הכנת ליבנו לפסחא: צום לתפילהדוגמה

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: A Lenten Devotional

יום 29 מתוך 40

"Day 29: The Lamb"

In Genesis 22, Abraham took his only son Isaac to Moriah because God had commanded him to offer Isaac as a burnt offering. Isaac questioned his father, “Where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” Abraham responded to his child that “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” As Abraham was about to sacrifice his own son on the altar, God stopped him and provided a ram to take the place of Isaac.

Jesus is the Lamb that God provided to take away all sins. Abraham did not have to sacrifice his only son, because God chose to sacrifice his son to atone for our sins. Because of this, God views us in the way he viewed his son when John saw the Spirit descend from heaven upon him. He calls us, both men and women, his beloved sons, with whom he is well pleased (Matthew 3:17).

We no longer have to live in anxiety laboring to justify our existence. Our justification is in Christ, the perfect, spotless Lamb of God who took away our sins and the sins of the world.


God, our Father, we thank you that we are your beloved sons with whom you are well pleased. We pray that you will work deep into our being the truth that we no longer have to labor for our salvation, but we can find rest knowing our identity is in the Lamb of God. Give us an understanding of the depth of the sacrifice that was made to atone for our sin so we may fall more in love with you to grasp who we are and who we shall become. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
יום 28יום 30

על התכנית הזו

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: A Lenten Devotional

מה היא תקופת צום, התענית? זה הזמן שבו אנו צופים לניצחון של אור וחיים של ישוע על החושך של החטא ועל המוות. כשנצא למסע של יום רביעי "אפר הפסחא", אנחנו נזכרים במציאות של חולשתינו וגאולת החסד של אלוהים.


דברי הגות אלה נכתבו על ידי הצוות של הקהילה "Redeemer Presbyterian," פורסם במקור ב-www.redeemer.com בשנת 2012. בהסכמה מבעל הרשאה.