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Genesis 1-2: Verse by Verse With Bible Study FellowshipMuestra

Genesis 1-2: Verse by Verse With Bible Study Fellowship

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The First Day

Light (1:3-5) – “And God said…” So, light separated from darkness. He called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” How did light fill the earth prior to the creation of the sun, moon and stars on day four? We cannot know for certain, but Scripture often depicts God Himself as light. The apostle John captures God’s holy purity with, “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). We worship the God who created light and who Himself is light.

God’s initial act brought light to His creation:

  • Light brings revelation, the way to know and be known.
  • Light overcomes the darkness.
  • Light reveals what the darkness hides.

As we study God’s Word, His truth illuminates our lives. He reveals who He is and who we really are. Do not fear God’s light exposing what darkness hides in your life. 2 Corinthians 4:6 reminds us, “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” Will you trust God’s holy light to lead you to know Him, His Son and His glory?

The Second Day

Sky (1:6-8) – Creation’s second day includes another separation to produce more form and order. God separates the water below from the water above to form earth’s atmosphere. This “vault” or canopy around the earth surrounds and protects our planet.

God also stretches out the sky such that its extent remains unknown. The vast, vaulted sky reminds us of how small we are before our great God. Psalm 108:4 declares, “For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” We worship the God who not only stands above us and apart from us, but also comes near and calls us to know Him, glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.

The Third Day

Land (1:9-13) – God sets boundaries for waters under the sky, forming seas, rivers, lakes and oceans. Dry land appears. God prepares an environment for vegetation. Signs of life emerge. Seed-bearing plants spring from the soil. These reproduce to yield colorful flowers and nourishing fruits and vegetables.

Creation reveals God’s depth and diversity. The varieties of landscapes and plant life reflect the width and breadth of God’s creativity and care. Lush vegetation fills jungles. Rocky crags host trees whose bent branches boast of survival in harsh elements. Cacti and wildflowers thrive in arid climates. The multiplied hues of flowers and falling leaves display a vibrant color spectrum only God could design. We worship the God whose imagination, beauty and majesty are inexhaustible.


  1. What phrases are repeated, and why are both the phrases and the repetition of them significant?

    Insights: Repeated phrases include “and God said,” “God called,” “let there be,” “and it was so,” “God saw that it was good,” “according to their (various) kinds.” The phrases show God’s power to accomplish His will and the repetition shows God’s personal interaction and involvement with our living environments and our lives themselves.
  2. What are some possible ways to define “day?” How do these definitions fit with other scriptures? (See Exodus 20:11; 2 Peter 3:8 and other verses you may know for help.)

    Insights: People have different opinions about how to interpret this record of God’s creative work. It could be that each day meant an indefinite period. Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8 say that to God a day is like a thousand years. Days were not defined as 24-hour periods of time until the sun was made on the fourth day. Others believe this meant six actual 24-hour days, as Exodus 20:11 seems to affirm. For example, God could have created full-grown trees just as He created the full-grown Adam. Psalm 90:10, 15 appear to support 24-hour days.
  3. When we go outside in the day or night, what does God intend us to remember from these verses, and how would this act change you?


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Genesis 1-2: Verse by Verse With Bible Study Fellowship

What do you wonder about God, yourself and everything else that fills our world? Genesis declares the whole story: the God who graciously creates splendor is also the God who lovingly redeems His creation from sin, giving us hope for our lives and the world. Spend 10 days exploring God’s intended bliss; first created, and now revealed, to call all people to live under His love, authority and blessing.
