Nutze deine Zeit für GottBeispiel

Beating the Clock
I have learned a few tricks to help me beat the clock. They may be helpful to you.
I realize that all my time is God's time and all my time is my time by His delegation. God owns me and my time. Yet, He has given me a measure of time over which I am a steward. I can commit that time to work for other people, visit other people, etc., but it is time for which I must give an account.
Time can be redeemed by concentration and focus. One of the greatest wastes of time occurs in the human mind. Our hands may be busy but our minds idle. Likewise, our hands may be idle while our minds are busy. Woolgathering, daydreaming, and indulging in frivolous fantasy are ways in which thoughts may be wasted in real time. To focus our minds on the task at hand—with fierce concentration—makes for productive use of time.
The mind can redeem valuable time taken up by ordinary or mechanical functions. For example, the mechanics of taking a shower are not difficult. In this setting, the mind is free for problem solving, creative thinking, or the composition of themes. Many of my messages and lectures are germinated in the shower. When I used to play a lot of golf, I found that the time I had between shots was a great time for composing messages in my mind.
Coram deo: Living before the face of God
Be conscious of where you focus your mind today. Try to redeem valuable time consumed by ordinary and mechanical functions by thinking of things of eternal value.
Die Heilige Schrift
Über diesen Leseplan

Eine viertägige Andacht von R.C. Sproul darüber, deine Zeit für Gott einzusetzen. Jede Andacht ruft dazu auf, in Gottes Gegenwart, unter seiner Autorität und zu seiner Ehre zu leben.
Vielen Dank an Ligonier Ministries für die Bereitstellung dieses Leseplans. Für mehr Informationen, besuche
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