In the beginning כג

The Life of Sarah
1and this life of Sarah is having been hundred and seven year and twenty year; this are having been the years of Sarah's life. 2and Sarah is died in Kiryat-Arba, this is Chevron, in land Canaan. and Avraham is having come to bewail on Sarah and her to mourn.
3and Avraham is arose from before his dead, and he has spoken to the children of Chet, thus to say: 4a foreigner but a resident am I among you (PL), give me a grave own among you (PL), and I will bury my dead from before me.
5have the children of Heth answered Avraham, him thus to say: 6hear us to, my lord, a divine prince are you among us; in the choicest of our grave places bury your dead; no one of us will not withhold his burial place from you(SG), on to buried your dead.
7is Avraham arose, and has self bowed to the people of land, to the children of Chet. 8and he has to them spoken, thus to say: if it is your will to bury my dead from before me, hear me to, and intercede for me by Ephron the son of Tzochar, 9he shall me grant the Cave of Machpelah which belongs to him, which in end of his field; in full money/price shall he it me grant among you (PL) for a grave own.
10and Ephron is sitting among the children of Chet; has Ephron the Chitti answered Avraham in the ears of the children of Chet, for all who frequent in the gate of his city, thus to say: 11no, my Lord, listen me to: this field give I you(SG), also the cave which in it give I you(SG); before the eyes of the children of my people I have given it you(SG); bury your dead.
12has Avraham self bowed before the people of land, 13and he has spoken to Ephron in the ears of the people of land, thus to say: when you (sg) would me but heed! I give this money/price for the field, accept it from me, and I will there bury my dead.
14has Ephron answered Avraham, him thus to say: 15hear me to, my lord, land in four hundred shekel silver, what is this between me and between you(SG)? and your dead bury.
16has Avraham heeded to Ephron, and Avraham has weighed out Ephron this silver, which he has said in the ears of the children of Chet, four hundred shekel silver, current/currency at merchant/negotiable. 17thus is remaining/confirmed this field of Ephron, which in Machpelah, which before Mamre, this field with the cave which in it, and all trees which on field, which in its entire boundary around round, 18the purchase of Avraham, before the eyes of the children of Heth, before all goers in into the gate of his city. 19and afterwards has Avraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave of the field of Machpelah before Mamre, this is Chevron, in land Canaan. 20thus is remaining/confirmed this field, and the cave which in it, by Avraham for a grave own, from the children of Chet.

Pati Souliye




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