Promises in the PsalmsEjemplo

Promises: Amazing God
Thanks for taking the time to join me as we engage in God’s Word together each day. If these devotionals are helpful, be sure to share them with a friend or have them subscribe at Also, we are excited to resume our podcasts in September. We look forward to sharing many stories of how God works in real life. We have episodes featuring a former major league baseball player and his search for identity, a couple who struggled with a secret sin, two young adults sharing about their father’s lasting legacy, a moving story about a father’s unconditional love, and many more. I’ll let you know when the episodes are released.
As we continue to find encouragement in the psalms, today’s passage contains several of God’s characteristics. Let’s consider each attribute one at a time.
Psalm 86:15-16a (NIV)
But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to me and have mercy on me; show your strength in behalf of your servant….
Lord, you are compassionate. Compassion is a deep feeling of sympathy with the desire and ability to do something about it. God loves you, and he did something about it! He sent Jesus to bear our sins on the cross.
Lord, you are gracious. Grace is a gift, free of charge, with no strings attached. It is not deserved. It can’t be earned. Grace brings us to Jesus and keeps us there.
Lord, you are slow to anger. Aren’t you glad that God is patient with us? He knows exactly what we are made of. He knows our tendency to stray. He provides forgiveness and puts us back on track…time and time again!
Lord, you are abounding in love. God demonstrated his abounding love in this—while our backs were turned on him, he sent Jesus to die for us.
Lord, you are faithful. God’s promises are true and certain. He will never go back on his Word. He makes good on all his promises.
Lord, you are merciful. In God’s grace, he gives us what we don’t deserve. In God’s mercy, he doesn’t give us what we do deserve. In fact, God poured out his judgment on Jesus so that we could experience his mercy.
Father, thank you for your compassion and grace. Thank you for your patience, love, and faithfulness. Thank you for your great mercy—not giving me what my sins deserve. In Jesus’ name. Amen.