Luik 19:10
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
A masel, tha Sinn o Man, hae cum tae luk fer thaim at's loast, an tae save thaim.”
Luik 19:10 ખોજ કરો
Luik 19:38
“Blisst ïs tha Kïng that cums ïn tha name o tha Loard. Peace ïn heiven abain, an glorie ïn tha heichest!”
Luik 19:38 ખોજ કરો
Luik 19:9
An Jesus saed, “Salvation haes cum tae thïs hoose tha day, fer thïs man ïs a sinn o Abraham as weel!
Luik 19:9 ખોજ કરો
Luik 19:5-6
An whan Jesus cum tae tha tree, he lukt up an saed til hïm, “Zacchaeus, git doon or that richt noo! Fer A'm gaun tae yer hoose tha day!” Sae Zacchaeus lep doon oot o tha tree, an tuk hïm hame an gien hïm a wile guid walcum.
Luik 19:5-6 ખોજ કરો
Luik 19:8
Oniehoo, Zacchaeus stud up an toul Jesus, “A tell ye whut, Loard. A'll gie tha half o whut A hae tae thaim at haes need o ït. An ïf A hae got oniethin bi chaitin, A'll pye ït bak fower times ower.”
Luik 19:8 ખોજ કરો
Luik 19:39-40
An some o tha Pharisees amang tha thrang saed tae Jesus, “Maistèr, scoul yer follaers an tell thaim tae quït ït!” But he cum bak wi thïs: “A'm tellin yis, ïf they ir quait, e'en tha stanes thairsels wull cry oot!”
Luik 19:39-40 ખોજ કરો