Luk 18
Elo somo, le likamokaelc liako fe fe kono ele, helo ifeli le
1Tisase helo tukumo telc liouko ifeli le tc ú baele. Kotoko ú eabeto, teko molalekolabe 'Koto oko hcbc ukoukemeno fane? Toko úlelele kalokosoko!' Fako fako kalokolele fakeya Kotoko ú ú olokoko, ifeli le teko tc ú baele. 2Tc koule. "Sao somono, le likamokaelc lia somo tele. To lia Kotoko luo ekeyo. Lioule helo le fako, molalekakeyo. 3Wó, to saono souwo elo somo fa tele. To souwo elo, le likamokaelc lia moso fako fako fe fe kono ele. 'Yoko uke, yowo bokowo busu le iyo tekianeko yoko e biowaleyainokeme! Olc le hábomo likamokae kukuko, yoko teko biowaleyolamekoko!' 4To souwo elo kweli kweli bo bo kono eleto, to likamokaelc lia, beli imasiouno toko uke muku molalekakeyo. Imasiouno muku hekekeyalelc, kimo tei tuoko tc kale. 'A! Feiyane! Yo ukeikomo. Yo Kotoko luo hcbc einono. Wó liou helo memeta helele le fato, hcbc molalekainono. 5Teko hcbc molalekainono tekokolc, yo helo le fako fako lele elai! Yo moso fako fako bo bo elame! Tekota yo helo le bc likamoko kukukaikomo, helo bokowo toko busu le iyo tekianeko e biowaleyolamekoko.' "
6Welifle Weno ifeli le teko kouoko tc koule. "Nobo hábomo likamokalo, le likamokaelc lia wowalee helo ifeli le. 7To lia wowalee tekoko wanowo eikemeto, Koto ókasosowo you, to teli halekoko wanowo eikemeko? Liou fei, Koto tei tu liouko biowalemo eabeto, helo liou Kotoko úlelele, e bi e fa eko teabeto, to beibei naneko teikemeko? 8Ei, yo noboko le you komo! Wanowo ókasosowo tebi akomo bc, likamokae kukukaeikeme! Teko fe teme tekokolc, kimo yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono elele yano eiko bounoto, mokeyu kolc liou aeko bo lalouno fao? Hcbeleno fao?"
Liou himolc Kotoko úlelele, helo ifeli le
9Tisase fei liouko ifeli le tc koule, tei tuoko teko ko ko elele liou "Yoweito wanowo yeketa you, ókasosowo lia! Liou feito, yowo tuku tuku youmo te te ebe. So biowale lowane. Tanowé fa!" Tekoko ko ko elele liouko ifeli le fei tc koule. 10"Liou himolc, tébele imo fe tolele. Feito, Falisi lia. Feito, takisi tobeki lilc lia. Fe toleko, seséwó felele, Kotoko úabikoko. 11Falisi lia Kotoko únokoko to héketeoko tc úlelc. Kotoko úkeyo, tei tu hí komo hé tole. Teko úle. 'Koto, yo liou fei lowanekeyo tekota neleko ko lakene emo. Liou feiko koflioubeko, heleale iwo li li ebe. Liou fei, wanowo biowale wowalee eekae e ebe. Wó iweni wanowo fato, eekae ebe. Tetekokele wanowo biowale emiele buóko tebe! Yowelito, tekoko lowane e ekeyo. Wó ele takisi tobeki lilc lia fato, yo tekoko lia lowanekeyo. Yo wanowo yeketa komo eekae e omo tekota neleko ko lakene emo. 12Wó, yo wiki fei fei emiele, fako himolc be emiele hábei te te omo. Wó fei, memeta helele emiele limoto, beteko okowolc likoyomoko, fei somo neleko yeyee e omo.' Falisi lia, tei tuoko teko úle, Kotoko. 13Teko elelc, takisi tobeki lilc lia tekoko lowane ekeyo. To welina lowó fe héketeko, 'Yo beibei saomo hcbc eikato naneinono' koeoko, tibi tc cluo tele. Teko teoko, helo wanowoko eiyo eoko, Kotoko úko teko, tei tu mukuno tc iiyo ele. 'Koto yoto, le biowale ekaelc lia tekokolc, yoko mumukuyaniko wesi komo mome uke!' Himolc lia teko úle."
14Tisase teko kouoko tc koule "Yo noboko mokeyu you komo. Ele lia komo Koto ukewo ókasosowo tc eiko fele, tei tu imo. Wó imasiou lia, to tei tu imo eiko feleto, le biowale fafuo eiko fele. Tibuto, keli tei tu híko hé to to eikemeto, Koto to liale hí bc fitio kwitikaikekeme. Keli tei tu hí fitio kwitiko eikemeto, Koto to liale hí bc hé toukekeme." Tisase teko koule.
Tisase "Lokoko kékouamu! Yo moso boloko" kale, helo le
(Matiu 19.13-15, Mak 10.13-16)
15Tekokotano liou, li lisobo, lolokouwóko eleae bolele, sesowiwóko fako. Tisase ka titio eneko, Kotoko ú onokoko tc eleae bolele. Teko elelelc, helo tukumo telc liou toko naneleleto, lakene ekeyo. Iname aeyemeko le hekekemo tc kou betikofulele "Lokoko eleae boamu!"
16Kou betikofulelelc, Tisase helo tukumo telc liouko tc koteiyule. "Hae! Nobo to liouko kou betikofuamu! Lolokouwóko yo moso boloko. Lolokouwóko helo aeyemeko molaleko ebe lowane, liou, Kotoko tekoko lowane molalekolc liou, tekoko liouto, Koto liouko hekaeko telelele saomo bc fe teabekebe. 17Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you komo. Lolokouwóko helo aeyemeko molaleko ebe lowane, liou Kotoko tekoko lowane molalekakeyo e ebe liou, Koto liouko hekaeko telelele saomo hcbc fe teabeno. Nabeo nabeo you!"
Lio lokono somo, yamo hekaeko telc lia Tisase fafuo le ae tc úlele, helo le
(Matiu 19.16-30, Mak 10.17-31)
18Hekaeko telc welifle somo, tc bole. Tisaseko bo leletiale. "Weoulc lia yeketa, yo mene toto tekomo komo telelele halekoko enoko héiko?"
19Kawo tc kole. "No yoko teko metako kami, yeketa lia? Ya mena lia somo fa tekeyo, yeketa liato. Koto nosoma yeketa. 20No Koto helo ifei le weneno fa.#18.20 Kis 20.12-16, Lo 5.16-20 Iweni eamu. Liouko iyosokafu eamu. Liou feile heleale iwo eamu. Lowai busu le ú eamu. Ina aeyo helo tukumo te te elo. Tekoko le beli wenenoyanini."
21Kawo tc kale. "Seli, yo nanefeonona to leko wenenoyeoko toko tc kckla fe eale. Fe fe emoko, melou bc, ele tane."
22Tisase helo le leleoko tc kale. "Somo komo no nomo ekeyo. Neno heleale emiele liou feiko baeniko, tobeki tc li. Liniko, mome faki telc liouko likowó bae. No teko eikemito, neno heleale mcmali you beibei saomo bc teabekebe. Teko e yaniko, yowo kimo kla bo." 23Tisasele le leleoko, to welifle teimabi ae tc molalekale. Tibuto, to heleale tobeki lokouwonokeyo. Ae tieli you tekota likowó baelelele lakene ekeyo.
24Teimabi teko ewo, Tisase toko naneoko tc kale. "Tobeki ae fa liou, Koto liouko hekaeko telelele saomo seséwó feleleleto, lebeonokeyo. Efeolc efeolc you! 25Ba ae welie, kamele ba lowane, heleale sekaelelele su kemo séko feneko, fio nomokaemo fe uwofulelele, to efeolckeyo. To lebeono. Tobeki ae fa liou, Koto liouko hekaeko telelele saomo seséwó feleleleto, to komo efeolc efeolc you!"
26Kawo, liou fei leleleko tc kalele. "Teko fe teikemeto, keli mali saomo hóólc mono mena bofuyaleko, beibei saomo feabeko? Hcbeleno!"
27Teko kalo, Tisase tc hábeale. "Memeta helele liou sosowo elelekeyo, to wanowo Koto teli sosowo eikekeme."
28Teko kawo, Bita tc kale. "No lele. O olei tu i likofi yalili. Likofi yaliko, neno kimo tc kla bolili."
29Teko kawo, Tisase wesiowe tc koule. "To mokeyu, nobo teko onunu. Wó yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. No keli teko molalekanini, 'Koto lioule welifle weno teneko liouko hekaeko tonoko!' Teko kaniko, neno i, ina aeyo, elo lokoko, tekeiabome, emiele lukofiae boniko, Kotole hale tc bo eko temi, Koto liouko hekaeko telelele uwofunokoko. 30No keli teko eninito, mome ekeyo. Ei, memeta helele heleale ae, wesiowe nani ae you bc likekemi, belimo lukofiae bonini toko iyo tekiaikekeme. Melou elele yano teko likekemi. Kimo uwofukeme fakoto, mene toto tekomo komo telelele fa bc héikekemi."
Tisase hlueko le kole "Yo onuonoko eikoko selikomo," helo le
(Matiu 20.17-19, Mak 10.32-34)
31Tisase helo ese liou 12-belako kou kokalioko, efe biouko lowó eoko tc koule. "Sei, nobo Tielusaleme saomo fesoko. Kotole le ko fuanelc liou le yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono yoko nenekaelele, to le emiele bc bo uwofuabekebe. 32Bo uwofulo, yoko li sao lioule kamo bc baeabekebe, yoko wlelelokoko. Yoko to liouko baelo, biowalemo bc eabekebe. Hafu yowo loono bc séabekebe. 33Yoko wenolo Flifliáékaleko tane, kimo yoko tc iyosokafuabekebe. Iyosokafulo onuo hchaleaikomo. Onuo hchaleonoko, fako hluekono eikoko tc selikomo." 34Tisase tei tuoko teko ko fuaneleto, helo liou 12-bela helo somo fa lele weneno fifiyakeyo, emiele seli telele. To le fuaweono tekeyo. Ei, osowo himeneo tele, tekota lele fifiyakeyo.
Tisase mene bubusukolc liako e youyale, helo le
(Matiu 20.29-34, Mak 10.46-52)
35Tisaseme monono feko teleko, Tieleko sao towono tc fe uwofulele. Towono teko bolo, lio lokono, mene bubusukolc lia somo mono helo wlealeno keatele. Teno kekeateko, tobeki be toko falu e eko tele. 36Wó, to lia liou tieli Tisase fafuo hóólele liou, helo ya hékle toko leleoko tc leletiale. "Meta méíyábe?" 37Kawo, liou toko tc kalele. "Nasalete sao mena lia, Tisase bome tane." 38Kalo, tc kuáko heliale "Tisase! Lebiti helo súó, yoko mumuku eniko uke!" 39Kuáko heliawo, nanimo bolc liou le hekeke tc ko betikofulele "Le tebi!" Teko kalelelc, tebi neiyomo tc kukuáko helio eko tele. "Lebiti helo súó, yoko mumuku eniko tc uke!"
40Teko kukuáko helio eko tewo, Tisase helo le leleoko héhéketeko tc kale "To liako fe ékea bolo, yo moso." Fe ékea bolo, Tisase tc leletiale. 41"No haleko molalekami, yo neleko halekoko ukeiko?" Kawo tc kale "Hano Welifle, yoko uke, yowo mene youyanokoko!" 42Kawo, Tisase tc kale. "Neno mene bc, youyame tane! Neno mokeyu molalekolelele tolo ukeme." 43Kawo, akomo you mene tc nanele. Mene bc nanewo, Tisase helo kimo tc tiosiko kla feko tele. Kla feko teoko Kotoko lakene eoko, helo hí tc hé hé to e feko tele. To liou ae toko naneleko, emiele fato, Kotole hí tc hé toko telele.
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Luk 18: SIA

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