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Genesis 1-2: Verse by Verse With Bible Study FellowshipMuestra

Genesis 1-2: Verse by Verse With Bible Study Fellowship

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Sixth Day

God Creates Humankind (1:26-27) – God planned carefully, much like parents prepare nurseries for their expected children. The right atmosphere, lights, seasons, vegetation and living creatures stood ready for the pinnacle of His creation. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness...” We are wise to ponder each part of God’s divine declaration.

Let us – reveals the conversation of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Let us” reflects the triune God’s united will and work in creation. God exists as one divine being in three co-equal, co-eternal persons – distinct, yet indivisible. This truth is progressively revealed in the Bible.

Make mankind – God has said, “Let there...” (1:3, 11, 20) until now. God “makes” humankind, a uniquely personal investment.

In our image, in our likeness – God’s investment in us is revealed by our likeness to Him. God’s life and image impart sacred dignity to every human. The entire Bible consistently underscores this truth.1

Throughout church history, imago Dei (the literal Latin phrase) is used to denote the “image of God.” What is our imago Dei? Consider these foundational aspects of God’s image reflected in human personality:

  • Reason, emotion and will
  • Love, joy, hate and peace
  • Relationship, unity, family
  • Beauty, talents, creativity

God perfectly expresses all aspects of His being. Our human expressions are imperfect, but our capacity and efforts reflect God’s image in us.

God’s will is always perfect and good. We sinners imperfectly reflect God’s image in our reasoning, decisions and actions. God made us for joy and pleasure.2 We all enjoy beauty, delicious food, art, fragrances, music and fine craftsmanship. God exists in an eternally perfect relationship – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We yearn to be satisfied with our own individual personalities, as well as longing for unity and bliss in relationships with other people.

Let Us Create Male and Female

So God created – The Hebrew word bara is used of God’s new creation. In fact, bara appears three times in 1:27. Repetition of this phrase emphasizes that God views human beings as the high point of His creation.

Humankind – The Hebrew adam refers to mankind, male and female, “… in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (1:27).

Our identity and purpose centers on God and being made in His likeness. God sets us apart from the birds and animals, created “according to their kind.” As the apex of God’s creation, every person is:

  • Created in God’s image to glorify Him.
  • Identified as God’s possession.
  • Designed as God’s co-regent over creation.
  • Meant to live in peace and bliss forever.

Provider of All

God’s blessing provides for people distinctively from all other creation (1:28-29). Scholars often refer to God’s words here as the Cultural Mandate. God defines humanity’s purpose and pleasures by commanding our duties and destinies.

God’s Cultural Mandate calls all people to meaningful relationships through work as His image-bearers.

  • Be fruitful and increase – steward marital, family and social relationships in devotion to God and one another.
  • Fill, subdue and rule – represent God in personal conduct and community work as caretakers of God’s creation.

Then, God affirms He is all creatures’ source of food. He gives every green plant to feed all the beings that will fill His earth. A review of Genesis 1 and 2 reveals God as the provider and sustainer of every need.

The work of God and humankind merges in God’s blessing. God entrusts people with the capacity, desire for and pleasure in meaningful work. He gives Adam specific work in the perfect garden He had made. God declares His own pleasure about His completed work of creation, “… and it was very good.”


  1. What results flow from God making humans in His image, distinctive from the rest of His creation?

    Insights: God records a specific decision, “Let us,” before humanity’s creation (1:26). Humanity is made in God’s image and likeness (1:26). Humanity is to rule over the creatures on the earth (1:26). God created both male and female in His image/likeness (1:27). He blessed male and female (1:28). God commands them to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule over God’s creatures together (1:28). God declared the creation of humanity was very good (1:31). Humanity has the ability to form intimate relationships with God and one another, to think and reason, to plan and create, to experience emotions, etc. Humanity finds its highest purpose in knowing, loving and serving God.
  2. How do these verses help, encourage, or challenge you regarding each person’s identity and purpose?

    Insights: Responses may include ideas such as: Humanity’s identity and purpose is tied to being created in God’s image for relationship with Him. For example, I am made in God’s image and able to relate to Him as a person. He determined how I would look, my gender, where I would be born, etc. I am wonderfully made by His design that I might seek Him, and that I may live and move and realize in my very being that I am His offspring. What an incredibly high calling and privilege that I am His and He is mine. Humanity finds its highest purpose in knowing, loving and serving God.

Related Verses

  1. Human dignity: Genesis 9:5-6; Psalm 8; Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10; James 3:8-9
  2. God’s emotions: Deuteronomy 7:7-8; Proverbs 6:16; Isaiah 63:9; Zephaniah 3:17; Philippians 4:7; 1 John 4:16
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Genesis 1-2: Verse by Verse With Bible Study Fellowship

What do you wonder about God, yourself and everything else that fills our world? Genesis declares the whole story: the God who graciously creates splendor is also the God who lovingly redeems His creation from sin, giving us hope for our lives and the world. Spend 10 days exploring God’s intended bliss; first created, and now revealed, to call all people to live under His love, authority and blessing.
