Courage to Standنمونه

Courage to Stand

روز 3 از 6

Stepping In

In Joshua 3 we read the thrilling story of how God made a way for the Israelites to cross the Jordan River and enter the Promised Land. Their circumstances looked impossible – a river in flood! –yet we can take courage from how God worked mightily and miraculously the moment His people took a step of faith.

As the nation prepares to enter the Promised Land, God instructs them to consecrate themselves, ‘for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you’ (Joshua 3:5). They get their hearts right and ready because it’s time for God to do what He does: the impossible.

The priests bearing the ark are commanded to carry it into the Jordan River as a sign that God is among the people and will give them victory over the nations they’ll imminently confront. For 40 years, God’s people have wandered and wavered, but this is a new beginning and He’s calling this generation to renewed faith. The crossing will look impossible right up until the moment the priests step into the water. Only then will God give them confirmation of His promise, by cutting off the river upstream. God shows the Israelites He always does what He says He’s going to do. He builds their faith and teaches them to rely on Him for each step of their journey into the future.

Then when all the people have crossed, the river miraculously returns to full flood. There’s no going back, and no need to go back because God has crossed over this river of impossibilities with His people. As ever, God’s timing is perfect: the Israelites’ first day in the Promised Land is the 40th anniversary of the first Passover, in Egypt, and they begin life in their new homeland with a celebration.

A while ago, God spoke to me about being more courageous as a surfer. I was terrified, but I stepped up my training. Eventually, the day arrived: a perfect, massive wave presented itself. Praying, I caught it. The moment was captured by two brilliant photographers and the footage was picked up by a mobile phone company who used me to advertise their product (and my business!). I didn’t feel ready when God called me to take that step of faith, but I stepped anyway, and I’ve been blown away by how He has blessed my obedience.

The rule of life in the Promised Land was living by faith, and this is our rule of life too. Every great deed done for God starts with a step of faith – often into impossible circumstances – and you can trust Him to fulfil His promises as you follow His lead.

روز 2روز 4

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Courage to Stand

Join pastor, evangelist, and big wave surfer John McCarthy for a six-day journey through the book of Joshua. If you’re in a season of waiting, frustration, or fear, John’s epic surf stories and biblical insight will inspire you to be strong and courageous as you cling to God’s Word and take your next brave step of faith.
