Reaching For Joy // Ever-Present Peaceનમૂનો

Reaching For Joy // Ever-Present Peace

DAY 6 OF 6

Getting to Know Joy, That Place in Your Heart

Oh, your troubled heart. Seek encouragement in Me now. It is trying, I know, these fluctuations of mood, of emotions, of circumstances. You are happy one day, your circumstances and relationships solid. You feel steady, sure of the world then. But then trouble comes—a problem arises; you or a person you care about faces a tough situation or a difficult decision; or maybe you just don’t feel well or aren’t able to get enough sleep. And then things don’t feel so steady. And you can see how external events can determine your emotional state, your perception.

But what if something else could determine how you feel about your day, your circumstances, your relationships, your life? What if your emotions weren’t swayed so easily by events swirling around you? What if you could be encouraged by something that is real and true and sure—something that never changes? What if you could become almost immune to getting too overwhelmed, or too affected by turbulent circumstances—because you inhabited this truth: there is love, there is mercy, there is joy where your God lives. And He lives right here, right now, in you—and He’ll never leave?

Because of who you are, there is a different kind of life available to you. Peace and joy exist right there within you—all the time—even when you are in the midst of difficult circumstances. And whether you can access them is not dependent upon your moods or your reactions to external circumstances. You can access them any time you want. But here is what you need to know: this gift of joy takes bit of practice to receive. It takes intention. It takes desire. It takes faith.

There is a deep knowing of Me that you can have, that you can experience, that you can drink up and inhabit. And joy comes with that—with knowing Me deeply. For joy is a gift—one of the gifts of seeking relationship with Me. Not mere cheerfulness or happiness. But, true joy. Deep joy. It comes with knowing I speak to you, in all moments, in the details of a day, in all things. It comes with knowing My relationship cannot be stolen from you. For I am in you. I reside within you. And this place, where I am in you? This is where joy is too. Joy is the place in your heart where my love in you takes shape.

Do you want to experience this? Now?

What does it mean for joy to take shape in you, to inhabit you, to give you strength and life? It means fighting for your own heart. It means choosing My truth. It means refusing to settle for counterfeits. It means knowing that I am true, that My words to you are true, that Life enters your heart when you inhabit the words I speak.

For this you should know: if you want joy—if you want to know it and live it out—you need to consume Me—My words, My presence. You need to claim My life in you. And you do that by knowing Me as much as you know yourself. So, let’s start there—with a question. 

Do you . . . know yourself? Do you know how your mind has certain tendencies? Do you know your habits, or the causes of your moods? Do you know how your past has affected you? How your family, your upbringing, helped form who you are now? Do you know what makes you excited? What makes you smile? What you think is fun to do on a free day? What work you love to do? What smells delight you, and colors, and sounds? Do you know what movement you like—whether you enjoy running, or jumping, or resting, or climbing? Do you know how nature speaks to you? And music? And beauty? And art?

All of these questions, each answer, requires you to discover yourself a bit more. And that is good. Knowing yourself helps you to know Me, and knowing Me helps you to know yourself even more. And then you’ll be able to answer questions like these, about Me—like you would be able to answer them for your closest, most dear family member or friend.

And I want you to: I want you to be able to answer these questions about Me. I want you to know Me so well that you recognize when I am in the room—your heart sensing Me. I want you to know what makes Me laugh, what makes Me sad. I want you to know details about My personality, My voice, My movements, My mood when I talk to you. This is not a test; this is an invitation to a new kind of life. An invitation to joy. An invitation to more of My Life in you. I am the source of joy. Come, come. Deeper. Let me help you get to know Me more . . . and show you the place you can live in your heart.


Does joy ever feel elusive to you? Do you ever have a hard time getting there and staying there—what with the routine and the distraction and the trouble of everyday life? We do too. But the way Holy Spirit talks about it, it doesn’t sound like it’s actually elusive at all, does it? It sounds solid and sure. And the way He talks about it, it’s less a state of mind and more . . . just . . . relationship.

But I guess that makes a ton of sense actually. I mean, the apostle Paul explained in his long-ago letter to the church at Galatia what joy is, actually. He told us that joy is a fruit of the Spirit—the fruit of a relationship with Holy Spirit. That’s in Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 and 23.

Joy is a fruit that is borne out of a relationship with God.

Intimacy with Him . . . begets joy. He’s the source. So, joy isn’t something we achieve or earn or choose or strive for, it’s something we accept. It’s something we surrender into. Because that’s how we get into and go deeper into, relationship with God. We surrender into it. We let go, even a little bit, of the things we’re holding onto so tightly in this world . . . and we let Him love us.

I want this kind of joy—true joy, deep joy—don’t you? I want to live with and in God’s joy. Because, right now, “joy-filled” is not quite how I would describe my average day.

Is it how you would describe yours?

I want my being and my life to be filled with my Father’s joy. I want to live with that constant knowing—knowing that I am okay, despite my circumstances—knowing that I am loved and that nothing can ever, ever take my joy away.

There is an awesome new book from Stasi Eldredge called Defiant Joy: Taking Hold of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World. In it, Eldredge writes about how happiness is circumstantial. It is, by its nature, connected to external things. We can, by definition, only be happy about something. Happiness doesn’t exist apart from external circumstances, worldly triggers—which is why it comes and goes. But joy, she writes, is different. Joy isn’t connected to worldly circumstances. True joy is rooted in the deeper reality of God’s goodness. And that’s why it can’t ever be taken away. Because God can never be taken away.

Eldredge puts it like this: “Joy is connected to God and reserved for those who are tapping into His reservoir, who are connected to His life . . . Joy is rooted in God and His kingdom, in the surety of His goodness, His love for us. It is immovable. Unshakable. Joy is available at all times, day and night, because God and His kingdom are always available to us.” 

So, again, the key to adopting and inhabiting God’s joy? It’s this: relationship. The key is getting to know Him—getting to know Him as a person, a friend, a father.

And here is what we think is super interesting about what Holy Spirit said. He said our own awareness of ourselves—how well we know ourselves: our stories, our wounds, our habits, our propensities to sin, our personalities, our desires and dreams—our awareness of ourselves helps us move into relationship with God.

What He is saying is that the more we’re in tune with our own hearts, the more we’re able to share those hearts, the more we’re able to engage our hearts in honest, life-giving relationships with Him. The more self-awareness we have, the more meaningful and rich our conversations with Him will be.

So, let’s begin thinking through some of the questions that Holy Spirit invited us to consider about ourselves.

He knows the answers to all of them, of course, but do you? Well, don’t worry if you don’t. Because God can help. He’ll help you to know Him, but He’ll help you to know yourself too. So, as I re-ask a few of His questions, try to go ahead and answer them—but, after you do, make sure to then give Him a chance to speak too. Listen each time, and give Him a chance to weigh-in on your answers.

Here’s the first question: If you had to pick one event in your life that has had a significant positive or negative impact on who you are and how you perceive the world, what would it be? 

Consider your answer, and then share it with Holy Spirit, if you can.

Here’s the second question: What are you most excited about right now? What are you looking forward to? What is bringing sweetness to your life and what are you hoping for?

Talk to Holy Spirit about whatever comes to mind, and then listen for what He has to say.

Here is the third question: What work you love to do? What kind of work brings you joy and feels significant to you?

Tell Holy Spirit what comes to mind, and then listen for His response.

Here’s the fourth question: What do you love to do on a day when there is no work to do? What would be fun? What would make you laugh?

Is there anything else you want to say to God?

How does this kind of conversation feel? Does it feel like the beginning of something?

Well it is, my friend, . . . just the beginning. It’s a good beginning.

Holy Spirit, we want to live the kind of life You offer. We want to live with deep, abiding joy. And now, we know how to get there. We know that joy comes from relationship with You. So, we want to get to know You better. And we want to know ourselves better too. We want to be in constant, deepening relationship with You. So help us go further; help us get closer.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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About this Plan

Reaching For Joy // Ever-Present Peace

God has given us His peace and His joy in every moment—even when it may not feel like it. But, we have access to these divine blessings whenever we want them! We carry them within, just as we carry God’s spirit. With this six-day plan from Rush via Gather Ministries, practice stepping out in faith—no matter the circumstances—to receive these God-given gifts of gratitude, hope, and peace.
