The Sacred Chaseنمونه

The Sacred Chase

روز 7 از 7

Heath Adamson: The Sacred Chase Devotional Day 7

“A Simple Yes”

When we say yes to the sacred chase, we don’t know where it will lead. But we can trust it will produce good for God’s kingdom, regardless.

Living a life of saying a continual yes to Jesus our Lord may mean we have the dream opportunity we long for like the young Jewish men experienced when they heard their rabbi say, “Come and follow me.” 

We know what happened to the disciples who heard Jesus say these words to them and responded with a yes. The men Jesus invited to come and follow Him did not have easy lives. According to church tradition, all but one gave up their lives for their faith. Yet along the way, they wrote books that we read today in our Bibles, watched as entire cities and regions were changed with the gospel, witnessed countless miracles, and those men are still known to this day.

We see in Mark 5 that the Gadarene man knew how important a continual yes to God was. After Jesus was begged by the townspeople to leave the region and was on his way out of town, the man asked Jesus if he could go with Him. All the Gadarene wanted was to be near Jesus.

Yet the man didn’t hear the words “Come and follow me.” Instead, Jesus said something that seems terribly cold and insincere. Jesus told the man to “go home” (Mark 5:19). 

The Gadarene man never became a well-known figure in church history. We don’t even know his name. Why? Jesus simply instructed him to go home. Well, he did so, and his continual yes undoubtedly produced just as much positive change as the disciples’ yes did. 

Your simple yes to begin, continue, and finish your sacred chase will as well.

Sometimes the sacred chase doesn’t result in accomplishing a big dream that the world takes notice of. When we run our race swiftly and undeterred, we may cross the finish line and hear the applause, not of the crowd, but of One. Are you committed to a lifelong sacred chase, regardless of what it leads to?

روز 6

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The Sacred Chase

The sacred chase is the audacious pursuit of God and God’s reckless love for you. All of heaven desires to see your life soaked with the reality of God’s presence. As Heath Adamson reminds us in this week-long devotional, pursuing this is worth all of your efforts. The prize is the reality of Jesus in your life today.
