Be a Game Changerنمونه

Be a Game Changer

روز 5 از 6

Watch How You Say It

Have you ever heard this phrase: “It’s not what you say—it’s how you say it”? 

Do you know what that phrase means? And do you know what it’s got to do with sharing the game-changing story of what Jesus has done in your life? 

Watch this video for some answers to those questions.

Wow. Our mouths can make a pretty big impact, depending on the tone we use! Remember yesterday’s reading from 1 Peter chapter 3? You’ll get to read verse 15 again today. And today, really focus on the part of that verse that tells you how to share the hope you have in Jesus. As the NIRV puts it, “do it gently and with respect.” 

Yesterday, you learned about how you can make the fact that you live for God easy to spot, no matter what you do. You learned, for example, that if you play a lot of sports, you could choose to pray before you practice or play. And how if someone asks you about it, you can let them know. Well, don’t forget the gentleness and respect! Be ready to give a gentle, respectful answer. 

Can you imagine how it would embarrass and hurt someone if they said, “Hey, what are you doing?” And you rolled your eyes and said, “I’m PRAYING to GOD because I’m a GOOD PERSON!” Oof. And ouch. 

Be ready with gentleness and respect. Maybe more like, “Oh, I just thank God that I get the chance to practice and play football. I can’t help but say a little prayer of thanks to Him before I start! Hey—you can join me anytime, too!” 

Why is gentleness and respect so important to God, especially in the way we talk to other people about Him? Because He loves each and every one of us equally. He loves people who follow Him. And He loves people who don’t follow Him yet just as much! Be gentle and respectful—because whoever you’re talking to is someone God loves and cares for. Jesus Himself said that loving Him and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves is the most important thing any follower of His can do. 

Ask yourself: Who is someone I might have a hard time being gentle or respectful with if they asked me why I follow Jesus? 

Challenge yourself: Sit for a moment and pray about the person you thought of in the “Ask yourself” question above. Ask God to give you patience and kindness in your heart and mind when you think of that person. Ask God to help you see that person the way He sees them. Ask for help forgiving any hurts that person may have caused in your heart. Ask God to help you to love your neighbors—even (and maybe especially) the ones who are harder for you to love. Pray that if you ever get the chance, you will be able to share your love for Jesus with that person gently and with respect.

Pray: God, thank You for teaching me how to be gentle and respectful in the way I talk to others about You. Thank You for how gentle You are with me. I love You, and I want to tell others about You well. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

روز 4روز 6

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Be a Game Changer

A game changer totally reshapes the direction of a game. Jesus was a game changer for a lost world. And guess what? You can be a game changer for someone else by telling them what Jesus did for you. Evangelism is a big word with big responsibility, but it’s actually very simple. This Bible Plan will help preteens understand how to share the Gospel with gentleness and respect.
