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Tion 5

Tisase lio lokono somo loo biowale liako e youyale, helo le
1Kimo fako feino, Tiuta liou iliko teteko Kotoko lakene elelele fako fei bc towono bole. Towono bowo, Tisase tc eiko fe tole, Tielusaleme saomo, Tiuta liou fei fafuo ilikainokoko.
2Wó tane, Tielusaleme sao amafu hóó eiko fateko teleno, to amafule wenebiti somo helo hí teko ko ko elele. "Sibisibi wenebiti." To wenebiti séko feleleleno, teno foku wi lokouwono somo towono tc tele. To foku loko teno teleto, Hiblu lelo teko ko ko elele. "Beteseta foku." To foku wi helo wiselino, emisi hélelele i katilc ekae yalele. 3-4Eyee fei fei fa liou teno tc telele. Fei, ikeli ka limaelc liou. Fei, mene bubusuwólc liou. Fei, keko hóólc liou. Memeta helele eyee fei fei. Tekoko biowalewólc liou to lelebi ino tówáfukaeko telele.#5.3-4 Weneno fa liou somo somo teko ko ko e ebe. "Tionoto, le lokouwono fei fa nene yale, ele fiomoto. To le tekoko. 'To foku wi wiselino eyee fa liou lelebi ino teko bo tówáfukaeko teleleto, Welifle Weno helo ésolo somo helo boleleleko, teno naneko te te elele. Téwáfukaeko tenono, to ésolo foku wi tc bo tioko kukluokolele. Tio kukluokonono, keli eyee fa lia somo to wino nanimo akomo kloko biouko wleikemeto, to nanimo wlelc lia helo eyee akomo bc youyaikekeme.' Tekoko le fato, Tiono beli nenele." Weneno fa liou somo somo teko tc ko ko e ebe.
5To lelebi ino teno telele biowalewólc liou helo somo feito, helo biowaleyoko telelele, helo mosowoto, somo himolckeyo. Mosowo tieli ae, 38-bela teko te te ele. 6To biowale you telc lia to ino táko tewo, Tisase booko tc bo nanele. Toko teko bo naneleto, Tisase beli wenono fa tele, to lia helo biowaleyoko telelele, beibei you te te eleto. Tc leletiale. "No youyainokemi o?' 7Teko kawo, tc hábeale. "Welifle, yo youyainokomolc. Yoko ukelc liou nabeo, wino nanimo tio leiyalo, yowo áko youyanokoko. Ukelc liou nabeo tekota wi húólelele fakono, wimo felelele aleo fe e omoto, lio lokono fei yoko yowo nanimo bc tekio fe e emeko, akomo wimo tc fe wle e eme." 8Kawo, Tisase tc kole. "Sei, no seli hékete! Héketeniko neno wálo héniko fe. Neneito aleolo hé fitio kwitiko fe." 9Bc kawo, tebita akomo you tc youyale. Youyawo, helo wálo héoko tc fele, teito aleolo.
To lia helo wálo teko hé feleto, Tiuta liou helo mome telelele fakono hé fele. 10Helo mome telelele fakono teko hé fele tekota, Tiuta weliweli fei toko naneleko tc kolele. "Eiti! No tekoko hale metako emiko, wálo metako hé femi, neno kaloto? Nobo mome telelele fako helo ifei le iyokléáfumiko hale tc emi tane!" 11Le hekeke teko olo, wesiowe tc kale. "Ei, yokeyo. Yoko e youyolc lia, 'Neno wálo hé fe' kamo tc hé bomo tane." 12Teko kawo, to weliweli tc kalele. "To keli? Neleko keli teko kome?" 13To Tiuta weliweli teko leletialelelc. To youyolc lia wenenoyakeyo, Tisaseko. Tisase toko e youyeoko akomo liou ae tieli helo wábuno liti feoko tc fe nonabeoyale. Tekota to lia helo hí wenenoyakeyo.
14Tane, kimo to e youyolc lia tébele imo fe tele. Teno tewo, Tisase tc bo nanele. Toko naneoko tc kole. "No hábomo you! Melou no bc you temito, no teko eko le biowale fei ekaelai! Hébeafu uwoko! No yowo le iyokléáfuniko, le biowale fei eikoko fe ekaeko teikemi, teimabi fei no moso bo uwofulamekoko. To biowaleyolelele kimo boukemeto, imasiouno biowaleyolelele helo alooko bc iyo tekianeko, ae welie to feikekeme. Tekota no le biowale ekaelelele bc tebi, kaloko!"
15Tisase to liako teko koleto, helo hí tc wenenoyale. Wenenoyeoko, Tiuta liou helo weliweli moso tc eiko fele. Eiko feoko, weliweli helo e tino tc ko fuanele. "Yoko e youyame lia, to Tisase." 16Tane, to Tiuta weliweli Tisase helo hí teko wenenoyaleko tc kalele. "A! To lia meta hale eme? Nobo mome telelele fako helo ifei le iyokléáfume! Iyokléáfumeko to liako tc e youyame tane." Teko kaleko, "To lia nobo mome telelele fakono, to hale fei fei eekae e emelc. To fakonoto, to mome telelele komo." Tekoko muku fa elele tekota Tisaseko tc tiosiko e biowaleyo e biowaleyo eko telele. 17Teko eko tolo, Tisase wesiowe to weliweliko tc koule. "Yo yowo Aeyo helo wanowo tc klikomo. Yowo Aeyoto, helo hale kaloko e emeno. Aeyo fako fako tekomo komo ekae feko te te emeto, melou fato, teko ekae feko teme. Yo fato, sosowono. Kalokolelele fakeya fako fako sosowono teko ekaeko te te e omo."
18Tisase teko kouwo, Tiuta weliweli helo le leleleko, helo haliomo, mali lowane tc há fíwálele. Mali lowane há fíwáleko, toko iyosokafulelele mono neiyomo hekekemo tc lulukoko telele. "Tisase nobo mome telelele fako helo ifei le, to komo iyokléáfukeyo. Ei, helo le fei teko kame. 'Koto yoweito aeyo.' Teko kameto, to tei tuoko teko alooko yame. 'Yowelito, feikeyo. Koto fafuo sosowono.' Tei tuoko teko alooko yame tekota onuanoko!" Tiuta weliweli teko kalo, helo muku Tisaseko iyosokafulelele we youno tc to fele.
Koto hale tei tu lokonole kamo likoyale, helo le
19Tiuta weliweli halio bo elele tekota wesiowe Tisase tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Yowo Aeyo ekae e eme lowane, yo helo lokono fato, sosowono teko tc ekae e omo. Memeta helele hale emiele yo ekae e omoto, yoweito mukulo ekae ekeyo. Ei, memeta helele hale emiele Aeyo ekae e emeto, toko nanemoko, yo helo lokono fato, sosowono teko tc ekae e omo. 20Aeyo teli helo muku ae, yo helo lokono moso tc siofu teme. Teko siofu temeko, memeta helele emiele teli ekae e eme, yoko tc wee e eme, yoko fato tekoko lowane onokoko. Kimo hale hekeke you fei yoko tc weeikekeme, hale hekeke you belimo ekaeale toko iyo tekiolelele hale. Yo to hale teko ekaenao, nobo toko nane uwoflokoluwálokoko teko tc weeikekeme. 21Wó tane, Aeyo limaelc liouko eikoko titio seliko emeko, mene toto telelele eikoko bae e eme lowane, yo helo lokono fato, tekoko lowane e omo. Keli limaelc liouko mene toto telelele eikoko baeinokoko e omoto, yo tekoko liouko yoweito mukulo mene toto eikoko telelele bcbae e omo. 22To hale komokeyo. Aeyo teli lioule wanowo hcbc likamokaeikemeno. Ei, Aeyo lioule wanowo likamokaelelele hale, to hale emiele yo helo lokonole kamo beli hébeafu yale. 23Teko eleto, mome ekeyo. Ei, Aeyo to likamokaelelele hale yowo kamo yaleto, sosowono liou Aeyoko molaleko eiyoyo e ebe lowane, yoko fato, tekoko lowane molaleko eiyoyalokoko, yowo kamo tc yale. To tekoko. Teli yoko ko weale, helo hale onokoko. Yoweli helo hale elc lokono temo tekota keli yoko molaleko eiyoyakeyo eabeto, yo komo hcbc eabeno. Ei, yoko ko weolc Aeyoko fato, molaleko eiyoyakeyo."
24Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Keli yowo le leleleko, yoko ko weolc Liako muku somousomo mokeyu you molalekeabeto, to liou mene toto tekomo komo telelele bc liabekebe. Tekokotano komo bc liabekebe tekota kimo to liou likamokaelelele fakeya. Mokeyu, belimo to liou bese liou komo teleko, limaelelele monono hóóko foko telelelc. Mokeyu molalekeabetano, limaelelele mono bofialeko, mene toto tebi tekomo komo bc te te eabekebe. Teko teabekebe tekota to liou helo le biowale wesiowe nani likamokae teteko baelelele fakeya."
25Teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. To fako belimo bounokoko eleto, melou tebita bc bo uwofume tane. Melou elele fakono, liou, bese liou teteko, limae lioule monono hóóko foko tebe liou, yowo ese bc leleabekebe. Tane, keli yo Kotole lokono yowo eseko teko leleleko, mokeyu molalekeabeto, to liou mene toto tebi tekomo komo bc te boabekebe. 26To tekoko, Aeyo ya mena liouko mene toto baelc lia teme lowane, yoko fato, teko alookale, yo mene toto baelc lia teko tonokoko. To teko ele tekota, to liou yoko mokeyu molalekeabeto, mene toto tekomo komo telelele yo moso mena bc héabekebe.
27"Wó fei, yowelito, Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono tekota Aeyo yoko alookale, lioule wanowoko likamokaenokoko. 28Nobo teko koumo leko lelomuko muku ae likamokae ilikoloyeamu. Kimo fako somo bc boukekeme. To fakono yoweli bo héketenoko, to liou yamo beli limae wle telele liou emiele toko tc ákowáéikomo. Ākowáénao, yowo le leleleko, 29eikoko tc seliko héwlieabekebe. Seliko héwlialo, yoweli to lioule helo wanowo likamokaenoko, helo wesiowe nani tc baeikomo. To liou fio mena fei, mene toto nomo teleletano, wanowo yeketa ekaeko telele. Tekoko liou bc eikoko héwlialeko, helo wesiowe nani yeketa you, mene toto tebi tekomo komo telelele bc liabekebe. Wó fei liou mene toto nomo teleletano, wanowo biowale ekaeko telele. To liou fato, bc eikoko seliko héwlieabekebe. Seliko héwlialo, to liouko likamokaenoko, helo wesiowe nani biowalewólelele baenao tc liabekebe." Tisase to weliweliko teko tc koule.
Liou fei Tisasele le busu ko fuane elele, helo le
30Tisase teko kouoko le fei eikoko tc koule, helo likamokaelelele haleko. "Memeta helele hale yo ekae e omoto, yo yoweito mukulo ekae e omono. Ei, yoko alooko ko weolc Lia, helo mukulo ekae e omo. Teko ekae e omo tekota, likamokaelelele hale ekae e omoto, Aeyo yoko konono, yo tekoko lowane sosowono teko tc likamokae e omo. Tekoko lowane komo ekae e omo tekota, yo liouko teko likamokae e omoto, yowo likamokaeleleleto, hlasosowo youmo tc ekae e omo."
31Teko kouoko tc koule. "Wó tane, yoweli nosoma yowei tu leko ko fuanekoto, nobo yowo leko lele koko mokeyu hcbc molalekakono. 32Tekokolc, yo nosoma teko ko fuanekeyo. Ei, yoweito ókasosowo wanowo ko fifiyolc Lia fei fa teme, yowo Aeyo. Yo toko wenenoyomo. 'Aeyo yowo le busu lia teko temeko, mokeyu le komo tc ko ko e eme.'"
33-34Tisase to weliweliko teko kouoko tc koule. "Ya mena lia somo yowo leko ú hekekeyakeyo eikemeto, to you. Yowo Aeyele le komo, to bcsosowo. Bcsosowo tekokolc, yowo muku aeto, nobo yowo leko mokeyu molalekanuao, Koto noboko biowale mena li bo likoyanoko. Yo muku ae teko emo tekota yo nobo mukuko eikoko tio selikainokomo, ya mena lia somo, Tiono yowo le busu toko eikoko molalekeamukoko. Yo weneno, nobo helo ese mena le beli lelonunu. Nobo liou feiko beli alooko kou wlaenuao, Tiono moso tc felele. Feleko, yowo le busu beli lelelele. Leleleko hé bo ko fuanelo, to le you tc lelonunu. 35Tane, Tiono lamo hefo lowane tc há hefoyo tele. Hefo lowane teko hefoyo fe húó tewo, nobo to hefo nanonuko, nobo fato teno tc fe tonunu. To hefono fe tonuko tane, wio somo to hefono lakene fa tc tonunu. Lioume, nobo yowo le busu Tiono ko fuanele toko eikoko molalekanuko, mokeyu tc molalekalo. Nobo mokeyu teko koeamuto, Koto noboko biowale mena bc li bo likoyaneko ukoukekeme. Yowo muku aeto, Koto noboko teko onoko!"
36Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Tiono yowo le busu ko ko e eleto, to komokeyo. To hale Aeyo yowo kamo likoyawo, tc ekae e omo, to fato yowo le busu lowane tc tebe. Teko tebeko, to hale hekeke you, liou fei fa sosowo elelekeyo hale, to lomo Tiono helo le busu emieleko tc iyo tekio fe húó e ebe. To hale yowo le busu lowane fifi youno teko tc weou e ebe. 'Aeyo Koto teli Tisaseko ko weale tekota toko hekekeyoko tomo, to hale hekeke you tc ekae e eme.' Tane, to hale, yowo le busu lowane noboko teko tc weweou e ebe."
37Kouoko tc koule. "Wó fei, yoko ko weolc Aeyo fato, yowo le busu liouko beli ko fuane baele. Beli ko fuane baele tekokolc, nobo Aeyele le somo fa lelekeyo. Lele teteko Aeyoko nane wenenoyakeyo. Nabeo nabeo you. 38Yowelito, Koto ko weolc lia tekokolc, nobo yoko mokeyu molalekakeyo. Teko ekeyo tekota, nobei tuoko fifino tc likoyo omu. 'Aeyo helo le olc muku kemo tekeyo.' Fifino teko likoyo omu."
39Tisase to Tiuta weliweliko teko kouoko, le fei tc koule. "Nobo muku tekoko. 'To le Kotole le ko fuanelc liou nenekae eleleto, nobo to le teno sosowo úkowó wenenoyeomokomo, mene toto tekomo komo telelele helo monoto." Tekoko muku e omu tekota to bukuko tc hé úkowó teteko, mene toto tekomo komo telelele mono bukuno tc luluko luluko e omu. Teko e omulc. Hano, to le bukuno temeto, yowei tuo komo ko fuane e ebe. Mene toto tekomo komo telelele monoto, to yoweli. 40To le yoko teko ko fuane e ebe tekokolc, nobo yo moso bo teteko mene toto tekomo komo teleleleko yo moso mena héabikoko ekeyo. Ei, nobo tekoko muku fakeya."
41Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Wó tane, nobo yowo hí hé tokeyo e omuto, to you. Yo yowo hí lioule mene tino we youno teleleleko muku fa ekeyo. 42Ei, to le noboko teko koumo helo tibuto, yo noboko weneno fa. Nobo muku ae Koto moso siofu tekeyo. Nabeo. Nobo muku kemo tekoko lowane fa molalekakeyo. Noboko tekoko tibuno tc koumo."
43Teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo nobo moso boaleto, yowo Aeyo tei tu híno boalelc. Teli yoko ko weawo tc boale tekokolc, nobo yowo le lelekeyo. Toko lakene fakeya tonuko halekamo tc seanunu. Yowo leko halekamo teko seo e omu tekokolc. Lio lokono fei, tei tu híno nobo moso boukemeto, nobo to liako sao neenuko, helo le lakene fa bc leleamukomu. 44Hano, yoko mokeyu hcbc molalekeamuno. Ei, nobo muku ae teko molaleko e omu. "Yoweli haneno liou yowo wanowo naneleko yowo hí hé to oloko!" Teko molaleko omuko, teko molaleko e omuno. 'Koto somousomo you yowo wanowo naneneko, yowo hí hé to onoko.' Tekoko muku fakeya tomu tekota nobo yo Kotole híno bolc lia yoko mokeyu hcbc molalekeamuno."
45Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Nobo yoko teko molalekeamu. 'Kimo Tisase Aeyele mene tino héketeneko, oko busu le bc kaikekeme. "To liou le biowale ekaelc liou tekota helo le biowale wesiowe nani liloko!" ' Ei. Nobo teko molalekeamu. Yokeyo. Mosese teli noboko teko eikekeme. Mome hcbc eikemeno. Ei. Nobo nobei tuoko kofli le teko ko ko e omu. 'Oto Mosese nenele le emiele kckla fe e ebi tekota Koto oko lakene fa bc teme tane.' Teko ko ko e omu tekota Mosese teli noboko busu le bc kaikekeme, wesiowe nani lilokoko. 46Tibuto, Mosese helo le neneleto, yoko fa beli ko fuane nenele. Nobo helo leko úkowó wenenoyanunu tekokolc, toko mokeyu molalekakeyo. Mokeyu molalekakoto, nobo yoko fa mokeyu bc kako. 47Yoko mokeyu teko kakolc. Nobo Mosese helo leko mokeyu kakeyo tekota yoko fato mokeyu hcbc koeamuno." Tisase le hekeke Tiuta lioule weliweliko teko koule.

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Tion 5: SIA





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