Mark 10

The blessin oʼ the bairns. Ane that loʼed the siller. Wha wad be greatest? The blinʼ man oʼ Jericho.
1And risin up, he cam intil the borders oʼ Jordan. And thrangs cam thegither till him again; and, as he aye did, he instruckit them again.
2And the Pharisees cam nar till him, and they wad ken, “Is it lawfuʼ for a man to pit awa a wife?” tempin him.
3And answerin them, quoʼ he, “What dis Moses commaun?”
4And they said, “Moses allooed a writin oʼ divorce, and to put her awa.”
5But Jesus answerʼt, “Anent the hardness oʼ yere hearts, he wrate ye this commaun.
6“But frae the first oʼ the creation, God formed them male and female.
7“And fore‐anent this sal a man leaʼ his faither and his mither, and cling till his wife:
8“And they twa sal be ae flesh: sae are they nae mair twa, but ae flesh.
9“Whasae, than, God has joined thegither let‐na man pit sindry!”
10And whan they war within again, the disciples speirʼt at him anent it.
11And he says to them, “Whasae pits awa his wife, and taks anither, commits adultery against his wife.
12“And gin a woman divorces her husband, and taks anither, she commits adultery.”
13And they war bringin till him bairns, that he soud touch them; but the disciples challenged them that brocht them.
14But when Jesus saw it, he was unco displeased, and said to them, “Lat the wee anes come to me: hinner‐them‐na: for oʼ siccan anes is the kingdom oʼ God!
15“Truly say I tʼye, Whasae taks‐na till him the kingdom oʼ God as a wee bairn, heʼse in naegate comin in!”
16And he clippit them up in his airms, and socht blessings on them, and pat his hauns on them.
17And as he was gaun oot in the way, ane cam rinnin, and loutit doon afore him, and speirʼt at him, “Gude Maister! what maun I do to heir eternal life?”
18And Jesus says to him, “Why dae ye caʼ me ‘Gude?’ Thar is but Ane gude — God!
19“Ye ken the commauns — kill‐na, commit‐na avoutrie, steal‐na, mansweir‐na, wrangously seek‐na, cherish faither and mither!”
20And he said to him, “Maister, aʼ thae things hae I watched ower sinʼ my bairnheid!”
21And Jesus, lookin upon him, loʼed him, and said to him, “Ye hae ae thing wantin; gang, and sell whatsae ye hae, and gae to the puir; and yeʼll hae gear in Heeven: and come, follow ye me!”
22But dule cam on him at that sayin; and he gaed his ways sorrowfuʼ; for he was haudin great estates.
23And Jesus lookit roond aboot, and says he to his disciples, “Wiʼ what sair strivin sal they win to Heeven wha hae the riches!”
24And the disciples ferlied uncolie at the words. But Jesus answers again, and quoʼ he to them, “Bairns, what sair strivin sal it be to enter the kingdom oʼ God!
25“Itʼs suner that a camel gangs throwe a needleʼs ee, than that a rich man gangs intil the kingdom oʼ God!”
26And they were amazʼt ayont aʼ bounds, and quoʼ they, “Than wha can be saved?”
27And gazin on them, Jesus says, “Wiʼ men it is impossible; but no wiʼ God: wiʼ God, aʼ things are possible!”
28Than Peter begude to say to him, “See! we laid doon aʼ, and followʼt thee!”
29And Jesus answerʼt, “Truly say I tʼye, nane has left hoose, or brithers, or sisters, or faither or mither, or bairns, or mailins, for my sake and the Gude‐Wordʼs sake,
30“But sal win a #10:30 Whatʼs nar till us, bouks sae muckle, that we aft finʼ it easier to lippen God for the things oʼ the neist life, raither than for the things oʼ time! But lat us learn the lear oʼ this verse, and do so nae mair!hunner‐fauld noo in this time — hooses, and brithers, and sisters, and mithers, and bairns, and mailins, wiʼ persecutions; and iʼ the warld to come, eternal life!
31“But mony first sal be hinmaist; and the hinmaist first.”
32Noo they war on the gate till Jerusalem; and Jesus was gaun afore them; and they ferlied sair; and as they followʼt, they war fleyʼt. And he took the Twalʼ, and begude again to tell them the things that soud befaʼ him:
33“Tak tent! we gang up till Jerusalem; and the Son oʼ Man sal be deliverʼt up to the Heigh‐priests, and Scribes, and they sal adjudge him to deid, and sal gie him ower to the heathen;
34“And they will geck at him, and will spit upon him, and will clour him, and will slay him; and eftir thrie days wull he arise.”
35And James and John, the sons oʼ Zebedee, cam; and they say to him. “Maister! we wad that thou soud do for us whatsoeʼer we ask oʼ Thee!”
36And he says to them, “What isʼt ye wad hae me to do for ye?”
37And they say to him, “Gie until us that we may sit, ane on thy richt haun, and ane on thy left, in thy glorie!”
38Jesus says to them, “Ye ken‐na what ye are seekin! Can ye drink the cup I drink oʼ? or be bapteezt wiʼ the bapteezin I am bapteezʼt wi?”
39And they say to him, “We can.” And Jesus says to them, “The cup I drink oʼ ye sal drink; and wiʼ the bapteezin I am bapteezʼt wiʼ sal ye be bapteezʼt:
40“But to sit on my richt haun and on my left haun isna mine to gie — but for to be gien to them for wham it is gotten ready!”
41And jalousinʼit, the Ten begude to hae indignation at James and John.
42And Jesus caʼd them till him, and said, “Ye ken that they wha seem to be rulin ower the nations, lord it ower the folk; and their great anes come doon wiʼ authoritie upon them.
43“But no in sic like sal it be amang ye; for wha wad become great amang ye, sal be yere servitor:
44“And wha wad be first amang ye, sal be yere thirlman.
45“For truly the Son oʼ Man cam‐na to be serʼt, but to serʼ; and to gie his life a ransom for mony.”
46And they cam tae Jericho; and as he gaed oot oʼ Jericho wiʼ his disciples and a hantle oʼ folk, the son oʼ Timeus, blinʼ Bartimeus, the beggar, was sittin by the way.
47And whan he heard it was Jesus oʼ Nazareth, he begude to cry oot, “Jesus, thou Son oʼ Dauvid! hae thou mercy on me!”
48And mony flytit on him, that he sud be quate. But he cryʼt sae muckle the mair, an unco deal, “Thou Son oʼ Dauvid! hae mercy on me!”
49And Jesus stude still, and said, “Caʼ ye him!” and they caʼd the blinʼ man, sayin, “Cheer up! Rise! Heʼs caʼin ye!”
50And he, thrawin aff his manteel, sprang up, and cam to Jesus.
51And Jesus, answerin him, says, “What wad ye that I soud do till ye?” And the blinʼ man said, “Lord! that I may hae my sicht!”
52And Jesus said to him, “Gang yere ways! yere faith has made ye hale!” And forthwith he gat his sicht, and followʼt #10:52 The best thing a man can do wiʼ his new sicht — whether oʼ the een or the spirit — is to follow the Maister wiʼt!Jesus.

انتخاب شده:

Mark 10: SCO1904


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