הכנת ליבנו לפסחא: צום לתפילהדוגמה

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: A Lenten Devotional

יום 28 מתוך 40

"Day 28: The Mourning"

Although Zechariah spoke these words, they were the words of the Lord. Yet how could this be? How could God say, “They look on me, on him whom they have pierced?” Could God be wounded? Even more puzzling, could God be “pierced” – which indicated a killing? In other words, could God die?

Jesus Christ fulfilled this prophecy. Not only was he fully God, he was also fully man. Moreover, as the prophecy predicted, Jesus was the “only child” and “firstborn” Son of the Father (John 3:16). He died and, on the cross, he was pierced: “One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water” (John 19:34).

The prophecy, however, said more. It said that those who pierced him would mourn because God would pour out on them “a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy.” In other words, the Spirit would open their eyes to see what they had done and how grievous their sin had been. This mourning would be widespread yet intimate – “the land shall mourn, each family by itself.”

In part, this prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost. Peter said to his listeners, “You crucified and killed [Jesus] by the hands of lawless men” (Acts 2:23). Then, upon hearing the gospel, they were “cut to the heart” and 3,000 were saved that day (Acts 2:37-41). Today, this prophecy is still being fulfilled. As the Spirit fills us with grace, we mourn over Christ’s death because we know that “he was wounded for our transgressions” (Isaiah 53:5). In our sorrow, however, we also rejoice because his death “brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).


Lord, we confess that our sin pierced Jesus. Thus, we mourn and ask you to pour out your Spirit of grace and mercy. In humility, we rejoice that your lovingkindness never fails – while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). In Christ’s Name, Amen.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
יום 27יום 29

על התכנית הזו

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: A Lenten Devotional

מה היא תקופת צום, התענית? זה הזמן שבו אנו צופים לניצחון של אור וחיים של ישוע על החושך של החטא ועל המוות. כשנצא למסע של יום רביעי "אפר הפסחא", אנחנו נזכרים במציאות של חולשתינו וגאולת החסד של אלוהים.


דברי הגות אלה נכתבו על ידי הצוות של הקהילה "Redeemer Presbyterian," פורסם במקור ב-www.redeemer.com בשנת 2012. בהסכמה מבעל הרשאה.