Active GenerosityEjemplo

A full, hearty meal landing on our plates right when we’re hungry. Feels like a lifeline, right? It’s the same way when we hear a sermon hitting the exact point we need to hear, right when we’re running on empty. Just as a meal gets us through the day, a good sermon gets us through the week. Or a podcast, or a devotional, or just that simple first moment of the day sitting with our Bible open in front of us.
The Bible says that God teaches us ‘wisdom in that secret place’ (Psalm 51:6). He makes sure we are spiritually fed, not just for what we need, but with a surplus we can give away to others. Proverbs tells us that ‘the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding’ (2:6). And if we know anything about God’s thoughts, it’s that they ‘outnumber the grains of sand’ (Psalm 139:18). If we want to know those thoughts, then we ‘should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to [us]’ (James 1:5). Heaven is never silent. When you want to hear God’s thoughts – ask!
And then, simply, why wouldn’t we want to give away to others what’s helped us? Or what’s got us back on our feet on a low day, or given us courage to charge into a terrifying meeting, or shifted our train of thought to God when temptation snapped at our heels?
James 1 teaches that we don’t have to be smart teachers to hear from God. In fact, it’s probably best if we’re not. All it takes is ‘I’m learning more about this every day; maybe it can help you too’. Give away what you learn. Give and you’ll find you get more and more. ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God’ (James 1:5). God is not stingy, and he delights in his children grabbing the initiative to know more and more of their Father’s thoughts about them.
Acerca de este Plan

Active Generosity is a 47-day challenge that seeks to reorient the topic of generosity in our hearts and help us understand what it means to be a good steward. Join us as we embark on a 47-day journey of generosity, following the wise instruction given to us in the Bible.
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