De Ahora en Adelante por Craig & Amy GroeschelEjemplo

Seek God
Modern culture tells us we should look for that perfect person: “the one.” If we just find and marry “the one,” everything afterwards is wedded bliss, right? That’s a pretty unreasonable expectation to place on someone. Just think: would you want to be “the one” to bear that responsibility? Then why force those expectations on someone else?
God is the One who completes you. He created you to love Him with your whole heart and to put Him above all else. God is your One. Your spouse is your two. And when the two of you commit to seek God together, you can build a marriage—together—on a firm foundation that will stand the test of time.
What’s something you could ask God to do in you that would make you a better partner to your spouse? Become the kind of person you would want to be married to. Seek the One with your two. Begin by committing to pray together every day, even if it’s through a text message, over the phone, or silently.
Let’s pray together: God, help us to put You first in our home and to seek You together. Help us establish a strong foundation by building our relationship on You. Help us commit to a regular time that we pray together each day. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Acerca de este Plan

Usted puede tener un excelente matrimonio. Las decisiones que tome hoy determinarán el matrimonio que tendrá mañana. El Pastor y autor de gran éxito en ventas según el New York Times, Craig Groeschel y su esposa Amy, le mostrará cómo cinco compromisos pueden ayudarle a tener un matrimonio a toda prueba: Busque a Dios, pelea justa, diviértase, manténgase puro y no se de por vencido. Tenga el matrimonio que siempre ha querido, comenzando ya mismo — de ahora en adelante.
Nos gustaría agradecer a Zondervan, HarperCollins, y Life.Church por proveer este plan. Para mayor información, por favor visite:
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