In the beginning כד

1and Avraham is having become old and elderly; and Hashem has blessed Avraham with everything. 2has Avraham said to his servant, the elder of his house, who has rule over all that which he has have had: do, I entreat you, your hand under my thigh, 3and I will you bind by an oath by Hashem the G-d of heaven and the G-d of the earth, that you (sg) you(SG) must not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Kena'ani whom I sit among him. 4only to my land and to my kindred shall you (sg) go, and take a wife for my son, for Yitzchak.
5has the servant to him said: what if will the woman not will go after me in the of this place land; shall I not certainly to return your son to the land which you (sg) are from there having come out?
6has Avraham to him said: beware you, you(SG) must not to return my son there. 7Hashem the G-d of heaven, who has me taken from the house of my father, and from the land of my birth, and who has to me spoken, and who has me sworn an oath, thus to say: to your seed will I give this this land – he will send his Angel you(SG) ahead of, and you(sg) will obtain a wife for my son from there. 8and if the woman will not wish go after you(SG), will you(sg) be free from the this one oath my; but you(SG) must not to return my son there.
9has the servant did his hand under the thigh of his master Avraham, and he has him sworn an oath on this matter.
10and the servant has taken ten camels of the camels of his master, and is went (their) way with all that is best of his master in his hand; and he is arose, and is having gone to Aram Naharayim, to the city of Nachor. 11and he has made kneel the camels outside city toward well water, in evening time, in the time which the (women) water drawers go out. 12and he has said: Hashem, G-d of my master Avraham, please let me succeed be today, I entreat you, and do favor with my master Avraham. 13behold stand I at spring water, and the daughters of the city come out draw water; 14shall be, that the na'arah which I will to her say: tip over in, I entreat you, your jug, and let me to drink, and she will say: drink, and also your camels will I water, have you (sg) her appointed for your servant Yitzchak, and in this way will I know that you (sg) have done favor with my master.
15and it is having been, before after he has finished speaking, look Rivkah come out – the which is given birth to having become by Betuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother – with her jug on her shoulder. 16and the na'arah is having been very beautiful of appearance, a virgin/betulah which to man has yet she not known; and she has gone down to spring, and has filled her jug, and is come up. 17is the servant her ran to meet, and has said: let me a sip/swallow do, I entreat you, a little water from your jug. 18has she said: drink my lord; and she has on quickly lowered her jug on her hand, and has him given to drink. 19and when she has finished him given to drink, has she said: also for your camels will I to draw (water), until they have finished drinking.
20and she has on quickly emptied her jug in the (feeding) trough, and is again ran to well to draw (water), to she has drawn (water) for all his camels. 21and the man look her on silent, to know if Hashem has succeed his way or not. 22and it is having been, as the camels have finished drinking, thus has the man taken a gold nose ring which its weight is having been a beka, and two bracelets for her arms, which their weigh is having been ten gold shekels. 23and he has said: whose daughter are you? say me, I entreat you, is here in your father's house a place for us to spend the night?
24has she to him said: I am the daughter of Betuel the son of Milcah, whom she has given birth to Nahor. 25and she has to him said: and straw and (animal) feed a many is here with us, and a place to spend the night.
26has the man self inclined and self prostrated to Hashem. 27and he has said: blessed be Hashem the G-d of my master Avraham, who has not forsake his favor and his faithfulness/emes to my master; me has Hashem guided on the way to the house of my master's brothers.
28and the na'arah is ran, and has told in her mother house the this things. 29and Rivkah has had a brother whose his name is having been Lavan; is Lavan ran out to the man outside to spring. 30and it is having been, as he has seen the nose ring, and the bracelets on the hands of his sister, and as he has heard the words of his sister Rivkah, thus to say: thus and thus has the man to me spoken – is he having come to the man as he stand by the camels near spring, 31and he has said: come, blessed of Hashem, why stand outside? I have yet cleaned out this house, and a place for the camels.
32is the man went in house; and he has unbound/unmuzzled the camels, and has served (food) straw and (animal) feed for the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the feet of the men which with him. 33and it is stood having become for him to to eat, but he has said: I will not to eat, until I have spoken my words. has he said: speak.
34has he said: the servant of Avraham am I. 35and Hashem has very much blessed my master, and he is having become prospered; and he has him given sheep and cattle, and silver and gold, and servants and maid servants, and camels and donkeys. 36and Sarah, my master's wife, has given birth to a son to my master on her old age; and he has him given all that which he has have had. 37and my master has me swear an oath, thus to say: you(SG) must not take a wife for my son of the daughters of the Kena'ani which I sit in his land. 38not if not but to my father's house shall you (sg) go, and to my family, and take a wife for my son. 39have I said to my master: what if will the woman not will go with me? 40has he to me said: Hashem whom I am having gone before him, will send his Angel with you(SG), and will succeed your way, and will get/receive a wife for my son, from my family and from my father's house. 41then will you(sg) free be of my oath, when you (sg) will come to my family; and if they will you(SG) not give, will you(sg) also free be of my oath. 42am I having come today to spring, and have said: Hashem, G-d of my master Avraham, if you (sg) will, I entreat you, succeed my way which I go on him: 43behold stand I at spring water; and it shall be, that the almah/virgin who comes out to draw, and I will say to her: give me to drink, I entreat you, a little water from your jug, 44and she will say to me: and you (sg) drink, and for your camels will I to draw (water), shall she be the wife, who Hashem has appointed for my master's son. 45yet before I finished speaking to my heart, look Rivkah comes out with her jug on her shoulder; and she has gone down to spring and has drawn (water). have I to her said: give me to drink, I entreat you. 46has she on quickly lowered her jug from self, and has said: drink, and also your camels will I water. have I drank, and also the camels has she watered. 47have I her asked and have said: whose daughter are you? has she said: the daughter of Betuel the son of Nachor, whom Milcah has given birth to to him. and I have done the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her hands. 48and I have me inclined and me prostrated to Hashem, and I have praised Hashem the G-d of my master Avraham, who has me guided on right way to get/receive the daughter of my master's an own kin for his son. 49and now, if you (PL) will do a kindness and a faithfulness/emes with my master, tell me; and if not, tell me; and I will me turn on to the right or on to the left.
50has answered Lavan and Betuel, and they have said: the thing is out of Hashem; we can not speak to you(SG) evil things or good things. 51behold is Rivkah before you(SG), take and go, and shall she be a wife to the son of your master, thus as Hashem has spoken.
52and it is having been, when the servant of Avraham has heard their words, thus has he self prostrated to the earth before Hashem. 53and the servant has took out silver things, and golden things, and garments, and given Rivkah; also her brother and her mother has he given costly gifts. 54and they have eaten and drank, he and the men who with him; and they have spent the night; and they are arose in the morning, and he has said: send me away to my master.
55has said her brother and her mother: shall the na'arah remain by us a days or ten, after that will she go. 56has he to them said: hold me not on, that Hashem has succeed my way. send me away, and let me go to my master. 57have they said: we will call the na'arah, and me will to inquire her mouth. 58have they called Rivkah, and have to her said: will go with this man? has she said: I will go.
59have they seen to the door their sister Rivkah, and her nurse, and Abraham's servant, and his men. 60and they have blessed Rivkah, and have to her said: our sister, you (sg) you(SG) must become to a thousand time ten a thousand, and your seed shall inherit the gate of his enemies. 61and Rivkah is arose with her female servants, and they have self sat upon on the camels, and are having gone after the man. and the servant has taken Rivkah, and is went (their) way.
62and Yitzchak is arrived from where one goes to Be'er Lachai Roi, because he is settled in land of south – 63and Yitzchak is went out self take a stroll in field against evening – has he lifted up his eyes and has a look done, look camels come on. 64and Rivkah has lifted up her eyes, and has seen Yitzchak, and she has self lowered from camel. 65and she has said to the servant: who is that man which goes in field us to meet? has the servant said: this is my master. has she taken the veil, and has self cover.
66and the servant has told Yitzchak all things which he has done. 67and Yitzchak has her brought in the tent of his mother Sarah. and he has taken Rivkah, and she is him having become for a wife; and he has her love have had. and Yitzchak has self console after his mother.

Pati Souliye




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