innards separate,
and a people than a people will be stronger,
and the older will serve the younger.
24and when her days are full having become to give birth, look a pair of twins is in her body. 25and the first is came out a red, in all thus as a hairy mantle; and they has called his name Esav. 26and after that is came out his brother, and his hand has held firmly to the step/akev of Esau; and they has called his name Yaakov. and Yitzchak is having been sixty years old by their given birth to become.
27and the boys are grown up; and Esav is having been a man skilled in hunt, a man of the field, and Yaakov is having been a quiet man which sit in tents. 28and Yitzchak has love have had Esav, because this catch/wild game is him having been to the mouth; and Rivkah has love have had Yaakov.
29has Yaakov one time boiled a stew, and Esav is arrived from field, and he is having been exhausted. 30has Esav said to Yaakov: let me a swallow do, I entreat you, of this red-red, because I am exhausted; therefore has one called his name Edom. 31has Yaakov said: sell me now your birthright. 32has Esav said: behold, I going to die, and to what me then birthright? 33has Yaakov said: swear me now. has he him sworn an oath, and he has sold his birthright to Yaakov. 34and Yaakov has given Esav bread and stew/soup of lentil; and he has eaten and drank, and is arose and went (his) way. thus has Esav despised the birthright.

Pati Souliye




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