De Ahora en Adelante por Craig & Amy GroeschelEjemplo

Fight Fair
All couples fight. But how you fight can mean the difference between a minor disagreement and major damage. Healthy couples fight for resolution, not for victory. Conflict isn’t a relationship killer all by itself. But here are four warning signs that you may not be handling conflict in a constructive way:
1. Criticism
Are you using disagreement or conflict as an opportunity to criticize your spouse? Or are you guilty of criticizing them in front of other people? Criticism is a warning sign that you’re fighting against each other instead of for the relationship.
2. Contempt
Contempt is one of the most accurate indicators that a marriage is heading off track. Even if it’s never expressed in words, a disgusted glare, an exasperated eye roll, or a snarky mental remark is still a big red flag.
3. Defensiveness
Right now — when you’re not in the middle of a fight — you have to admit that defensiveness is not something that you’ll probably be able to see in yourself once your feathers are ruffled. You’ll have to choose to listen when it’s pointed out to you.
4. Stonewalling
If your spouse won’t seek God with you, don’t let that stop you. Your spouse is not your enemy. We only have one enemy. And he’s a thief and liar who never fights fair. Don’t fight each other. Get on the same team, and fight off the spiritual issues like pride and a hard heart that sabotage your relationship.
Let’s pray together: Jesus, please help us to keep conflict from driving a wedge into our marriage. Help each of us lay down our pride and address our own issues with criticism, contempt, defensiveness, or stonewalling. Help us commit to fight in a way that brings restoration and resolution. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Acerca de este Plan

Usted puede tener un excelente matrimonio. Las decisiones que tome hoy determinarán el matrimonio que tendrá mañana. El Pastor y autor de gran éxito en ventas según el New York Times, Craig Groeschel y su esposa Amy, le mostrará cómo cinco compromisos pueden ayudarle a tener un matrimonio a toda prueba: Busque a Dios, pelea justa, diviértase, manténgase puro y no se de por vencido. Tenga el matrimonio que siempre ha querido, comenzando ya mismo — de ahora en adelante.
Nos gustaría agradecer a Zondervan, HarperCollins, y Life.Church por proveer este plan. Para mayor información, por favor visite:
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