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What's In A Name: I AMEjemplo

What's In A Name: I AM

DÍA 1 DE 4

Have you ever gotten completely obsessed with something? Obsession isn’t hard to fumble our way into. Think about it: When we find something that ’clicks’ with us, it can become a constant point of conversation with every person we talk to. Maybe it’s a hobby you’re into or something you collect, random facts you read online or even the latest TikTok trend. The right thing at the right time can grab our attention in such a way that it starts to take over.

In today’s reading we hear one of God’s most well-known names in Scripture: The Great “I AM”. In Exodus 3:13, after seeing God appear to him in the form of a burning bush, Moses asks God, “What is your name?”. In verse 14 God responds, “I am who I am”. In the original language, the Hebrew word is “hayah” (pronounced haw-yaw), and it means “to exist, become or come to pass”.

That’s a little bit of a strange name at first glance, but think about what God is saying to Moses. He’s not giving Moses a name to call him by (i.e. “Hello my name is ____”). He’s making a statement. When God says “I AM who I AM” He’s saying, “I am the one who was, is and is to come.” He’s saying He is the ultimate ruler of all things for all time. Who is powerful over all things? God says, “I AM”. Who is the one who knows all things? God says, “I AM”. Who is present with you in all times no matter the circumstances? God says, “I AM”.

God’s complete lack of limitations should be a point of obsession for us as His followers. If we truly grasped the reality of who God is it would blow our minds! For some of us this has been our experience – God has miraculously healed or provided – and in those moments we think, “Is there anything He can’t do?” The answer is always “no”! True belief in who He is and what He’s capable of is overwhelming. When God “clicks” with us it takes over.

Reflecting on these passages today, think about your life. When is the last time God “clicked” with you? What’s something in your life that causes you to question the great “I AM”? Pray that He would overcome YOUR limitations by showing you his lack of limitations. Ask Him to become an obsession in your life!

Día 2