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Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the BibleEjemplo

Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the Bible

DÍA 77 DE 90

  • God will reestablish His kingdom here on earth in the ultimate day of the Lord.
  • Paul coaches the Thessalonian church on living holy lives and continuing in the process of sanctification (becoming more like Jesus through the power of His Holy Spirit). Pay attention to Paul’s teaching about how to live while awaiting Jesus’s return.
  • Read in Acts the details of Paul planting a new church in Corinth, a cosmopolitan port city known for its debauchery. He spent about 18 months in Corinth. 
  • Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church reveals some major problems among the believers. He addresses sinful behavior. Understand the significance of personal holiness, especially since believers are literally now God’s temple where the Holy Spirit resides.
Día 76Día 78

Acerca de este Plan

Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the Bible

Every word of the Bible can be read in 90 hours. This plan will help you follow the overarching story of the Bible with Jesus at its center and includes a chronological reading plan, prompts for each day's reading and supplemental videos from The Bible Project. To read every word of the Bible in 90 days is a worthy challenge and entirely achievable.
