Be a Game Changerنمونه

Be a Game Changer

روز 3 از 6

What Story Are You Telling?

Yesterday you read about a man who was born blind. Jesus performed a miracle and healed him! He then went and told everyone he saw about this Jesus who healed him. 

Pretty dramatic, right? Some people have a really dramatic story about what Jesus did for them. And maybe you do, too! 

But does it have to be a dramatic story to be “good enough” to tell others? 

Watch this video from Riley, friend of The Loop Show, to answer that question.

See? Your story is amazing when you make Jesus the center. Because then it becomes God’s story. And all God’s stories are good stories that are totally worth sharing! 

So, what’s your story? Were you reckless? Was your life messy? Did you make mistakes? And were you rescued, loved, and restored? 

In today’s Bible reading from 1 Peter, chapter 3, really focus on verse 15. In the NIRV translation, it says, “Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope you have. Be ready to give the reason for it.” See? You don’t need fireworks. You don’t need to be the hero. Just be ready to talk to others about the hope, life, freedom, forgiveness, peace, fresh start, and whatever else Jesus has given you. 

Tomorrow, we’ll focus on one way you can tell others about the hope you have in Jesus. It just might surprise you!

Ask yourself: If someone asked me why I follow Jesus, what would I say to them? 

Challenge yourself: Write down as many reasons for following Jesus as you can on a sheet of paper. Remember things like: “He helps me learn patience. It feels good to be able to pray to Him. He helps me get rid of shame when I’ve done something wrong.” See how many you can get on that page. 

Pray: God, thank You for all the ways You’ve made my life more meaningful. Help me to focus on all the ways You’ve made me better! Help me to be ready to share this hope I have in You. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

روز 2روز 4

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Be a Game Changer

A game changer totally reshapes the direction of a game. Jesus was a game changer for a lost world. And guess what? You can be a game changer for someone else by telling them what Jesus did for you. Evangelism is a big word with big responsibility, but it’s actually very simple. This Bible Plan will help preteens understand how to share the Gospel with gentleness and respect.
