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Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the BibleEjemplo

Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the Bible

DÍA 74 DE 90

  • God’s kingdom is about to explode throughout the known world. 
  • Acts is Luke’s sequel that tracks the events after Jesus’s resurrection and ascension to heaven.
  • This book is also the record of the “acts” of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes in power upon Jesus’s followers. This is the “Helper” Jesus promised in John 14:26 and Matthew 28:20. Be amazed at the lives changed and their impact. 
  • The church forms. This is not a building, but a community of Jesus-followers dedicated to worship, encouragement, teaching, and caring for those in their community. Paul describes the church as “the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12, Romans 12:5, 1 Corinthians 12:27). 
  • Listen as Stephen, martyred for his faith, makes a final speech connecting the story of Jesus to the story of Israel. This will make great sense since you have just read the Old Testament.
Día 73Día 75

Acerca de este Plan

Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the Bible

Every word of the Bible can be read in 90 hours. This plan will help you follow the overarching story of the Bible with Jesus at its center and includes a chronological reading plan, prompts for each day's reading and supplemental videos from The Bible Project. To read every word of the Bible in 90 days is a worthy challenge and entirely achievable.
