Matthew 21
The entry intil Jerusalem. The feckless fig‐tree. The ill‐deedie gardeners.
1And whan they wan nar Jerusalem, and war come till Bethphage, at the Mount oʼ Olives, Jesus sent forrit twa oʼ his disciples.
2Sayin to them, “Gang yere ways to the toun fornent ye, and ye sal finʼ at ance an ass tetherʼt, and a cowt wiʼ her; lowse them, and lead them to me.
3“And gin ony ane challenge ye, say, ‘The Lord has need oʼ them;’ and at ance they wull send them.”
4Noo this was sae, that it soud be fulfilled that was said by the prophet:
5“Tell ye Zionʼs dochter. Tak tent! thy King comes to thee, lowly, and ridin on an ass; and a cowt, the foal oʼ a toilin ass.”
6And the disciples, doin as Jesus appointit them,
7Feshʼd the ass and the cowt, and they laid on their mantles; and he sat thar‐on.
8And a hantle oʼ the thrang spread their mantles iʼ the way; ithers cuttit branches frae the trees, and strinkled them iʼ the way.
9And aʼ the folk that gaed on afore, and they that cam ahint, cryʼt, sayin, “Hosanna to the Son oʼ Dauvid! Blessed is he comin iʼ the name oʼ the Lord! Hosanna iʼ the heighest Heevens!”
10And whan he was come tae Jerusalem, aʼ the citie was putten aboot, speirin, “Wha is this?”
11And aʼ the folk said, “This is Jesus the Prophet — frae Nazareth oʼ Galilee!”
12And Jesus gaed intil the Temple, and drave oot aʼ that sellʼt and bocht iʼ the Temple, and whammlʼt ower the tables oʼ the nifferers oʼ siller, and the binks oʼ thae that sellʼt doos.
13And said to them, “It is putten‐doon, ‘My Hoose sal be caʼd a Hoose oʼ Prayer,’ but ye mak’ it a howff oʼ robbers!”
14And there cam till him iʼ the Temple the blinʼ and the lameters; and he healed them.
15But whan the Heid‐Priests and the Writers saw the ferlies that he did, and the bairns cryin oot iʼ the Temple, and sayinʼ “Hosanna to the Son oʼ Dauvid!” they war sair vexed;
16And quoʼ they till him, “Hear‐ye‐na what thir anes say?” And Jesus says to them, “Aye! And hae‐ye‐na read, ‘Oot oʼ bairnsʼ and sucklinsʼ mouʼs hast thou ordeenʼt thy praise!’ ”
17And he left them, and gaed oot oʼ the city to Bethanie, and lodged the nicht thar.
18And comin back early tae the city he hungerʼt.
19And seein a fig‐tree by the way, he cam tillʼt and fund naething onʼt but leaves; and quoʼ he, “Lat thar be nae frute oʼ thee frae this forrit, for evir!” And belyve, the fig‐tree dwined awa!
20And whan the disciples saw it, they ferlied uncolie, sayin, “Hoo sune did the fig‐tree dwine awa!”
21And Jesus answerʼt, and said to them, “Truly say I tʼye, Gin ye hae faith, ye mayna only do as is dune to the fig‐tree, but aiblins ye may say to this mountain, ‘Flit thou, and faʼ intil the sea!’ it sal be dune.
22“And ye sal winʼ aʼ things — whatsoeʼer ye ask in prayer, believin.”
23And whan he was come intil the Temple, the Heid‐Priests and the Elders oʼ the people cam till him as he was teachin, and quoʼ they, “By whatna authoritie div ye do thir things? And wha gied ye this authoritie?”
24And, answerin, Jesus said to them, “I wull ask you ae quaisten as weel; and gin ye answer me, I wull tell ye by whatna authoritie I do thir things.
25“The bapteezin oʼ John#21:25 See note, Mark 11:30. — whaur cam it frae? Frae Heeven? or oʼ men!” And they counsellʼt amang theirsels, sayin, “Gin we say, ‘Frae Heeven,’ he wull say to us, ‘Why, than, dinna ye believe him?’
26“But gin we say, ‘Frae men,’ we are fleyʼt oʼ the people; for they aʼ haud John as a Prophet.”
27And they answerʼt Jesus, and said, “We canna tell.” And than he, too, says to them, “And naither div I tell you by what authoritie I do thir things!
28“But hoo div ye judge noo? A man had twa sons; and he cam to the first ane, and quoʼ he, ‘Son, gang and work, the day, in my vine‐yaird!’
29“He, answerin, said, ‘I winna!’ but eftir, he bethocht him, and gaed.
30“And he cam to the second, and said the like; and he answerʼt, and quoʼ he, ‘I — aye, Sir!’ and gaed‐na.
31“Whilk oʼ thae twa did his faitherʼs wull?” They say till him, “The first ane.” Jesus says to them, “Truly say I tʼye, that the tax‐men and the harlots gang intil the Kingdom oʼ Heeven afore ye!
32“For John cam to ye, schawin richtousness; and ye wadna believe him. And ye, seein it aʼ, didna eʼen repent eftirhaun, that ye micht lippen till him.
33“Hear ye anither parable: Thar was a laird wha plantit a vine‐yaird, and dykit it roond aboot, and howkit a wine‐vat inʼt, and biggit a tooer, and lat it oot to crofters, and gaed awa till anither land.
34“And whan the time oʼ frutinʼ drew nar, he sent his servants to the crofters to receive his frutes.
35“And the crofters took his servants, and they cloured ane, and slew anither, and staned anither.
36“And again, he sent ither servants, mair in number than the first anes; and they did to them the same.
37“But eftir, he sent to them his son, sayin, ‘They will honour my son.’
38“The crofters, howbeit, seein the son, said amang theirsels, ‘This is the heir! Come, let us slay him, and tak his inheritance.’
39“And they took him, and cuist him oot the vine‐yaird, and killed him.
40“Whan, tharfor, the laird oʼ the vine‐yaird sal come, what wull he do to thae crofters?”
41They say to him, “Unco destruction sal he bring on thae wicked men; and wull lat oot the vine‐yaird to ither crofters, wha wull render him the frutes iʼ their seasons!”
42Jesus says to them, “Did ye nevir read iʼ the word, ‘The stane rejeckit oʼ the masons, the same was made the heid oʼ the corner. Frae the Lord was this: and an unco ferlie in oor eʼen!’
43“Tharfor say I tʼye, The Kingdom oʼ God sal be taʼen awa frae ye, and gien till a nation bringin forth the frutes oʼt.
44“And wha faʼs on this stane sal be sairly cloured; but on wham it may faʼ, it wull grind him to poother!”
45And the Heid‐Priests and Pharisees, hearing his parables, jaloused that he spak oʼ them.
46But whan they socht to grip him, they fearʼt the crood; for they did haud him as a Prophet.
انتخاب شده:
Matthew 21: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.