Active GenerosityEjemplo

‘God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus’ (Ephesians 2:6). What does this mean for our prayer lives? As we connect with our Father, our lives naturally begin to turn outwards. He is constantly swept up in a relationship of love between the Father, Son, and Spirit. It is not difficult for him to be turned outwards in kindness; it is not a trial or chore; it is totally and organically his nature. He has been like this from before time. And as we are found in Christ, that’s what we are becoming too.
Rather than force ourselves to be ‘more outwards’, or ‘more loving’, why don’t you try today to simply notice. Simply look around and notice what those around you are going through. Start to ask the Father, ‘What would you think about this situation? How would you want to love this person, right now? How would you want me to pray?’ As you start to share his eyes for those around you, caring like Jesus cares won’t be a chore. It will simply be the overflow of a life connected with a Father who likes to share who he is. Find yourself not caring for others? Find yourself distracted and detached? God doesn’t. And he will help you change.
Committing to prayer, or listening for God’s prompting to pray, isn’t then a religious task. In the light of Ephesians 2:6, it is just like a father and child talking.
Acerca de este Plan

Active Generosity is a 47-day challenge that seeks to reorient the topic of generosity in our hearts and help us understand what it means to be a good steward. Join us as we embark on a 47-day journey of generosity, following the wise instruction given to us in the Bible.
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