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Luk 19

Tisase Sakiusu helo imo fele, helo le
1Tisase mono somo feko teoko, Tieliko saomo tc séko fele, to saoko iyo tekio feinokoko. 2Teko eletano, to saomoto, lio lokono somo tele, takisi tobeki lilc liou helo welifle weno somo. Helo híto, Sakiusu. To tobeki heleale ae fa lia. 3"Tisase bome tane" kalo, Sakiusu tc kale. "O, yo toko fe naneiko, to halekoko lia." Koeoko tc fele. Tisaseko naneinokoko elelc, to tiono. Naneleli. Liou ae tieli latokowálele. 4Naneleli tekota akomo nanimo wóketa feoko, kiamu ame somo temo héátooko, helo kanono to keatele. "Ame helo tukumo bo feabekebe" koeoko tc to keateko naneko tele. 5Tisase mono somo booko, to ame tino bo héketeko tc eikato nanele. "Sakiusu, no akomo bo wle! Melou yo neno imo fe táikomo, no fafuo." 6Kawo, akomo bo wleoko, lakene ae fa tc li eleae fele, helo imo. 7Liou ae toko naneleko, emiele bo loko tc eko telele. Teko kalele "A! Tisase to le biowale ekaelc liale imo fe táinokoko feme!"
8Helo imo fe uwofuleko, Sakiusu ílio héketeko, Welifle Wenoko tc kale. "Welifle, no lele! Yowo heleale tobeki emiele wábuno betekaneikomo. Teko betekanenoko, beteko somo, to mome faki telc liouko likowó baeikomo. To komokeyo. Belimo keli liouko kofliouoko, helo heleale iwo lialeto, yo wesiowe baeikomo. Somo héaleto, wesiowe hanale katukwiolc eikoko baeikomo. Hanale tekoko lowane baeikomo."
9Kawo, Tisase tc kale. "Melou no fato Eblahame helo súó teli you tc temi. Teko temi tekota melou komo Koto no neno i somomo liou fafuoko biowale mena li bo likoyameko ukoume tane. 10Tekoko tibuno yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono tc boale, elele yano. Liou, biowalemo felc monomo hóó hóó ebe liouko Koto moso eikoko lulukae eleae bounokoko tc boale."
Mome hale elc liou okowolc, tobeki lilele, helo ifeli le
(Matiu 25.14-30)
11Liou helo le leleko tolo, Tisase le fei, ifeli le tc ú baele. To mome kakeyo. Tielusaleme sao towono fe uwofuleko, liou muku kokoúwáó eleko tc kalele. "Koto liouko hekaeko telelele melou komo bc uwofukekeme!" 12To muku kokoúwáó teko kalele tekota ifeli le tc koule. "Welifle somo, wiya welinamo feinokoko ele, te mena weliweli toko alookalokoko. Alookalo, tei tu wiyako eiko bo hekaenokoko, helo welifle imasiou. 'Yo fenao, yoko "Welifle Imasiou" alookalo tc eiko boukomo.' 13Tekoko muku fa, helo mome hale elc liou okowolcko tc kou kokalile. Kou kokaliwo, towono bolo, emiele somo somoko kolo tobeki somo, hale fako 100-bela elelele helo wesiowe nani lowane tc baele. Kolo tobeki 10-bela somo somoko teko likowó baeoko tc koule. 'Nobo ele tobeki hémuto, tobeki hale eko telo! Tobeki hale eko tonuko, e feko e feko yo eiko bonao tc ílialo.' Teko kouoko tc fele.
14" 'Yo feikomo, yoko welifle imasiou alookalokoko' kouoko fele tekokolc, helo wiya mena liou halio biowale elele, to welifleko. Halio biowale eleko, helo ese liouko tc kou wlaelele, helo kimo kliko felokoko. 'Nobo kabcmane weliweliko fe koulo "Toko 'Welifle Imasiou' alookeamu! O toko lakene ekeyo tekota oko eiko bo hekaelame!" Toko teko fe koulo!' 15Te mena liou teko fe kalelelc, helo le lelekeyo. Welifle Imasiou tc alookalele. Welifle Imasiou alookalo tc eiko bole, tei tu saomo. Eiko booko, liou feiko tc koule, helo mome hale elc liou okowolc to moso eiko bolokoko. Helo tobeki, toko wenenoyainokoko, 'Tobeki hale hábomo ekaeko tebele fao? Nabeo fao?' Toko wenenoyainokoko tc kou wlaele, eleae bolokoko.
16"Imasiou mome hale elc lia eiko booko tc bo kole 'Welifle, neno tobeki ele tane. Kolo tobeki somo, yo tolo tobeki hale eko temalito, kolo tobeki okowolc fei fa limale.' 17Kawo, helo nawe tc kale. 'O yeketa! Noto, yowo mome hale elc lia yeketa! Ele hale lokouwono you hábomo heko temili tekota no sao okowolc helo welifle weno te. Toko hekaeko te.'
18"Imasiou lia bc fewo, himoko lia tc bole. Booko tc bo kale. 'Welifle, neno kolo tobeki somo, yo to tobekilo hale eko temalito, kolo tobeki katilc fei limali.' 19Kawo tc kale. 'You. Wesiowe yo neleko alookaikomo, sao katilc hekaeikemikoko.'
20"Himoko lia bc fewo, wó fei lokono tc bole. Booko tc bo kale. 'Hano Welifle, eleko nane. Neno tobeki yo, áko boloolo betio yoeale. 21Yo mome ekeyo, yo neleko weneno, no le hekekemo ko ko e emi lia. No, liou feile wáklelo lilc, toko hehébekali li fe e emi. Wó, fei kaneno hale e ebe fato, neneli hehébekali e emi. Yo weneno fa no teko e emi lia tekota, yo neleko luo eoko, yoko abonini tobeki mome tc yo teale, áko boloolo eleoko.'
22"Teko kawo, wesiowe helo nawe tc kale. 'Yo neno hale likamokomoto, to le neno eselo beli kami tolo bc likamokomo. Woso, nenei tu le busu yoko bc weemi tane, no mome hale elc lia biowale you! Neneli beli kami "Yo neleko weneno fa, no le hekekemo ko ko emi lia. No lioule wáklelo lilc, helo ka mena hehébekali e emi. Wó, kaneno elele fato, neneli to lioule ka mena hehebekali e emi." Neneli tekoko lowane beli kami! 23Yoko weneno fa tekokolc, tobeki likolc imo li fe yakeyo metako, to tobeki ae welieyanokoko? To tobeki ae welieyano, eiko bonoko tc linokoko.' 24Welifle weno le hekekemo teko koeoko, liou fei, towono héwlialele liouko tc koule. 'Sei, nobo, tobeki to lia moso mena hónuko, tobeki okowolc lioko teme lia moso neelo.' 25Kawo tc kalele. 'Hano Welifle! To tobeki okowolc beli lioko teme!'
26"Kalo tc kale. 'You, hónuko neelo! Yo noboko mokeyu you koumo. Keli, nomo lioko teabeto, yo to liouko fei bc baeikomo. Keli lioko tekeyo eabeto, to moso mena lokouwono fato bc, hébekalikomo! 27Wó fei, ele liou fei "To lia welifle imasiou teneko, oko hekaeko telame" kalele liou, to yowo bokowo! Toko fe eleae bonuko, yowo mene tino iyosokafu iyosokafu elo!' To welifle imasiou teko koule." Tisase ifeli le teko koule.
28Tekoko le ú uwokeoko, helo tukumo telc liouko tc eleae fe tole, Tielusaleme saomo felc monomo.
Tisase welifle imasiou lowane séko fele, Tielusaleme saomo, helo le
(Matiu 21.1-11, Mak 11.1-11, Tion 12.12-19)
29Tisaseme mono somo feko teko, towono tc fe uwofulele, Olibi elio towono telc sao himolc towono. Betefeke, Betani, to sao himolc towono fe uwofuleko, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou himolcko tc kou wlaele. 30"To sao bafe teme teno felo. Seséwó fonuko tóki wenolo siko yabe bc naneamukomu. Tóki bueli liou nomo keate ekeyo helo beiyameno. Weno lolokanuko ékea bolo. 31Noboko lio lokono fei teko kaikekeme 'Helo weno metako lolokamu?' Teko kaikekemeto, teko kalo 'Welifle Weno toko hale fa.' Teko kanuko, ékea bolo."
32Teko kou wlaewo, felo, Tisase kale lowane tc uwofule. 33Tóki bueli tc fe nanelele. Naneleko, weno tc lolokoko telele. Weno lolokoko tolo, tóki haulia tc kale. "Meta tibuno to tóki weno tc lolokoko tomu?" 34Kawo tc kalele "Welifle Weno toko hale fa." Teko kalo, mome tc lalou wlaele.
35Tóki bueli Tisase moso ékea boleko, helo weno osusukolc lekaleko, tóki helo beiyameno seko yo elele. Keatelelele sao teko kukukaleko, Tisaseko ukeleko, tialeko tc eikato keo yalele, tóki helo beiyameno. 36Tisase tóki beiyame weno kekeateko fewo, liou, to fafuo hóólele liou, teko molalekalele. "Tisase helo hí weno tonoko" kaleko, helo weno osusukolc lekaleko, monono tc seka felele, tóki helo weno futu fenokoko. 37Tisase teko kekeateko fewo, mono, Olibi elio limalena wlelc mono towono tc bolele. To mono towono boleko, Tisase helo tukumo telc liou ae tieli tieli you fafuo feko teko, lakene ae eleko, Kotole hí tc tiosiko hé toko telele. Liou fei fa sosowo elelekeyo hale belimo ncnane elele, toko ko ko fuane eleko, Kotole hí neiyomo tc hé hé to eko telele. Teko kukuáwáko helio elele. 38"Welifle Weno hábomo you ukenoko, ele welifle imasiou helo híno bomeko! Welifle Weno beibei saomo teme, nobo fafuo osowo temo. Teko temo tekota Koto we we youno teme, helo hí hé hé to esoko!" Teko kukuáwáko e feko telele.
39Teko eleko, liou ae tieli helo wábunoto, Falisi liou fei fafuo felele. Falisi liou to leko leleleko tc kalele. "Weoulc Lia, neno tukumo telc liouko kou betikofu, tekoko le kolabe!"
40Kalo tc kale. "Ei, yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. To liou ese lobetio weeabeto, ele tobeki yamo tebe, to lomo bc, kuáwéabekebe!"
Tisase Tielusaleme saoko molalekeoko menowí síle, helo le
41Tisase Tielusaleme sao towono feoko, eikafe naneoko, teimabi héoko, menowí síle. 42Tc kale. "O Tielusaleme sao lioume, lioulaiwókame! Koto fafuo osowo telelele mono wenenoyakeyo! Nobeli to mono melou komo wenenoyakoto, nobo osowo yeketamo bc toko! Osowo bc tokolc, ele mono osowo himeneo teme tekota nobo toko hcbc nane wenenoyeamuno.
43"Wó tane, kimo fako fei bc, boabekebe. Tekokotano nobo bokowo boleko, sao fifimo ya sekae sekae liko fatekeabekebe, amafu teilc lowane. Tekota nobo luoko felc mono fakeya bc teamukomu. 44Teko eleko, sao emiele sáklio kebiko iko bubukae weeabekebe. Nobeli, nobo lokoko emiele fako, emieleko iyosokafu iyosokafu kla uwokeabekebe. Tobeki ekaelc i emiele bc, sáklio kebiko bubukae uwokeabekebe. Tobeki weno lékolc fato, iko bubukae weeabekebe. Somo, fei helo weno hcbc teikemeno. Emiele iko bubukae weeabekebe. Teko sáklio uwokeabekebe. Helo tibuto, Koto nobo moso bome, ukounokoko. Noboko ukounokoko bomelc, nobo toko wenenoyakeyo. Tekota noboko teko tc kla uwokeabekebe."
Liou, tébele imo tobeki hale elele liouko Tisase klikou wlaele, helo le
(Matiu 21.12-17, Mak 11.15-19, Tion 2.13-22)
45Tisase Tielusaleme saomo fe uwofuoko, tébele imo fe séko fele. Feoko fe laloule. Liou heleale tobekilo fowekoko telele. Toko lalouoko, tc sáklio klikou wlaele. 46Teko koule "Kotole le teko nenelele.#19.46 Ais 56.7 'Ele ito, Kotoko úlelele i tonoko.' Teko nenelelelc, noboto, toko e biowaleyamu, iwo lioule osowo telelele sao wateleanokoko."
47Fako fako, Tisase tébele imo fe fe eoko, le tc weweou eko tele. Ki yeelc weliweli, Mosese nenele ifei leko weoulc liou, Tiuta liou helo weliweli fei fei toko naneleko, halio biowale tc elele. Halio biowale eleko, mono tc lulukalele, toko iyosokafulele mono. 48Luluko luluko efealele, sosowokeyo. Tibuto, liou fei emiele Tisase helo le leleleleto, nakomo lelelele, tekota lakene ae fa tc telele. Tekota mono luluko luluko elelelc, nabeo, liou ae bo fa elabekoko.

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Luk 19: SIA





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