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Forty Days in the PsalmsNäide

Forty Days in the Psalms

DAY 24 OF 40

We can see Jesus in this Psalm, which I love because it clarifies things. Jesus said all Scripture points to Him, and verses 7 through 10 welcome the coming of the Messiah. "Lift up your heads, O gates…that the King of glory may come in." As Christians, we know Jesus is that King of Glory. He was born to a virgin, grew to be a Mighty Witness, and was crucified and raised from the dead. He is the King of Glory, and those gates opened for Him.

Let's focus on verses 3 through 6 to help our prayer life: "Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…he will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek Him."

Reflecting on my life, I (Josiah) know I don't qualify for this, which affects my prayer life. I can't ascend the Hill of the Lord. But Jesus, our Sinless Mediator, ascended that Hill and said, "If you put your faith in me, I'm taking you with me." We can come to God now because of Jesus. His Blood cleanses us from all sin, purifies our souls, and forgives our deceitful ways. We can pray these verses with confidence knowing Christ has cleansed our hands and forgiven us.


Pray Psalm 24:3-6 for those who are lost or have fallen away from God. Admit the truth of verses 3 and 4. But remember that verses 5 and 6 say Jesus can make a way for them. Pray for them to receive Blessing and Righteousness from the Lord. For ourselves, pray for God to help us seek His Face and share our lives with Him.


Day 23Day 25