Reaching For Joy // Ever-Present Peaceનમૂનો

Reaching For Joy // Ever-Present Peace

DAY 4 OF 6

Hope Without Limits (Pray That Impossible Dream)

You are limited. Your words, your ideas. There is a wall through which you feel you can’t break. What are the limits of your mind? Your capabilities? You need more than what you have to break free from this place of limits. Of boundaries. Of what is possible and what is not. 

In the morning, when you rise, your mind is too quickly filled with what is tangible, with what is real to you. But I want to expand your mind and your heart so that when you awake you seek more than what is likely to happen that day. I want you to seek what feels impossible to you. I want your heart to desire it. I want your whole body to yearn for it. The impossible. What is impossible? What feels impossible to you?

Hope tells you all things are possible. Faith comes from hope which leads to joy. For all things are possible with Me: What you believe will never happen, could happen. What you believe is too good to ever be true, could come true. I am without limits. I am not deterred by a mind that clouds possibility. 

What would happen when your eyes opened in the morning, your mind awakening from dream, and you lived believing there is more than what you can see and touch and feel and know right now? That this More is not so far away. That this More is not unavailable to you. For I am available to you. I am available to you. My kingdom, My hope, My joy, My love is available to you.

Please, why do you make Me so small? 

You keep Me small to protect yourself, believing that limited hope will shield you from pain when dreams are not realized. You are afraid to dream. You are afraid to hope. Hope feels distant from you, an idea that you might believe is true only in theory—a nice idea that will be true one day. But when have you called heaven down? When have you prayed, with the authority I give you, with the power within you—the love I give you to be made manifest in your life? If My words speak life, if My breath caused your spirit to awake and live, how can My words now not stir you toward hope, toward new life that is within your beating heart right now?

I call you forward son, daughter, into a new way of living, into a new mindset, into a new way to approach your problems. I am not asking you to ignore reality, the pain and challenges, the struggles and hurts. I want you to feel them, be awake to them, consider how things that seem too big, too hard, too difficult for change, can change, can be made different, transformed into something completely new, with My hope in you, My power in you, My faith in you. 

You are My child, My inheritance. I pour My love into you. All I have is yours. I hold nothing back from you, if you want it. Ask for more of Me in your life. Ask for heaven to come down. Pray for what feels too good, too glorious, too beautiful, too wonderful for your mind and heart to dream right now. Let Me give you hope and dreams and love that reach beyond your imagination, beyond the limits of your mind. In Me all things are possible. In Me all things are made good. In Me all pain and all heartache, all disease and all wounds are healed. Ask for more, Ask for more of Me. Seek Me, and you will find Me. Ask, and you will receive. I give all in accordance to My Son, who loves me and who gives of Himself so the whole world will know Me and give glory to My name. Watch My glory pour out now, child. Watch Me not hold out on you.


We live in the physical world. A world with limits, with causes and effects. It’s a world of data and hard science and hard evidence. And we’ve lived here a long time. We’ve seen a lot of things, personally and up close. So, we’ve kinda come to know just what is possible and what is impossible in this world of ours.

But . . . hang on a minute. Scripture tells us that God exists beyond this physical world, apart from data, and above our human understanding. And it tells us that He’s our Father, and that you and I are His beloved sons and daughters. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter 3 that God’s love for us is so great that it’s literally immeasurable and unfathomable by our human minds. And from this loving Father, Paul wrote in Galatians chapter 4, that we’ve received “a full legal adoption as His children.” And “because we’re His,” Paul wrote, “we can access everything our Father has.”

Think about that. We can access everything our Father has. He’s a dad who likes to say yes when we ask. He’s a dad, in fact, who’ll never say noif what we ask fits His will.

That has to change our thinking, doesn’t it? It has to change how we view our physical world, and our circumstances, doesn’t it? It has to change our perspective of what’s possible and what’s impossible, doesn’t it?

And doesn’t it beg the question, what exactly should we be asking for?

I mean, is what you’re asking for in prayer based on your status as a physical man or woman in a physical world with limits? Is it based upon your understanding of cause and effect, of your conception of what’s possible?

Or . . . are you beginning to ask for the impossible, because of who your heavenly dad is? Are you beginning to dream impossible dreams because of who you are, truly?

Is it possible that impossible prayers are exactly the kind of prayers God wants to hear?

God loves our minds. He loves our hearts. He loves engaging with us. He loves when we share with him what we think. He loves when we share with Him our dreams.

But when was the last time you allowed yourself to dream big? When was the last time you let your prayers match the size of your Heavenly dad’s power and strength, to match the size of His imagination and goodness and love? When was the last time you prayed an impossible prayer based upon an impossible dream?

Well, right now is as good a time as any.

So, I want you to take some moments to consider and discover your impossible prayer. Allow your heart and mind to dream right along with the Spirit of God—who lives right there inside you.

But let’s confess and repent first—and consecrate our praying to Him.

Father, I confess I make You small. I confess my prayers are often limited to what I understand to be possiblerather than what is possible for You. For I know, with You, all things are possible. Nothing is too big. Nothing is too difficult. So, help me to begin to live in my inheritance. I want to learn to dream and pray as Your son, as Your daughter. Ignite my desires. Ignite my imagination. Ignite my dreams. Awaken in me the ability to believe in, and ask for, the impossible. I want my prayers to be in alignment with Your heart. I want to want, what You want. I want to want, what You want for me.

And now, Father, what is the impossible prayer you want to answer?

Did you discover your impossible prayer? If it fits what we know about God’s heart from Scripture, then pray it now. Pray it confidently. Pray it as a son, as a daughter of God.

And keep praying it faithfully, day after day.

દિવસ 3દિવસ 5

About this Plan

Reaching For Joy // Ever-Present Peace

God has given us His peace and His joy in every moment—even when it may not feel like it. But, we have access to these divine blessings whenever we want them! We carry them within, just as we carry God’s spirit. With this six-day plan from Rush via Gather Ministries, practice stepping out in faith—no matter the circumstances—to receive these God-given gifts of gratitude, hope, and peace.
