Courage to Standنمونه

Courage to Stand

روز 4 از 6

Promised Victory

If you’re familiar with the story of Israel’s victory over Jericho and the unconventional attack plan God lays out for Joshua, it’s possible you’ve lost sight of how heavily the odds were stacked against Israel. Jericho was the most impressively defended city in the land. No one went in, and no one came out. However, the city that should’ve impeded Israel’s advance became their confidence booster. God would miraculously overturn the obstacle in their path to give them the advantage they needed.

It’s no coincidence that the battle strategy involves seven days, seven priests, seven trumpets, and seven times round Jericho on the seventh day. Throughout scripture, seven is presented as God’s perfect number. He uses it at this crucial moment in Israel’s story to remind them He’s in every detail, and it’s all for His glory. They’re not to defeat Jericho using traditional warfare, so God gets 100% of the glory for the victory.

Joshua gives the command, and the march begins, centred on the symbol of God’s power and presence: the ark of the covenant. There’s not much to be said for the first six humdrum days of silent walking around Jericho. On day four or five, God’s people might’ve been thinking, ‘Nothing’s happening! All this pointless walking round and round…’ If you’re waiting for breakthrough in your life, you’ve probably felt the same. But God teaches Israel that strength rises as we wait upon the Lord and learn to do things His way. It’s when we trust and obey that God transforms us more and more into the likeness of Jesus.

Finally, the seventh day dawns. The people march around Jericho seven times. The priests blow the trumpets. Everyone gives a shout of victory. The city walls fall, and the Israelites take Jericho. According to Hebrews 11:30 it was the people’s faith that caused Jericho’s walls to collapse. This incredible story mirrors what God has done for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus, who broke down every barrier between us and the Father, defeating sin and death.

God went ahead of His people, giving them victory over Jericho as they followed His lead. When we put God first and do life His way, the Jericho story becomes our story too. Let’s obey God’s instructions, even when they don’t make sense to us. Let’s learn to wait upon Him. And let’s give thanks that Jesus secures our ultimate victory.

روز 3روز 5

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Courage to Stand

Join pastor, evangelist, and big wave surfer John McCarthy for a six-day journey through the book of Joshua. If you’re in a season of waiting, frustration, or fear, John’s epic surf stories and biblical insight will inspire you to be strong and courageous as you cling to God’s Word and take your next brave step of faith.
