21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"نمونه

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"

روز 6 از 21


How often do our endeavors fail? Plans that were initially meticulously laid out, structured, and seemed certain, only to come to a sudden halt. We gain nothing, and we experience failure. Because of this, we often lack the patience to wait.

Life demands that we keep moving forward, continuously progressing. Meanwhile, the world's propaganda never ceases in its attempts to hinder every believer's journey.

Do not fear life's challenges; continue to nurture hope in Him. Do not be afraid of your future, for those who patiently wait will realize He is already there. Therefore, rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer! (Romans 12:12).

Sometimes, we may have to wait to see God's promises fulfilled. Patience and hope are the keys to recognizing and realizing God's promises.

All the individuals used by God - Abraham, Moses, Joseph, and even Jesus Himself - experienced periods of waiting, for it was during those times that God prepared and equipped them for His calling. Therefore, let us take our time wisely. Stay patient and faithfully respond to what God reveals during those waiting periods.

Father, grant me a patient and hopeful heart only in You. Through patience and hope in You, I can ensure that what I receive is much greater than I could ever imagine. In Jesus' Name. Hallelujah. Amen.

روز 5روز 7

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21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"

1. To seek knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from God for the coming year (Daniel 1:17). 2. To dedicate everything we do in the coming year to Him alone. 3. To discipline our flesh and strengthen our spiritual life.
