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Tion 11

Lasalusu onuo hohaleo tele, helo le
1Tisaseme Tiotane wi wisonomokaemo teleletano, Betani sao mena lia, Lasalusu eyee fa tele. Helo kebieme himolc, Malia Mata fafuo to saono tc telele. 2Kimo to elo tanowé mali you fa héneko, Welifle Weno helo ikelino lelomokaneko, helo nani lieilo e hlolokaikemeto, to teli eyee fa liale kebio, Malia. 3Tane, Lasalusu eyee ae teko hluko tele tekota helo kebieme le Tisase moso tc ko wealele. "Welifle Weno, no to lia muku ae e emi eyee ae fa eko teme."
4-5Le teko ko wealo tc lelele. Mokeyu, Tisase Lasalusuko muku ae ele, helo kebieme Mata Malia fafuoko. Muku ae elelc, leleoko akomo fe nanekeyo. Teno nomo teoko tc kale. "To eyee Lasalusu moso temeto, to yamo wle telelele eyeekeyo. Ei, to eyee hluko temeto, Koto helo hekeke ae liou emielele mene tino fuaweono bo uwofuno, yo helo lokonole hí helo hí fafuoko li to olokoko tc hluko teme tane." 6Teko koeoko, bckomo fekeyo. Fako himolc fei nomo tele, to saonoto.
7Teno fiomo fako himolc nomo teleko, Tisase helo tukumo telc liouko tc koule. "Sei, nobo Tiulia yamo eiko fesoko!" 8Teko kawo, helo tukumo telc liou wesiowe tc kalele. "Hano Weoulc Welifle, beibeikeyo, tebita komo you Tiuta liou neleko tobekilo oto iyosokafuabikoko ebelelc. To metako tc kami, temo eiko fesoko leto?"
9-10Teko kalo, Tisase ifeli le loko tc koule. "Ne helo sako hefoyo teleleleno, to hale ekaelelele. Liou nelc hóó e ebeto, ne sakoko teme tekota fe wle e ebeno. Teko e ebelc, liou hefo fakeya bíkolcno hóólc liou, aleo hábomo fe e ebeno. Fe wle e ebe. Tane, ne nomo sakoko teme tekota hale elelele nomo teme."
11Teko kouoko, le fei tc koule. "Nobo wiao Lasalusu nomuku beli táko temelc. Yo to moso feikomo, mokwainokoko." 12-13Lasalusu helo onuoleleleko nomuku tálelele ifeli lelo teko koulelc, helo tukumo telc liou fifiyakeyo. Kokoúwáleko tc kalele. "Welifle Weno, Lasalusu nomuku táko temeto, to you. Helo eyee bc, youyaikekeme." 14Helo tukumo telc liou teko kokoúwálele tekota, fifi youno tc yale. "Lasalusu beli onuo hohaleo uwokamele. 15Yo tekeyono teko onuameleto, yo noboko molalekomoko lakene tc emo, helo onuolelele tolo nobo mokeyu koleleleko hekekewáinokoko." Teko kouoko tc koule. "Sei, nobo Lasalusu moso fesoko."
16Tisase teko kawo tane, Tomase helo hí fei Lilimusu le tukumo telc liou haneno tc koule. "You, nobo fato somomo seliko fesoko, Tisase fafuo fe limaesokokoko." Teko koeoko, emiele tc seliko felele, Tisase fafuo.
Tisaseto, eikoko selilelele, mene toto telelele helo tibu lia you, helo le
17Feleko, Tisaseme Betani sao towono you fe uwofuleko, le taole tc lelelele. "Lasalusu beli onuamele. Fako katukwiolc beli bau, tobeki kemo teme." 18Tane, Betani Tielusaleme sao towono hnowó telc, helo aloo 3 kilomita lowane. 19Towono tele tekota Tielusaleme saona Tiuta liou ae tc bo telele, Mata Malia fafuo. Helo lano onuawo, helo mukuko ekae hekekewóko teabikoko, to fafuo tc bo iliko telele.
20Mata Malia himo to Tiuta liou fafuo teko iliko tolo, Mata le taole tc lelele. "Tisase monono bc boko teme." To le leleoko, Maliako i mena bofio feoko, Tisaseko monono tc fe ihanenoyalele. 21Ihanenoyaleko tc kale. "Welifle Weno, no cneno tokoto, yowo lano hcbc onuakono. 22Toto nomo tokolc, yo weneno fa. Melou fato, no Kotoko sosowo úkekemi. No Kotoko halekoko úkemito, no úkemi lowane tekoko lowane sosowono bc eikekeme."
23Mata teko kawo, Tisase wesiowe tc kale. "Neno lano eikoko seli héketeneko, mene toto bc teikekeme." 24Teko kawo, wesiowe tc kale. "Seli, yo weneno. Lobuao fakono limae liou emiele eikoko selikeabeto, tekokotano Lasalusu fato, bc eikoko seli héketeikekeme."
25Kawo, Tisase tc kale. "Yowelito, eikoko selilelele, helo tibu you. Wó, mene toto telelele helo tibu fato, to yoweli. Yoko mokeyu kolc liou limae e ebeto, to you. Mene toto nomo tebe. 26Tane, to liou emiele mene toto tekomo komo telelele helo mokeyu kolelelelo hé e ebeto, hcbc limaeabeno. Mene toto tebi tekomo komo bc te boabekebe." Teko koeoko Matako tc leletiale. "No to leko mokeyu molalekami o?"
27Kawo, Mata tc kale. "Seli Welifle Weno, yo mokeyu beli molalekeale. Nenelito, Koto helo lokono, elele yano ko weolc Klaise Lia."
Tisase teimabi ae fa liouko mumuku eoko menowí tc síle, helo le
28Mata teko koeoko, Tisaseko bofio feoko imo tc eiko fele. Imo feoko, Malia moso towono feoko e tino le osowo tc kokwokwele. "Weoulc Lia towono bo temeko neleko ko boaneme tane." 29Kawo, Malia leleoko, akomo seli fele, Tisaseko fe naneinokoko. 30-31Tane, teko eleto, to Tiuta liou ae to fafuo teleko, mukuko ú hekekeyoko telc liou Malia teko seli fewo naneleko tc molalekalele. "Eleto, tobeki kemo menowí fe sínokoko, akomo tc seli feme tane." Teko kaleko tc kliko felele.
Tane, Tisase saomo nomo bokeyo. Mata toko ihanenoyalelemo teno nomo tewo, Malia teno tc bole. 32Tisaseko bo naneoko, helo ikeli tino tc fe wle blaiko tele. Wle blaiko teoko, menowí sísíko le tc úle. "Welifle Weno, no cno tokoto, yowo lano hcbc onuakono." 33Menowí sísíko le teko úwo, Maliale kimo kla bolele liou fato, menowí tc sínowóko telele. Teko eko tolo, Tisase helo menowí le lelewo, helo halioko neiyomo tc bcbekeo elele. Helo halioko teko bcbekeo olo, teimabi welie helo mukuno tc héle. 34Héoko tc leletiale. "To liako hobomo yamulu?" Kouwo tc kalele. "Welifle, omo bo fe nane." 35Kalo, Tisase leleoko menowí fa tc síle. 36Menowí fa síwo, to Tiuta liou toko naneleko, fei tc kalele. "Toko nanelo! To liako muku ae siofu teme tekota menowí síme tane." 37Teko kalo, fei tc kalele. "A! To lia teli belimo mene busukolc liako e youyale. Teko ele tekota, to sosowo. Ele liako fato sosowo e youyako, onuolamekoko. Toko ukekeyo, to metako?" Teko tc úko telele.
Lasalusu Tisasele hekekelo eikoko selile, helo le
38To lioule teimabi Tisase helo haliomo eiko bekealo tc felele. Feleko, to tobeki ke Lasalusuko hé fe yaleleno, temo fiomo tc felele. To tobeki ke helo ese tino tobeki ae welielo iyokoloko kwitiko yalele. Tane, temo fiomo fe uwofuleko, 39Tisase tc koule. "Iyokolokolc tobeki tiowanelo!" Kawo, to te lia helo kebio Mata tc kale. "Hano Welifle Weno, to fako katukwiolc beli bo femele. Tanowé ae you fa bc temelc!" 40Teko kawo, Tisase tc kole. "Yo neleko beli komoto, no hábomo lele fifiyakeyo o? No yoko mokeyu you molalekaikemito, no Koto helo hekeke ae welie welie you bc nane fuaweaikekemi!"
41Tisase teko kawo tane, to iyokolokolc tobeki ae welie tiowane felele. Teko olo, Tisase mene úwomo eikato naneko teoko tc úle. "Aeyo, no yowo úmo le beli lelemi tekota yo neleko ko lakene emo. 42Yo beli wenenoyeale, no yowo le tebi tekomo komo leleko te te emi. Yo tekoko weneno fa beli temo tekokolc, yo ele liou yo fafuo héwliabe toko molalekomoko tc úmo, to liou yoko teko mokeyu molalekalokoko. 'Ele liato, Koto ko weawo tc bo wlele, elele yano.' Ele liou yoko mokeyu teko molalekalokoko, neleko tc úmo."
43Kotoko teko úoko, Tisase le neiyomo hekekemo tc kuáko heliale. "Lasalusu! Seliniko, fifimo tc séko bo!" 44Bc kawo, to te lia selioko tc séko bole. To áko boloo, ikeli ka, loo emiele nani fako ele kwitiko telc fako tc séko bole. Fifimo séko bowo, Tisase liouko tc koule. "Mete áko boloo ele kwitikolc loloko wealo, mome fenokoko." Kouwo tc loloko wealele.
Tiuta weliweli Tisaseko iyosokafulelele le ú kukukalele, helo le
45Tisase teko ewo tane, to Tiuta liou Malia fafuo bolele, to liou fio mena liou tieli ae Tisase ele toko naneleko, Tisaseko mokeyu tc molalekalele. 46Tieli ae mokeyu molalekalelelc, fei, mene lomo nane wenenoyalele. Nane wenenoyaleko, eiko feleko, le Falisi liou moso tc hé fe ko fuane baelele.
47Teko fe ko fuanelo, leleleko, lakene ekeyo. Tekota ki yeelc weliweli, Falisi liou fafuo Tiuta lioule káúsolo liou fei emieleko tc kou kokalilele. Kou kokalilo, bo ilikaleko, teli haneno tc úlele. "Nobo ele liako haleko meiyósoko? To liou fei fa sosowo elelekeyo hale hekeke ekae e emeto, somo himolckeyo. Ei, ae fei fei lioule mene tino ekae e eme! 48Hano, nobo mene lomo nane kalokonao, to hale hekeke you nomo ekaeko teikemeto, liou ae, emiele komo emiele toko mokeyu bc koeabekebe. Hano, mokeyu kalo, Tisase to lioule welifle weno teko teikemeto, noboko hekaeko telc Lomo liou, to liou noboko halio biowale bc eabekebe. Noboko halio biowale eleko, helo bo liou bc kou wlaeabekebe. Kou wlaelo, nobo tébele i fako bc sáklio uwokeabekebe. Sáklio uwokaleko, nobo Tiuta liou fako bc ekae biowalewó uwokeabekebelc!"
49Tane, to káúsolo liou teko úleleno, to lioule helo somo fei, to Kaiafase. To mosowono Kaiafase ki yeelc welifle imasiou tc tele. Tane, le teko ú kukukaeko tolo, to lia tc koule. "Nobo kokoúwáó liou lowane tc úko tomu! 50Lioume, nobo hábomo likamokae wenenoyakeyo o? Lio lokono somo, to lomo nobo sao héneko, tc onuaikemeto, to yeketa, nobo Tiuta liou fei emiele limaelaikoko." 51Tane, Kaiafase teko kaleto, tei tu muku mena le kakeyo. Ei, elele mosowono teli ki yeelc welifle imasiou tele, tekoko tibuno Koto "Tisase lioule sao héneko onuaikekeme, Tiuta liou emieleko ukounokoko" le helo mukuno yale, ki yeelc welifle imasiou teli to le ko fuanenokoko. 52Tane, tekoko ko fuanelc leko, Tiuta liou komo ukouleleleko kakeyo. Ei, teko ukouleleleto, Koto helo lokoko wiya emielemo, hobomo te fe te bo e eabe, toko li boneko, somomo li toleainokoko tc onuaikekeme.
53Kaiafase tekoko le ko fuanele fakono komo, to weliweli Tisaseko iyosokafulele mono tc tiosiko likamokae kukukaeko telele. 54Teko kukukaeko telele tekota, Tisase to Tiuta lioule mene tino aleo fa hóó ekeyo. Helo tukumo telc liou fafuo tena bofialeko, lioukeya ya towono teno tc fe telele, Eflaime sao teno.
55Tisaseme teno teko teleleto, Koto Isclele Liouko Lalou Kalokale helo fako ae welie towono tc boko telele. Towono boko telele tekota, liou ae hobomo hobomo te eikolc liou, helo sao bofialeko tc bo to telele, Tielusaleme saomo. To fako nomo bokeyono, ifei le kale lowane ekae teteko, Kotole mene tino tetono fakeya teabikoko, teko tc ilika bo telele. 56-57Teko ilika bo tolo, ki yeelc weliweli, Falisi liou fafuo le hekeke somo teko tc yalele. "No keli Tisase hobomo fiomo bo teme naneikemito, oko bo ko fuanelo! O wenenoyaliko, toko titeiko faeko yeabikebi." To le teko yalele tekota, to ilikolc liou tieli ae tébele ino héwlieoko, naneko likoko teko, teli haneno le wábuno tc úko telele. "Nobo haleko molalekamu? Nobo fako ae welie helo ilikoleleleno, Tisase hcbc boukemeno fao?" Tei tu wábuno tekoko le tc úko telele.

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Tion 11: SIA





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