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Promises in the PsalmsEjemplo

Promises in the Psalms

DÍA 29 DE 46

Promises: Worthy of Worship

Today’s devotional is for those who serve in church ministry. Certainly, serving the Lord in different areas of ministry is a great demonstration of love. You may serve as a teacher for children, teens, or adults. You may cook meals for those going through challenging times or serve food to the homeless. You may be gifted in music or skilled in technology. But please hear this: Service without worship results in spiritual burnout.

Psalm 69:30-31
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hooves.

Bringing sacrifices to the Lord was a part of Israel’s service. The Israelites needed their oxen to plow the fields. Bulls with horns (signifying maturity) were needed to increase the herds. Sacrificing these animals was a costly act. But sacrifice without worship is a futile exercise. David says that praising God in song and thanksgiving will please the Lord more than sacrificing valuable animals. Service should take place, but not without worship.

As you serve, be sure to spend time praising God’s name in song and glorifying him with thanksgiving. Remember: Service without worship results in spiritual burnout.

Father, remind me of this truth often. It is easy to get immersed in service and neglect taking the time to read your Word and worship your person. Help me learn the balance of heartfelt worship and meaningful service. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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