The Sacred Chaseنمونه

The Sacred Chase

روز 5 از 7

Heath Adamson: The Sacred Chase Devotional Day 5

“Who Are You?”

Our identity is not who people perceive us to be. It is who God knows us to be (2 Cor. 5:11). 

Additionally, our identity is not who we pretend to be. This is why Paul wrote in Galatians 1:10, “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man?”

Who we are is equivalent to who we belong to. As followers of Christ, you and I belong to an amazing Father called God. 

The source of our struggle with our identity is often a clue to the next step in our sacred chase. 

As I said in the preceding devotionals, the first step to a greater connection with God is setting aside the excuses, shame, and distractions to pursue Him. This means being authentic, truly revealing how we think and feel to God. It means being unashamed and daring to believe God will not turn us away. This is authenticity at its best. 

Then the next step is to continue by being intentionally vulnerable with God in the deepest part of your soul. In doing this, you choose to dare to believe God’s significant, custom-designed purpose is worth all of your attention.

What lies have you believed about yourself? You may think God forgives everyone else, but that you—well, you are a different story. You may believe your struggle has just been too long and too hard for even God to bring you through. You may tolerate less than what God promised because you don’t think you deserve it. You may believe God answers everyone else’s prayers but yours. You may feel guilty because in the past you tried to pursue God with all of your soul and fell flat on your face.

There is a reality you must embrace that will take you into your full spiritual inheritance. What is it? God’s love for you is greater than everything else that comes against you. Romans 8:31 says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” You are a child of the Almighty God. 

Because of God’s Fatherly love, experience the freedom that changes everything by taking off your mask and letting Him into those areas He was aware of all along. 

روز 4روز 6

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The Sacred Chase

The sacred chase is the audacious pursuit of God and God’s reckless love for you. All of heaven desires to see your life soaked with the reality of God’s presence. As Heath Adamson reminds us in this week-long devotional, pursuing this is worth all of your efforts. The prize is the reality of Jesus in your life today.
