Luik 19

1An Jesus cum tae tha toon o Jericho, an wus trevelin throu ït. 2Noo, thair wus thïs man caad Zacchaeus, that wus a heid tex man, an he wus quare an weel-aff. 3An he wus wantin tae see fer hissel whut Jesus wus laik, but he wus a wee man, an he cudnae get near Jesus fer tha crood. 4Sae he run awa on aheid, an shïnned up a sycomore fïg tree alang tha wye, tae hae a guid luk at Jesus whan he wus gaun bye. 5An whan Jesus cum tae tha tree, he lukt up an saed til hïm, “Zacchaeus, git doon or that richt noo! Fer A'm gaun tae yer hoose tha day!” 6Sae Zacchaeus lep doon oot o tha tree, an tuk hïm hame an gien hïm a wile guid walcum. 7Aa tha fowk saen thïs, an stairtit tae pass remairks, sayin, “He's stappin ower wi a wrangdaer!” 8Oniehoo, Zacchaeus stud up an toul Jesus, “A tell ye whut, Loard. A'll gie tha half o whut A hae tae thaim at haes need o ït. An ïf A hae got oniethin bi chaitin, A'll pye ït bak fower times ower.” 9An Jesus saed, “Salvation haes cum tae thïs hoose tha day, fer thïs man ïs a sinn o Abraham as weel! 10A masel, tha Sinn o Man, hae cum tae luk fer thaim at's loast, an tae save thaim.”
Uise weel whut ye ir gien!
11An tha hale crood tuk tent o whut Jesus wus sayin. An as Jerusalem wus nearhan, he stairtit tae tell thaim a parable, fer fowk thocht that tha Kïngdom o God wus gaun tae cum aboot at yinst. 12He toul thaim thïs: “A weel boarn man went awa tae a faur-aff lan. He wus tae hae hissel crooned kïng, an then he wus tae cum bak agane. 13Afore he went but, he caad ten o hïs sarvin men, an gien each o thaim yin gowld coin#19.13 yin gowld coin (mina) wus warth thrie month's pye., an he saed tae thaim, ‘Tak thïs catter an mak tha maist o ït, tae A cum bak.’ 14But he wusnae weel thocht o amang hïs ain fowk, an sae the' sent oot wurd eftèr he went awa, sayin, ‘We dïnnae want thïs man tae rule ower iz.’ 15But he got tae be kïng aa tha same, an he cum bak hame. Then he oardèrt tha sarvin men tae gie an accoont o hoo the' haed daen wi tha catter he haed gien thaim. 16Tha furst yin toul hïm, ‘Loard, yer coin haes made ten mair.’ 17‘Weel daen!’ saed tha kïng. ‘Ye ir a guid sarvint. Ye hae showed A can trust ye ïn wee thïngs. A'll gie ye ten cïties tae rin!’ 18An tha saicont yin cum an saed, ‘Loard, yer coin haes made five coins.’ 19An tha kïng saed, ‘A'll gie ye five cïties tae rin.’ 20Wi that, anither yin cum up an saed, ‘Luk, Loard, here's yer coin. A hae kep ït lapt up ïn a cloot. 21A wus feart o ye, fer ye ir a haird man tae dail wi. Ye tak whut daesnae belang tae ye, an ye hairvest whut ye hinnae plantit.’ 22Tha kïng cum bak wi, ‘Ye uisless guid-fer-naethin! Frae yer ain mooth ye hae condemned yersel. Sae ye thocht A wus a haird man, dïd ye, takkin whut dïdnae belang tae me, an hairvestin whut A haednae plantit? 23Weel, ye cud hae püt ma siller ïntae tha bank; hoo cum ye dïdnae? Then whaniver A cum bak, ït cud hae made me a wee bït o ïntrèst!’ 24Wi that, tha kïng toul thaim that wur stannin roon aboot, ‘Tak hïs coin frae hïm, an gie ït tae hïm that haes tha ten.’ 25But the' saed tae hïm, ‘Loard, shair he haes ten coin!’ 26Saed tha kïng, ‘A'll tell ye thïs, iverie yin that haes wull be gien mair; an whaiver haes lïttle or naethin, even whut he haes wull be taen awa frae hïm! 27But as fer thaim that wur agin me an wudnae hae me fer kïng, brïng thaim here tae me, an kïll thaim fornent me!’ ”
On tha Jerusalem róad
28Eftèr tellin thaim aa thïs, Jesus went on aheid alang tha róad up tae Jerusalem. 29An whaniver he wus cum near til Bethphage an Bethanie, nixt tha hïll caad tha Moont o Olives, he sent on twa o hïs follaers, 30sayin tae thaim, “Awa ïntae thon clachan fornent iz. Whan yis git thair, ye'll fin a cowlt tyed up, that naebodie haes iver sut on. Lowse ïts raip, an brïng ït til me. 31If onie yin axes yis hoo cum yis ir lowsin tha cowlt, jist tell thaim, ‘Tha Loard haes need o ït!’ ” 32Noo tha twa that went fun ït jist as the' haed bin toul. 33An as the' wur lowsin tha cowlt, tha yins ït belanged tae axt thaim, “Whut ir ye daein, lowsin that cowlt?” 34Saed tha twa, “Tha Loard haes want o ït!”
35An the' brocht ït tae Jesus. An pittin thair claes on tha cowlt's bak, the' tuk houl o ït tae Jesus got on. 36Wi that, as Jesus made hïs wye alang, tha fowk spreed thair claes doon afore hïm on tha pad. 37An whaniver he wus cumin nearhan tha pad doon frae tha Moont o Olives, hïs follaers stairtit shoutin oot wi joy tha hale lock o thaim, praisin God fer aa tha mïracles the' haed saen, an cryin oot, 38“Blisst ïs tha Kïng that cums ïn tha name o tha Loard. Peace ïn heiven abain, an glorie ïn tha heichest!” 39An some o tha Pharisees amang tha thrang saed tae Jesus, “Maistèr, scoul yer follaers an tell thaim tae quït ït!” 40But he cum bak wi thïs: “A'm tellin yis, ïf they ir quait, e'en tha stanes thairsels wull cry oot!”
41Jesus wus cumin near tae Jerusalem noo, an whan he saa tha cïtie, he begun tae greet, an he saed, 42“Och, ïf ye onlie haed hae knowed whut wud brïng ye peace tha day! But na, ye dïdnae, an noo ït's hïd frae yer een. 43Fer tha time wull cum whan thaim that's agin ye wull big dykes aa roon ye, an fence ye ïn frae aa sides. 44Ye'll be flettent ïntae tha grun, an aa yer fowk alang wi ye. The'll no lea yin stane on anither, fer ye dïdnae ken tha day that God cum tae ye.”
Reddin oot tha Hoose o God
45An yinst he got tae Jerusalem, whut Jesus daen wus thïs: he went strecht ïntae tha Hoose o God, an he begun reddin oot tha dailers frae tha coortyaird. 46“It ïs writ doon,” he saed tae thaim, “that ‘ma hoose wull be a hoose o prayer.’ But yous hae turnt ït ïntae a den o robbers!”
47An eftèr that, iverie day, Jesus stairtit lairnin tha fowk ïn tha Hoose o God. An tha heid preeshts an tha maistèrs o tha Laa, alang wi tha heidyins amang tha fowk, the' wur oot tae get rïd o hïm, 48but the' cud dae naethin aboot ït, fer he wusnae iver on hïs lane; an aa tha fowk hung on hïs iverie wurd.

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Luik 19: USNT


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