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Tion 10

Tisaseto, sibisibi ba fokokaelc lia yeketa you, helo le
1Tisase ifeli le mene bubusuwólc liouko kou baeoko, ifeli le fei tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Sibisibi ba amafu kemo fe teleleleno, keli to amafu wenebitimo séko fekeyo, mono you tabekeo teteko, mono fei mena to wleikemeto, to sibisibi helo fokokaelc liakeyo. Ei, to iwo lia lomo. To lio lokono feile heleale mene wi emeko, iwo tc elelele. 2Iwo lia lomo tekokolc, lio lokono fei amafu helo wenebitimo séko felelele liato, teli to sibisibi helo fokokaelc lia you. 3To teli amafu wenebitino bonono, to wenebiti heko telc lia toko nane teteko, 'To ba helo fokokaelc lia you bome tane' kaneko tiowane enono tc séko feikekeme. Kemo séko feneko, tei tu ba helo hí tc fe akae eikekeme. Akae enono, sibisibi helo ese leleleko, tc lele boabekebe. Lele bolo, tc li eleae feikekeme. 4Tei tu sibisibi emiele fifimo eleae feneko, teli nanimo feno, helo le kimo tc kla bolelele. Helo ese weneno fa tekota helo leko lele teteko helo kimo tc kliko felelele. 5Wó, lio lokono fei bo séko feneko, helo hí akaeikemeto, helo ese hcbc lele boabeno. Ei, helo eseko seli tekota luoko hliwá fe koko teabekebe."
6Tisase ifeli le teko ú baelelc, to liou helo tibu weneno fifiyakeyo. 7Weneno fifiyakeyo tekota ifeli le somo fei tc ele. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Yoweli lomo wenebiti, to sibisibi amafu helo wenebiti. 8Yo nomo bokeyono, yowo nanimo bo elele liou emiele, to sibisibi helo fokokaelc liou youkeyo. Ei, to iwo liou lomo, liou feile helealeko mene wi teteko tc li li e ebe lowane liou. To iwo liou tekota, mono fei mena toko wle eleko, akae elelelc, to ba helo ese lele bolelekeyo."
9-10Teko kouoko tc koule. "Tane, iwo liou amafumo to séko wle ebeto, to meta heleleko to séko wlelelekeyo. Sibisibi ba toko iwo li teteko, ekae biowalewó teteko, iyosokafu iyosokafu eabikoko tc e ebe. Sosowono, liou fei fato, Koto helo sibisibiko teko ekaeabikoko e ebe. Yowelito, nabeo. Yo boaleto, liouko ukounao, yeketafi yeketafi you tekomo komo teko te bo olokoko tc boale. Yowelito, wenebiti, Koto moso felelele wenebiti. Keli Koto moso teko feikemeto, to wenebitimo bc séko feno, Koto to liako biowale mena hé bo yaneko tc ukeikekeme, mene toto tekomo komo tonokoko. Sibisibi amafu wenebiti mena seséwó bo seséwó fe ebeko, be liko bekae bo, bekae fe e ebe lowane, yo Koto moso felc wenebiti yowo halelo bc ukoukomo. Teko ukounao, liou to mene toto tekomo komo telelele héabeto, meneolelele fakeya, yeketafi yeketafi you tebi tekomo komo te bo olokoko tc bo wleale."
11Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yowelito, sibisibi ba fokokaelc lia yeketa you. Sibisibi fokokaelc lia yeketa helo muku tekoko. 'Yo sibisibi ba fokokaelelele haleno onuainoto, you, sibisibi yeketa youmo tolokoko.' 12Fokokaelc lia yeketa helo muku teko temelc. Feito, sibisibi fokokaelc lia youkeyo. Ei, lio lokono feile sibisibiko tc hekaeko teme, tobeki linokoko. To sibisibi helo aeyo youkeyo, tobeki hale komo e eme tekota, amiti mena so biowale bonono naneleleto, helo sibisibi bako molalekolelekeyo. Teko molalekaikeme. 'Teko eko, yoko fa fukabolame!' Teko ko teteko, sibisibiko bofianeko luoko tc wóketa felele. Tekoko lowane enono, amiti mena so biowale sibisibiko bo ákeo fukabo enono, sibisibi fei luoko tc buakeo felelele. 13To ba hekaeko telc lia luoko wóketa feikemeto, helo tibu to tekoko. To helo bako mumuku ekeyo. Ei, to tobeki hale komo e eme lia."
14-15Teko kouoko tc koule. "To tobeki hale teko emelc, yoto nabeo. Yowelito, sibisibi fokokaelc lia mali you. Teko temoko, yowo sibisibiko weneno fa temoko, wesiowe yowo sibisibi yoko weneno fa. To sosowono Aeyo yo himo. Aeyo yoko weneno fa, wesiowe yo Aeyoko weneno fa, sosowono te lowane yo yoweito sibisibiko weneno fa, wesiowe yowo sibisibi yoko weneno fa. Tane, yowo sibisibiko weneno fa teko temoko, yoweito mene toto tc kaloko baeikomo, yowo sibisibiko ukounao, mene toto tekomo komo tolokoko. 16Yo teko ukounoto, yo ele sibisibi amafumo beli tebe komo ukoulelekeyo. Ei, sibisibi fei fifimo tebe fako ukoukomo. Akae kokalinao, yowo konalo leleleko, tc boabekebe. Bolo, linoko, somomo li toleo yaikomo, to sibisibi somomo you tolokoko. To sibisibi somomo teko tolo, helo fokokaelc lia fato, somo komo bc teikekeme. To yoweli. 17Yo to sibisibi helo fokokaelc lia teko tenoko, yowo mene toto tc kaloko baeikomo, onuonoko, eikoko seli héketeinokoko. Tekoko tibuno Aeyo helo muku ae yo moso tc siofu teme. 18Liou yoko teko iyosokafuabe tekokolc, yo 'You' kakeyo einoto, hcbc iyosokafuabeno. Ei, yowo mene toto yoweito kamo teme tekota yo yowei tu mukulo kaloko baekeyo einoto, hcbc iyosokafuabeno. Wó, mene toto eikoko selilelele fato, to yoweito kamo teme. To hale yowo Aeyo yoko abooko tc kole. 'Neneli toko hekae te.' Yoko teko kole tekota yowo onuolelele fako, yowo eikoko selilelele fako, to fako himolc yoweito kamo tebe." Tisase to liouko teko tc koule.
19Tiuta liou Tisase teko úle leko leleleko, muku fei fei eikoko tc likamokaelele. Muku somomo tekeyo tekota beteko himolc tc telele. 20To liou fio mena ae fei tc ko ko elele. "To liale le ú emeto, ésolo biowale tolo lelekwee e omo, tc ú e eme. To kokoúwáó lokono tekota nobo helo le leleamu!" 21Liou ae teko ko ko elelelc, beteko feito tc ko ko elele. "Ei, to helo le ú e emeto, to ésolo biowale fa liale ese lowanekeyo. To fei. Hanome! Ésolo biowale fa liato, mene busukolc liako sosowo e youyaikemeko? Ei, hcbeleno!" Teko kaleko, beteko himolc tc tio betekanelele.
Tisase "Yo Aeyo himeli, sosowono" kawo, liou toko iyosokafuabikoko elele, helo le
22Kimo lelebi fa telelele enikeneno, Tiuta lioule ilikolelele fako ae welie fei tc bole, to fakono belimo Tiuta lioule haume tébele iko tc alookalele, Koto helo i you tonokoko. Tane, liou to fako ae welie helo ilikolelele Tielusaleme saomo eko tolo, 23Tisase tébele i helo hábeo somo teno héketeko hóóle. To hábeo teko ko ko elele "Solomono helo hábeo" 24teno héketeko hóówo tane, Tiuta liou fei to moso boleko tc bo hóó eiko fateko héwlialele. Teko eleko tc leletialele. "No oko halekota ko fuane baeikemiko? Nenei tuoko himeneko teikemi! No Koto ko weolc Klaise Liakokoto, oko ko fuane bae!"
25Teko leletialo tc koule. "Yo noboko to le beli ko ko fuane bae eale. Nobo beli lelonunulc, mokeyu molalekakeyo. Yo hale hekeke you liou fei fa sosowo elelekeyo hale Aeyele híno eekae e omoto, to halelo noboko weweou e omo, yoto to lia. Noboko teko weou e omolc, mokeyu kakeyo. 26Nobo mokeyu kakeyo e omu, helo tibu tekoko. Nobo yowo sibisibikeyo. Nobo yowo sibisibi tokoto, yowo le bc leleko. Nobo yowo sibisibikeyo tekota yowo le lelekeyo. 27Yo yoweito sibisibiko weneno fa. To sibisibi yowo ese lele wenenoyo ebeko, yowo kimo tc kla bo bo e ebe. 28Wó tane, yo to sibisibiko mene toto tebi tekomo komo te bolelele tc bae e omo. Somo fa mali saomo hcbc feikeme. Ei, lio lokono somo yowo sibisibiko yowo ka mena hcbc hébekali li feikemeno. Sosowokeyo you! 29Yowo Aeyo to liou yowo kamo aboleto, tei tu hekeke memeta helele emiele helo hekekeko iyo tekikalo fe húó teme. Teko e eme tekota lio lokono somo fa Aeyele hekekeko iyo tekianeko to liouko helo ka mena hcbc hébekali li feikemeno. Sosowokeyo you. 30Wó tane, yo Aeyo himelito, fei feikeyo. Ei, olelito, sosowono komo."
31Tisase teko kouwo, to Tiuta liou leleleko, halio bo ae welie eleko, tobeki eikoko tc lilele, toko oto iyosokafuabikoko. 32Tobeki lilo, wesiowe Tisase tc koule. "To hale hekeke you Aeyo yoko ekaenokoko aboleto, tieli ae nobo mene tino ekae eale, hale yeketa you fei fei. Meta helele hale somo te fio mena molalekamuko, yoko tc oto iyosokafuabikoko omu?"
33Kawo tc hábealele. "O tobeki libito, neno hale hekeke you ekae enini toko iyosokafuabikoko ekeyo. Ei. Noto ya mena lia komo tekokolc, nenei tuoko teko kami. 'Yo Koto himeli, sosowono komo.' No nenei tuoko teko kamito, Koto helo híko biowaleyami tane! Tekoko tibuno o neleko tobekilo bc iyosokafuabikebi." Teko tc kolele.
34Kalo, wesiowe tc hábeale. "To metako yoko bo muku tc omu? Le ko fuanelc liou nobo ifei le neneleleto, to le Koto nobo haumeko koule to leko teko nenelele.#10.34 Sng 82.6 'Yo noboko teko koumo, "Noboto, koto tomu." ' 35Tane, Koto helo le you ya mena liouko baeleto, nobo haumeko baele. Baeoko, kimo to haume komo teko tc koule 'Noboto, koto tomu' leto. Koto kale le teko neneleleto, to le you nenelele. Helo fio somo fa, bofulelele fakeya. 36Koto nobo haumeko tekoko le beli koule tekota, yo Koto sosowono koumo leko bo muku meta omu? Aeyo yoko alookale, helo hale onokoko. Alookeoko, elele yano tc ko weale. Ko weawo bo wle teoko tc ko ko e omo. 'Yowelito, Koto helo lokono.' Yoweli to lokono temo tekota, nobo yoko metako ko ko e omu, 'To Kotole híko biowaleyame tane' leto? 37Lioume, yo yowo Aeyele hale ekaekeyo okoto, nobo yowo le mokeyu hcbc molalekakono. 38Tekokolc, yo to hale hekeke you liou fei fa sosowo elelekeyo hale nobo mene tino eekae e omo. Teko ekae e omo tekota nobo yowo weoulelele leko mokeyu molalekakeyo omuto, to hale hekeke yo ekae e omo toko nanonuko wenenoyalo. 'Woso mokeyu, Tisase Aeyo fafuo hnowó tebeko, somomo you tc tebe.' Teko nane wenenoyanuko, yoko mokeyu tc molalekalo."
39Tisase to liouko teko koule tekota, bo muku eikoko eleko, ákeo titeikeabikoko tc elele. Teko elelelc. Tisase tc iyohóólokafu fele. 40Iyohóólokafu feoko, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou fafuo feleko, Tiotane wi wisonomokaemo teno tc fe telele. Belimo Tiono liouko wino imasiou tiosiko hliko leiko telemo teno tc fe telele.
41Tisaseme teno fe tolo, liou ae Tisase moso tc bo bo elele. Bo eleko tc ko ko e elele. "Mokeyu, Tionole leto, mokeyu le! Belimo Tiono to liale le ú bae eleto, oko hale hekeke you liou fei fa sosowo elelelekeyo hale somo fa e weou ekeyo, to leko hekekeyainokoko. Teko ekeyo tekokolc, le emiele Tiono Tisaseko ko ko fuane bae eleto, mokeyu le komo ko ko fuane bae ele." 42Tekoko le ko ko eleko, temo fiomo liou tieli ae Tisaseko mokeyu tc molalekalele.

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Tion 10: SIA





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