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Tion 6

Tisase liou, 5000-bela aloo iyo tekio felc liouko be bae bukokale, helo le
(Matiu 14.13-21, Mak 6.30-44, Luk 9.10-17)
1-4Kimo Tiuta liou helo ilikolelele fako ae welie fei, Koto Isclele Liouko Lalou Kalokale helo fako towono bounokoko ele. Tekokotano, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou fafuo Kalili foku helo wisonomokaemo telele. Kalili foku helo hí fei, Taibeliase foku. Tekokotano, li lisobo ae Tisase helo kimo tc klako hóó elele. Helo kimo klako hóó eleleto, mome ekeyo. Tisase hale hekeke you, liou fei fa sosowo elelekeyo hale ekaeko hóó ele. Ikeli ka bibiowale liou ekae youwé. Wó, eyee fa liouko fa ekae youwó, wó fei fei halekoko biowalewólelele fa, toko fa ekae youwó ele. Koto helo hekekelo to hale hekeke you teko tc ekaeko hóó ewo, liou ae tieli toko nane eleko, tc kcklako hóó e elele.
Teko eko tolo, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou fafuo imukumo to wleleko, foku wisonomokaemo tc felele. Fe leiyaleko, helo tukumo telc liou fafuo tc fe tolele, eliomo. Tc fe to kekowálele. 5Teno kekowáleko, Tisase tc eikawe laloule. "Liou ae tieli tieli you bc mete bo tobe tane!" Eikawe lalouoko, Filibiko tc heafio kole. "Filibi, nobo towe tasi hobo mena foweko baesoko, to liou ae, bo tobe liou belokoko?" 6Filibiko teko koleto, Tisase meta helele mono teli halekoko einokoko eleto, teli beli weneno fa. Beli weneno fa tekokolc, Filibi helo mokeyu molalekoleleleko e naneinokoko, teko tc kole.
7Teko ko nanewo, Filibi wesiowe tc heafio kole. "Hano, Welifle Weno! Nobo siliba tobeki ae, 200-bela#6.7 Siliba tobeki helo le, to tekoko. Belimo Tisase teletano, lio lokono somo tobeki hale fako somo ekaenono, wesiowe siliba tobeki somo tc hélelele. Siliba tobeki aemo, 200-bela linokoko eleleleto, hano, hale fako 200-bela eko teko tc lilelele. Belimo Tisase tele fakono teko tc elele. Siliba tobeki 200-bela, to tobeki ae you! yo tokoko, tolo fowekako fato, to fa sosowokeyo you, tekososowo liou towe tasi lokouwono lokouwono komo hcbc be bukokakono. Hcbeleno you!" Teko tc heafio kole, Tisaseko.
8Filibi teko kawo, helo le tukumo telc lia fei, Ātclu, Saimono Bita helo tekei tc kale. 9"Hano Welifle Weno, nanefeono somo meele teme. To bli hlolo himolc towe tasi katilc, bali beséé silo kilc towe tasi meele tebelc. Hano to be lokouwonolo to liou tieli tieli youko lesekaesokokokoto, sosowokeyo!" 10Ātclu teko kalelc, Tisase tc koule. "Sei, nobo ele li lisoboko koulo, sowábuno kekowá feloko." Kouwo, to liouko "Nobo kekowá felo" le tc koulele. Koulo, to beséé ae tele fiomo teno tc kekowá fe, kekowá bo elele. To liou helo aloo etiaeleleleto, lokouwonokeyo. Loloko komo etiaelelele, helo aloo ae you, 5000-bela towono teko kekowá felele.
11Bc kekowá felo, Tisase towe tasi li lioko teoko, Kotoko tc ko lakene ele. Ko lakene eoko, towe tasi tioko tokwaeoko tc baele, helo le tukumo telc liouko, kekowólc liouko baelo belokoko. Wó, bli fato sosowono. Bli himolc lioko, Kotoko ko lakene eoko, tc tioko tokwaeoko tc baele, helo le tukumo telc liouko. Baewo tc baelele. Teko baeleleto, to liou halekososowo beabikoko, tei tu aloono li li eleko tc bekaelele. 12Bc bekae feko teleko, tc be nifuwálele. Be nifuwálo, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liouko tc koule. "Be kae fei tebeto, fe lilo, be ole fe kaeyolabekoko." 13Bc kouwo, bolo bulo ekaelc ikei 12-bela lileko tc fe li lisikaelele. Bolo ikeino li lisikaelo hano, to towe tasi katilc helo ole lisikae teiyalo, bolo bulo ikei 12-belato, ese ti ese ti tc hlelewálele, liou emiele be uwokalo helo kimo.
14To li lisobo ae tieli to hale hekeke you toko naneleko, teli haneno tc ú fe ú bo eko telele. "Woso mokeyu! To Ko Fuanelc Lia Koto 'Alooko ko weaikomo' kaleto, tebi ele yano bo teme tane. To lia teli!" 15Teko kaleko ú fe ú bo olo, Tisase tc wenenoyale. "Teko eko, to liou yoko bo ákeo titeikaleko, yoko teko alookolabe. 'Noto, olc welifle we youno, olc welifle imasiou teko te!' Yoko teko hé keolabe!" Teko koeoko, to liouko eikoko lukofiaeoko, to nosoma elio limalemo tc fe tole.
Tisase foku wi weno futu bole, helo le
(Matiu 14.22-33, Mak 6.45-52)
16Tisase elio limalemo to tewo, ne tc osukainokoko ele. Tane, helo le tukumo telc liou elio mena tc fe wle telele, foku wiselimo. 17Bíko bc bowo, Tisase to liou moso nomo eiko bo wlekeyo. Helo tukumo telc liou lomo imukuno tc fe to wlelele. Teko eleko, foku wino tc o felele, wisonomokaemo fe leiyeabikoko, Kabeneame saomo temo.
18Bc o feko tolo, emisi ae welie tc tiosiko bole. Emisi ae tekota wi fato, tc momabeo bukoko e bole. 19Emisi fako, wi momabeo bukoko elelele fako tc o feko telele. O feko teleleto, kilomita 5-belano fao? O, 6-belano teko o feko tolo, Tisase wi weno ya lowane tc futu boko tele. Futu boko tewo, helo le tukumo telc liou imukulo o feko teleko, eikafe naneleko hano, luo ae welie tc elele. "To keli bome, wi weno bometo?" Tisase wi weno futu boko teoko, towono bo hóówo, 20luo eko tolo tc koule. "Nobo luo eamu! To yoweli bomo tane." 21Kouwo, tc kolele. "Sei, sei, sei! Bo to, bo to. Imukuno eleno to keate." Kolo, Tisase tc to keatele. Foku wi wábuno telelelc. Bc to keatewo, akomo tebita komo tc fe leiyalele, feabikoko elele yamo.
Li lisobo tieli ae Tisaseko lulukoko telele, helo le
22Tisase helo tukumo telc liou fafuo teko fe leiyalo tane, moloko fakolc lowane, to liou ae foku helo wisonomokaemo nomo telele, to liou wi wiselimo fe héhéwlioko tc naneko likalele. "Tisaseto, hcbele? Hano, welito, imuku fei fei cneno tekeyo, imuku somo komo temele. Helo le tukumo telc liou lomo to imukuno to wle febele. Teko febeleto, Tisase to liou fafuo fekeyo. Fafuo fekeyo tekota Tisase hobomo fe teme?" "Weli to liou fafuo fekeyo" kaleko, muku tc tutubeiwóko telele.
23Teko eko tolo, Taibeliase sao mena liou fei, helo imukulo tc o bolele. O boleko, weli Welifle Weno towe tasi limeko, Kotoko ko lakene emeko, liou aeko lesekae bukokamele to elio helo lokoni ti towono teno tc bo bo leiyo elele. 24Bo bo leiyo olo, to Tisaseko muku tutubeiwóko telele liou ae, "Hano, Tisase hcbele? Helo le tukumo telc liou cneno tekeyo. Tisase fato, cneno tekeyo." Teko kaleko, Taibeliase sao mena lioule imuku fei fei teno tc fe to wle kekowó eleko, tc o felele. Fafuo tc o fe eleko, Kabeneame saomo eiko fe leiyalele, Tisaseko temo fe luluko naneabikoko.
Tisaseto, beibei sao mena towe tasi, helo ifeli le
25O feleko, wisonomokaemo fe leiyaleko, Tisaseko tc fe luluko nanelele. Luluko naneleko tc leletialele. "Weoulc Welifle, no hakota bomi?" 26Teko leletialo, Tisase wesiowe le fei tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Nobo yoko luluko naneabikoko bomulc. Yowo hale hekeke you nonane e omu tekokolc teko molalekakeyo. 'Tisase hale hekeke you Koto helo hekekelo ekae e eme tekota o toko mokeyu molalekabi. "To Tisaseto, Koto teli ko weale lia." ' Ei, nobo tekoko muku fa ekeyo. Ei, nobo muku aeto, to towe tasi weli haliomo be nifuwólelele to komo molalekamuko tc bomu tane. 27Lioume, homakeowólelele be komo likamokaeko teamu, to be komo ae liabikoko. Kalokalo, to mukuto! Nobo muku aeto, be fei, toko beamuto, mene toto tekomo komo teamukoko, to be komo héabikoko elo. Wó tane, to be baelelele aloo Aeyo Koto yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono, yoko beli abole. To aloo yo moso teme tekota nobo keli to be beabikoko eamuto, yo noboko to be bc baeikomo."
28Teko kawo tc hábealele. "O halekoko eliko, Kotole mukulo ekaelelele hale tc ekaeabiko?" 29Teko kalo, tc koule. "Koto helo mukulo ekaelelele hale, to tekoko. Nobo yoko mokeyu you teko molalekalo. 'To Tisaseto, Koto teli ko weale lia.' Teko molalekalo."
30Tisase to liouko teko kale tekota wesiowe tc kalele. "No oko halekoko hale hekeke weouniao, o naneliko, 'Woso mokeyu! To Kotole ese taolelo bolc lia' kaliko, mokeyu tc molalekeabiko?" 31Teko kaleko tc kalele. "Sei, no Mosese ele lowane e! Belimo olc haume lioukeya yamo hóóko foko teleleto, to le, le ko fuanelc lia somo beli nenele, Mosese towe tasi baele leto. Teko nenele.#6.31 Sng 78.24 'To beibei sao mena towe tasi baele, toko bekaelokoko.' Mosese ele leko teko nenele. Tane, melou noto, halekoko hale hekeke you sosowono te lowane eikemiko, o to hale hekeke you naneliko, neleko mokeyu tc molalekeabiko?"
32Teko kalo, Tisase tc kale. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. To towe tasi nobo haume beleleto, to beibei sao mena towe tasi Mosese baekeyo. Ei. Yowo Aeyo teli baele. Wó, Aeyo noboko fa beibei sao mena towe tasi you tc baeme. 33To Koto moso mena towe tasi youto, beibei sao mena beli bo wlele. Bo wleoko, elele yano bo wle temeko, ya mena liouko mene toto tekomo komo teleleleko tc bcbae e eme."
34Teko kawo, wesiowe tc kalele. "Welifle, to towe tasi oko tebi tekomo komo bcbae eko te!" 35Teko kalo, wesiowe Tisase tc hábeale. "Yo beibei sao mena towe tasi teko koumoto, to feiko kakeyo. To yowei tuo komo. Yowelito, to towe tasi lowane temo, liou mene toto tebi tekomo komo telelele yo moso mena hélokoko. Yo noboko teko koumo. Keli yo moso boneko, yoko mokeyu kaikemeto, to lia be eikoko hcbc ono, konalo eikoko hcbc hlolokaikemeno. Ei, bcsosowo bc te boukekeme." Tisase tei tuoko ifeli le lokolo teko koule.
36Teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko beli koumo. Yo hale hekeke you nobo mene tino beli ekae ealelc. Nobo beli nanonunulc, yoko mokeyu kakeyo. 37Noboto nabeo tekokolc. Keli keli liouko Aeyo alookaele, 'Tisase moso felelele liou,' tekoko liou emiele yo moso bc boabekebe. Tane, tekoko liou yo moso boabeto, yo to lioule helo somo fa hcbc kliko weainono. Ei, yo to alookaelc liou emiele komo emiele bc kou kokalikomo, yo fafuo bo tolokoko. 38To liou emieleko teko kou kokalinoto, yowo Aeyele mukulo einokoko tc eikomo. Yo beibei sao mena bo wlealeto, yo yowei tu mukulo ekaeinokoko bo wlekeyo. Ei. Yoko ko weolc Lia helo mukulo ekaeinokoko tc bo wleale. 39Tane, yoko ko weolc Lia helo muku ae, to tekoko. Keli keli liou emieleko teli beli alookaeoko yowo kamo likoyaleto, yo to liouko hábomo hekaeko tonoko. Teko eko, somo fa fe nonabeolamekoko, yo to liouko hábomo hekaeko teteko, lobuao fakono to liou emieleko tc tio selikaikomo. 40Yowo Aeyo helo muku aeto, keli liou emiele yo helo lokono yoko nane wenenoyaleko mokeyu teko molalekeabe, 'Woso mokeyu. To Koto helo lokono you!' Tekoko lowane molalekolc liou emiele mene toto tekomo komo telelele liloko. Bc lilo, lobuao fakono, yoweli to liou emieleko eikoko tc tio selikaikomo, mene toto tekomo komo te te olokoko. Yowo Aeyo helo muku ae teko teme." Tisase to liou tieli aeko teko tc koule.
Tisase lioule le biowale wesiowe nani tei tu ákolo nekeilo fowekolelele, helo ifeli le
41Tisase tei tuoko "Yoweli beibei sao mena bo wlelc towe tasi" le teko kawo, Tiuta liou ae to le leleleko, lakene fa ekeyo. Tekota klowókolelele le tc eko telele. Klowókoko teleko, teli haneno, tei tu wábuno le tc ú fe ú bo eko telele. 42Teko kalele. "A! To meta kame? 'Yo beibei sao mena bo wleale' le metako kame? Nobo weneno, to Tiosebe helo lokono, Tisase. Helo ina aeyo nobo weneno. Helo leto, kofli le komo."
43Tisase to liou ae klowókoko telele toko naneoko tc koule. "Nobo yo koumo leko metako klowókoko tomu? Kalokalo! Bofialo, to klowólelele leto. 44Lio lokono somo tei tu mukulo yo moso boneko, yoko mokeyu hcbc molalekaikemeno. Sosowokeyo. Yoko ko weolc Lia, Aeyo teli to liako alooko weonono, to lia lomo yo moso boneko, yoko mokeyu tc molalekaikekeme. Tekoko lia lomo mokeyu kano tane, to liako, yo lobuao fakono eikoko tc tio selikomo. Tio selinao, mene toto tekomo komo tc te boukekeme."
45Teko kouko tc koule. "To le ko fuanelc liou nenelele lowane teko teme. To teko nenelele.#6.45 Ais 54.13, Jer 31.34 'Koto teli to liou emiele helo weoulc lia bc teikekeme.' Wó tane, to le ko fuanelc liou nenelele lowane, tekoko lowane keli liou Aeyo weou ono tc lele wenenoyeabeto, to liou emiele yo moso boleko mokeyu tc molalekeabekebe. 46Yo 'Koto to liouko weou eme' le teko koumoto, yo teko kakeyo. 'Ya mena liou Kotoko nane teteko, Koto toko tc weou e eme.' Ei. Tekoko leko kakeyo. Ya mena lia somo fa tekeyo, Kotoko beli nanelelele lia. Ei, yoweli lomo Aeyoko beli naneale. Feikeyo, yoweli lomo Koto fafuo teale. Teko eoko, yoko ko weawo elele yano bo wleale. Bo wleawo tane, Koto tei tu le yowo eselo liouko tc weweou e eme."
47-48Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Yowelito, mene toto tekomo komo telelele baeko telc towe tasi. Keli yoko muku somousomo mokeyu molalekeabeto, to liou mene toto tebi tekomo komo bc te boabekebe. 49Belimo nobo haume lioukeya yamo hóóko foko teleletano, to liou Koto baelc towe tasi belelelc, mene toto tekomo komo tekeyo. Ei, to haume beli limaelele. 50To liou beli limaelelelc, liou to towe tasi fei, beibei sao mena bo wlelc towe tasi toko beabeto, mene toto tekomo komo bc te boabekebe. 51To beibei sao mena bo wlelc towe tasito, to yowei tuoko koumo. Yoweli beibei sao mena bo wlelc towe tasi, liou mene toto tekomo komo telelele lilokoko. Keli keli to towe tasi yoko beabeto, to liou mene toto tekomo komo bc te boabekebe. Yo to towe tasiko koumoto, yoweito ákoko koumo. Yo yoweito áko bc kaloko baeikomo, ya mena liou mene toto tekomo komo telelele hélokoko."
52Tisase teko leko kouwo, Tiuta liou to le leleleko, tei tu wábuno le tc klowá fe klowá bo eko telele. Teko kalele. "A! To haleko eikemeko? Helo áko haleko baeno o tc beabiko?" Klowólelele le teko eko telele.
53Liou tei tu wábuno le klowá fe klowá bo eko tolo tane, Tisase tei tuoko ifeli le fei tc toleo koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Nobo yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono yowo áko bekeyo, yowo nekei sikeyo eamu liou, nobo tekoko liou mene toto tekomo komo telelele fakeya bc teamukomu. 54Keli yowo áko beleko, yowo nekei tc siabeto, to liou lomo mene toto tekomo komo telelele bc liabekebe. Teko lilo, kimo lobuao fakono yo to liouko eikoko bc tio selikaikomo, mene toto tekomo komo tolokoko."
55Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yowo le helo tibu, to tekoko. Ya mena be, ya mena wi, to mene toto tekomo komo telelele helo be youkeyo. Ei, helo be youto, yowo áko. Helo wi youto, yowo nekei. 56Keli yowo áko beneko, yowo nekei sikemeto, yo to himo tekomo komo hnowó kwitiko te boabikebi. 57Wó tane, yowo Aeyo, mene toto tekomo komo te te eme Aeyo, teli yoko ko weale, elele yano bo wle tonokoko. Teko ko weeoko, mene toto tekomo komo telelele tc abole. Tane, Aeyo yoko teko abole lowane, yo tekoko lowane sosowono bc eikomo. Keli yowo áko beikemeto, yo toko mene toto tekomo komo telelele tc neeikomo, to fato mene toto tekomo komo te bo onokoko."
58Teko kouoko, le fei tc koule. "Tane, yo teko koumoto, to towe tasi belimo nobo haume lioukeya yamo hóóko foko teleko belele towe tasi, toko kokeyo. To towe tasi bekae eleko tc limaelele. Yo toko kokeyo. To towe tasiko koumoto, to yoweli, beibei sao mena bo wlelc towe tasi. Keli to towe tasi yoko beikemeto, mene toto tekomo komo bc te boukekeme." 59Tisase tekoko le ú baeleto, Tiuta lioule ilikolc i, Kabeneame saomo telc, to ino teoko, le weouko teoko tc ú baele.
Koto alookae wlaelc liou lomo Tisaseko mokeyu molalekeabe, helo le
60Tisase tei tu áko nekei beleleleko teko kouwo, helo le kimo klalc liou, tieli ae te fio mena lakene fa ekeyo. To le leleleko tc kalele. "Eiti! Tekoko le teko kameto, keli helo le leleneko mokeyu sosowo kaikemeko? Hcbeleno, sosowokeyo you!"
61Helo kliko hóólc liou teli haneno komo le teko klowóko telelelc, Tisase tei tu mukuno weneno fa teoko tc koule. "Yo noboko tekoko le koumoto, to le nobo mokeyu molalekoleleleko ekae biowalewáme o? 62Hano, to le noboko teko ekae biowalewáikemeto, kimo yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono, yo belimo teale saomo eiko fe tonao naneamuto, tekokotano nobo bc halekoko molalekoko teamuko?"
63Teko kouoko tc koule. "Lioume, nobo ya mena wákle halelo mene toto tekomo komo telelele hcbc héamuno. Ei. Uwo Koto teli lomo mene toto tekomo komo telelele baelc lia. To le yo noboko weou e omoto, Uwo Koto moso mena mene toto tekomo komo telelele hélelele, to le komo weweou e omo. 64Yo teko weou e omolc, nobo fei liou yowo tekoko leko lelomuko muku somousomo mokeyu hcbc molalekeamuno." Tisase tekoko le kaleto, mome kakeyo. To liou fio mena feiko beli wenenoyo tele. "To mokeyu hcbc molalekeabeno liouto." Wó fei, to lioule somo beli weneno fa tele. "To lia yoko yowo bokowole kamo bc baeikeme." Tisase to liouko beli wenenoyo tele, tekota teko tc koule.
65Teko kouoko le fei tc hé toleo koule. "Yo noboko teko koumoto, helo tibuno yo noboko beli koumo. Lio lokono somo tei tu mukulo yo moso boneko, yoko mokeyu hcbc molalekaikemeno. Ei, Aeyo teli toko alooko weonono tane, yo moso boneko, yoko mokeyu tc molalekaikekeme."
66Tekoko le kouleno helo kimo, liou ae helo kimo klako hóóleleleko, bofialele. Tc kalokalele. 67Teko kalokalele tekota, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou 12-belako tc leletiale. "Nobo fato, yoko bofio feabikoko omu o?"
68Teko leletiawo, Saimono Bita tc heafio kole. "Hano Welifle Weno, o neleko bofio feabito, keli moso feabiko? Neneli lomo mene toto tekomo komo telelele le you ú ú bae e emi. 69O neleko mokeyu molalekaliko tc wenenoyo tebi. Nenelito, Koto moso mena bolc lia you, walemao walemao you. Tekota o neleko hcbc meklio feabino."
70Bita teko kawo, Tisase wesiowe tc koule. "Nobo teko kamulc. Nobo yowo le tukumo telc liou 12-bela, noboko yoweli alookaealelc. Nobo fio mena somoto, to Setene helo lokono." 71Tisase teko kale leto, Saimono Isekelioto helo lokono Tiutaseko kale. To 12-bela liou fio menale somo tekokolc, kimo Tisaseko helo bokowole kamo tc baeikekeme, toko iyosokafulokoko.

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Tion 6: SIA





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