21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"نمونه

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"

روز 5 از 21


We often doubt God's promises because we do not see signs of His fulfillment, and our doubt grows as the waiting period for those promises lengthens. When we doubt God's promises, we are not just doubting a promise; we are doubting God Himself. We doubt the character of the One who made the promise whether He will keep His word.

Today's Scripture reminds us that God's promise is as pure as refined silver. To obtain pure silver, it must go through a purification process, a process where silver is intensely heated, causing impurities and other metals to separate from the silver. Similarly, when we receive God's promises, we enter a journey where we will be tempted to forget God's promise and live by sight.

Will we still believe in His promise when what we see is vastly different? As we enter the year, we must remain faithful in spending personal time with God and focus on God's promises, not on what our physical eyes see. Remember that the Lord Himself will fulfill every promise.

His Word says that heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will not, which means we can believe that He is faithful to every word. Just because we do not see Him working does not mean He is not. Believe that He is working and will continue to fulfill every promise, for His promises are yes and amen.

Lord, thank you for every promise in my life. Forgive me if, in the waiting process for the fulfillment of Your promises, I rely too much on my physical sight and begin to forget Your promises. Teach me to continually hold onto Your promises. In the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.

روز 4روز 6

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21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"

1. To seek knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from God for the coming year (Daniel 1:17). 2. To dedicate everything we do in the coming year to Him alone. 3. To discipline our flesh and strengthen our spiritual life.
